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2 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:大学生处于人生发展的关键期,是性生理和性心理逐渐成熟的时期,良好的性健康教育是十分必要且紧迫的。拟采用人工神经网络算法通过参考大量文献中的调查数据构建数据模型,通过构造的数据模型、根据高校学生的特点、输入特征值、选择出适合高校的性教育模式。

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  • 简介:摘要:针对处于人生发展时期的大学生。学校一直以来都是大学生获取知识、 提高素质的主要场所,对当代大学生进行性教育必须充分发挥学校的主阵地作用。性教育模式有很多种,包括课堂教育模式、校园文化模式、同伴教育模式、心理咨询模式、网络教育模式等。各种模式各有利弊、如何根据高校学生的自身特点、选择适合的性教育模式显得尤为重要。Absrtact:For college students in the period of life development. Schools have always been the main places for college students to acquire knowledge and improve their quality. To carry out sex education for contemporary college students, we must give full play to the role of schools as the main front. There are many modes of sex education, including classroom education mode, campus culture mode, peer education mode, psychological consultation mode, network education mode, etc. Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is particularly important to choose a suitable education mode according to the characteristics of college students.

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