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500 个结果
  • 简介:  做为制造业领先指标(通常是三个月)的保留进口,the retained import figure does give a relatively good indication of the direction of the manufacturing and electronic activities and as such the Singapore economy. The indicator that reflects the domestic demand is the non-oil imports. It fell 19.3% in July,turning points in the economy are signalled by three consecutive months of LEI changes in the same direction. This leading indicator is like a lighthouse

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  • 简介:  做为制造业领先指标(通常是三个月)的保留进口,is still down. It fell15.6% for 1998. This spells weak manufacturing and electronics figures in the following two quarters. July’s total trade figures fell 9.1%,turning points in the economy are signalled by three consecutive months of LEI changes in the same direction. This leading indicator is like a lighthouse

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  • 简介:当审计师无法确证公司的财务报表具有公正表达性时,the auditor certifies that the audited financial statements are prepared in accordance with of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and are able to fairly presentthe company's financial position at the end of the financial year and its performance as well as the changes in financial positions for the financialyear. An unqualified audit report is also known as a "clean" report. The BS is the statement that presents the company's financial position at the year-end. The company's performance and changes in financial positions for the year are respectively presented by the IS and the SCFP. For a financial year,公司在财务年度里的经营成果和财务状况变动的情况则分别由损益表及财务状况变动表来表达

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  • 简介:当审计师无法确证公司的财务报表具有公正表达性时,the auditor certifies that the audited financial statements are prepared in accordance with of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and are able to fairly presentthe company's financial position at the end of the financial year and its performance as well as the changes in financial positions for the financialyear. An unqualified audit report is also known as a "clean" report. The BS is the statement that presents the company's financial position at the year-end. The company's performance and changes in financial positions for the year are respectively presented by the IS and the SCFP. For a financial year,公司在财务年度里的经营成果和财务状况变动的情况则分别由损益表及财务状况变动表来表达

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  • 简介:Youareimpressedbyanadvertisement,sometimesjustforashortsentence,orjustaphrase,whichindicatesthespiritoftheparticularprod-uctorbrand.Wearegoingtoshowyouthepickofthem.ThisisourTop10.Enjoyit.

  • 标签: 初中 英语 学习辅导 广告词 句型结构
  • 简介:同学们.我们经常在一些体育节目里看到“甲队VS乙队”.“VS”就是“对抗比较”的意思.那么“全面调查VS抽样调查”就是要把两种不同的调查方式含义、各自的优缺点进行比较.并学会分析实际问题进而选择合适的调查方法.

  • 标签: 全面调查 调查抽样调查
  • 简介:一家晚报开展“什么是幸福”的调查活动,该报记者随机采访了街上的行人。一个悠闲的穷人说:“有钱就是幸福。”一个匆忙的富人说:“有闲就是幸福。”一个下岗工人说:“有工作就是幸福。”一个双目失明的姑娘说:“能看见东西就是幸福。”一个小学生说:“星期天妈妈能带我上公因玩,星期天就是幸福。”

  • 标签: 初中 语文 写作指导 写作素材
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  • 简介:路过一棵高大的橘子树,我们发现原本浓密厚实的嫩叶,怎么仅剩叶脉了?抬头看树上的叶子,竟然发现一只懒洋洋的绿色虫子,躲在叶子的背面,身子逐渐变小,即将成蛹了。再仔细看旁边的叶子,一、二、三……五,又发现五个蛹挂在树上,模样、纹路及颜色竟与橘叶没两样。“这是不是柑橘凤蝶的蛹呢?”想着,想着,

  • 标签: 叶子 田野调查 柑橘凤蝶 蝴蝶 橘子 叶脉
  • 简介:<正>1、通过裁判工作,增强体能。2、获得裁判员等级,有利发展。3、适应部队开展文体活动的需要。4、适应部队对人才的需要。5、提高裁判水平,向更高级别发展。6、表现个人裁判能力。7、通过裁判工作、丰富足球知识。8、提高观赏足球比赛的能力。

  • 标签: 裁判工作 思维判断能力 裁判能力 意志品质 足球比赛 足球竞赛
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