Profiles of the Chinese Pig Industry

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摘要 USD Note Revenues Pigs sold 141.5 3 pigs sold a year Manure collected for fertilizer use 29 Opportunity cost Expenses Buy feeder pigs 21.5 Grain and protein meals 13.8 8% of feed Premixes 2.8 5 Kg total Labor 65 Normally not included Vets and drugs 7.3 Others 6.5 Depreciation 2.7 Net income before taxes 50.9 Net income 48.9 3-5% taxes and fees Net income per pig 16.3 Advantages to be a backyard producer · Enter or withdraw business to/from pig industry at essentially no cost. · Production flow is totally adjustable depending on market price. · Two or three pigs sold per year used to account for 30 to 40 percent cash income for her family but now may be down to only 10 percent. Disadvantages and constraints · No leverage power on inputs and products prices. · Diseases can cause serious problems and losses. · More difficult to find market and sell pigs due to higher cost of transportation,and the shift of food consumption patterns towards more meat have attracted more and more attentions from the rest of world on Chinese pork industry. This report attempts to depict the pig industry in China by exploring the production costs and major constraints of several swine producers. Key factors and issues will accordingly be stressed to illustrate what differentiates the Chinese pig industry from other countries’ and what direction the industry is heading infor the future. Case 1摘要,3 or 4 pigs a year could add a significant part of family revenue. Food grain (mainly wheat) was never enough for four young children in the early years. Selling a pig two or three times a year allowed for the purchases of other foods in return. Table 1. Operation Description of Ms. Yan’s 2-pig Farm. Items Note 1. Feeder Pigs- bought from local bazaars at about 15 to 23 Kg and about $0.85/Kg 2- or 3-way crossbred. Pay can be deferred as short-term debt. 2. Feed- only about 10% of the feed is grain
作者 admin
机构地区 不详
出处 《未知》 未知
出版日期 2009年08月19日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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