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5 个结果
  • 简介:TransferofChineseFarmingLabourersAceleratesTheresultsfromarecentstudyshowthatinthepastfiveyears,thetransferofrurallabourersfr...

  • 标签:
  • 简介:express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language,Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example摘要,translaors should use free translation. Free translation is a translation skill which is active. But free translation can not add personal emotion to the original works. Translation must be acceptable which use free translation. And free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. If a translator wants to use literal translation and free translation proficiently

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Chinawillfaceareboundofgeneticallytransmitteddiseasesinnewbornsinthreetofiveyearsifthetrendofrapidlydecliningpre-maritalphysicalexaminationsisnotreversed,accordingtoGuXiulian,ViceChairmanoftheStandingCommitteeoftheNationalPeople'sCongress.

  • 标签: 中国 婚检 疾病预防 婚姻制度