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19 个结果
  • 简介:Migraine,amoderatetoseverechronicheadacheoccurringononeorbothsides,isacommondiseaseaffectsyoungpeople.Althoughhearinglossinsubjectswithmigraineisnotrare,thecorrelationofmigrainewithhearinglossisnotclear.Inthisstudy,weexaminedhearinglossinyoungmigrainesubjectstodetermineifmigrainemaybeafactorincausingcochleardysfunction.Sevencollegestudentswithmigraineandthreeagematchedsubjectswithouthistoryofmigrainewereassessedusingextendedhighfrequencyaudiometryanddistortionproductotoacousticemissions(DPOAEs).Therewasnosignificantdifferenceinregularaudiomeirythresholdbetweenthemigrainegroupandthecontrolgroup.However,highfrequencyaudiometry(9-16kHz)showedthresholdsat25dBnHLorhigherinsixoutoftwentyearsinthemigrainegroup.TheamplitudeofDPOAEswerereducedformorethan10dBinthemigrainegroupincomparisonwiththecontrolgroup.ThesedatasuggestthatmigrainemayaffectcochleardysfunctionevidencedbythereducedamplitudeofDPOAEandhighfrequencypure-toneaudiometry.

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in people who use drugs (PWUD) is significant. We aimed to screen HIV infection among PWUD and describe their retention in HIV care. Besides, we also screen for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among HIV-seropositive PWUD and describe their linkage to care.Methods:We conducted a prospective study in 529 PWUD who visited the "Cañada Real Galiana" (Madrid, Spain). The study period was from June 1, 2017, to May 31, 2018. HIV diagnosis was performed with a rapid antibody screening test at the point-of-care (POC) and HCV diagnosis with immunoassay and PCR tests on dried blood spot (DBS) in a central laboratory. Positive PWUD were referred to the hospital. We used the Chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests, as appropriate, to compare rates between groups.Results:Thirty-five (6.6%) participants were positive HIV antibodies, but 34 reported previous HIV diagnoses, and 27 (76%) had prior antiretroviral therapy. Among patients with a positive HIV antibody test, we also found a higher prevalence of homeless (P < 0.001) and injection drug use (PWID) (P < 0.001), and more decades of drug use (P= 0.002). All participants received HIV test results at the POC. Of the 35 HIV positives, 28 (80%) were retained in HIV medical care at the end of the HIV screening study (2018), and only 22 (62.9%) at the end of 2020. Moreover, 12/35 (34.3%) were positive for the HCV RNA test. Of the latter, 10/12 (83.3%) were contacted to deliver the HCV results test (delivery time of 19 days), 5/12 (41.7%) had an appointment and were attended at the hospital and started HCV therapy, and only 4/12 (33.3%) cleared HCV.Conclusions:We found almost no new HIV-infected PWUD, but their cascade of HIV care was low and remains a challenge in this population at risk. The high frequency of active hepatitis C in HIV-infected PWUD reflects the need for HCV screening and reinforcing the link to care.

  • 标签: HIV Point-of-care Screening People who use drugs Retention in care Hepatitis C Dried blood spot Antiviral treatment
  • 简介:Objectives:Theaimofourstudyistoexaminevestibular-evokedmyogenicpotentials(VEMPs)elicitedbythegalvanicvestibularstimulationinthesternocleidomastoidmuscle(SCM)inhealthysubjectsforclinicalapplicationsofauditoryneuropathyorvestibularneuropathyinthefuture.Methods:WeenrolledsixteenhealthysubjectstorecordtheaverageresponsesofSCMtogalvanicvestibularstimulation(GVS)[current3mA;duration1ms]byelectromyography(EMG).SPSS18.0softwarewasusedtoanalyzetheobtaineddataformeanandstandarddeviation.Results:Inallhealthysubjectsmastoid-foreheadgalvanicvestibularstimulationproducedapositive-negativebiphasicEMGresponsesonSCMipsilateraltothecathodalelectrode.Thelatencyofp13was11.7±3.0ms.Thelatencyofn23was17.8±3.4ms.Theamplitudeofp13-n23was147.0±69.0mV.Theinterauralasymmetryratio(AR)ofp13,n23latencyandtheamplitudewasrespectively0.12±0.09,0.08±0.08and0.16±0.10.Discussions:GalvanicvestibularstimulationcouldelicitbiphasicEMGresponsesfromSCMviathevestibularnervebutnotfromtheotolithorgans.Galvanicstimulationtogetherwithairconductedsound(ACS)orboneconductedvibration(BCV)canelicitVEMPsandmayenablethedifferentiationofretrolabyrinthinelesionsfromlabyrinthinelesionsinvestibularsystem.

  • 标签: Galvanic VESTIBULAR stimulation VESTIBULAR NERVE Vestibular-evoked
  • 简介:AbstractSince the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, major innovative-oriented countries have adopted various science and technology innovation (STI) policies to address global public health challenges. Using data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development STI Database, this study analyzed international STI policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings revealed that the pandemic has dramatically stimulated the application of STI policies, and there are commonalities and differences in the STI policies of different countries. Meanwhile, COVID-19 has disrupted planning for allocating resources for STIs, leading to duplication and inefficiency. Based on the findings, this study recommends increasing research investment to address the long-term challenges of major infectious diseases, strengthening support for enterprises, promoting data sharing and openness, enhancing the internationalization of scientific research, strengthening scientific consultation and communication, and devoting more policy attention to vulnerable groups.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Organizational innovation Policy making Health policy
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Few data are available regarding the long-term case-fatality rate (CFR) among people living with HIV (PLWH) with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) disease. The aim of this study is to analyze the long-term CFR in patients with NTM disease and to identify risk factors for their death.Methods:A retrospective cohort study of 379 cases of microbiologically confirmed NTM disease in PLWH was conducted from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2020, in Shanghai, China. We used Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the log-rank test to compare the long-term CFR in patients with disseminated NTM (DNTM) and localized NTM disease. Univariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis and a stepwise Cox proportional hazards regression model were used to estimate the predictors of long-term CFR.Results:The cohort was followed up for a median of 26 months. The total CFR was 15.7% by one year and increased to 22.6% at 5 years after the diagnosis of NTM disease. The 5-year CFR of PLWH with DNTM was significantly higher than that of PLWH with localized NTM (26.7% vs 19.6% for DNTM and localized NTM disease, respectively). Older age [hazard ratio (HR)= 1.04, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02-1.06, P < 0.001], comorbidity (HR= 2.05, 95% CI: 1.21-3.49, P < 0.01), DNTM (HR= 2.08, 95% CI: 1.17-3.68, P < 0.05), and HIV viral load (HR= 1.32, 95% CI: 1.12-1.55, P < 0.001) were all independent risk factors for long-term CFR. In the subgroup analysis, time to culture positivity was negatively correlated with CFR in patients with DNTM (HR= 0.90, 95% CI: 0.82-0.98, P < 0.05).Conclusions:NTM was associated with a high long-term CFR in PLWH. Further approaches to prevent NTM disease in PLWH are urgently needed.

  • 标签: HIV/AIDS Nontuberculous mycobacteria Case-fatality rate Risk factor
  • 简介:IntroductionHIVserostatusdisclosurehasbecomeanentrycriterionforpreventionofsexualpartnersspread,soweaimedtoexaminetheprevalenceofdisclosureandassociatedfactorsamongpeoplelivingwithHIV/AIDS(PLWHA)inLiuzhouCity,GuangxiZhuangAutonomousRegion,southernChina.MethodsThePLWHAwithmaritalorregularsexualrelationshipwereeligibleforourstudy,andaself-designedquestionnairewasassignedtoalltheconvenientlysampledparticipants.Determinantsofdisclosurewereanalyzedusingchi-squaretestandbinaryLogisticregression.ResultsAtotalof425PLWHAwereincludedinthepresentstudy.Twohundredandforty-five(57.6%)disclosedtheirHIV-positivestatustotheirspouses/regularsexualpartners,while180(42.4%)didnot.Amongthe245informedspouses/regularsexualpartners,236(96.3%)hadreceivedtheHIVtestingandthepositiveratewas50.4%.Whileamongthenon-in-formedspouses/regularsexualpartners,63(35.0%)hadreceivedtheHIVtestingandthepositiveratewas3.2%.BinaryLogisticregressionanalysisindicatedthatage,area,monthlyincome,HIV/AIDSrelatedknowledgeandantiretroviraltherapy(ART)wereindependentlyassociatedwithHIVserostatusdisclosure.ConclusionsThedisclosureratewaslowinthisstudy.Astoitsinfluencingfactors,itisnecessarytoprovidecomprehensivedisclosureconsultingamongPLWHAlivinginurban,theelderlyorhighmonthlyincomeandemphasizethepropagandaonHIV/AIDSrelatedknowledge,expandcoverageforantiretroviraltherapy,soastoprovidescientificreferenceforpromotingHIVdisclosureandreducingtheHIVincidenceofspouses/regularsexualpartnersamongPLWHA.

  • 标签: 艾滋病毒 临床分析 转录病毒疗法 治疗方法
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:As COVID-19 spreads globally and affects people's health, there are concerns that the pandemic and control policies may have psychological effects on young people (age from 17 to 35 years). This psychological impact might vary in different countries, and thus we compared the prevalence of self-reported psychological distress, loneliness and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) among young people in the United Kingdom (UK) and China at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods:Data of this study came from two sources. One source was the first wave of COVID-19 study in Understanding Society, a special wave of the UK household longitudinal study, which provided the high-quality, national-wide representative panel data. The sample comprised 1054 young people. The other source was an online survey on the mental health of 1003 young people from Shanghai, a highly developed area in China. The questionnaire included questions on the prevalence of common mental disorders (cut-off score ≥ 4), loneliness and potential PTSS (cut-off ≥ 33). Univariable analyses were conducted to test the differences in the self-reported prevalence of psychological distress and loneliness between the two groups. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were run to explore the predictors of psychological distress and loneliness among all the young people from England and Shanghai.Results:Among the samples with self-reported psychological distress, the UK sample accounted for 34.4% (n=1054) and the Chinese sample accounted for 14.1% (n=1003). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Additionally, 57.1% of people in the UK and 46.7% in China reported that they sometimes or often felt lonely, of which the difference is statistically significant (p < 0.001). Regression analysis of the entire samples showed that nationality, gender, psychotherapy and loneliness were significant predictors of 12-item General Health Questionnaire scores, while the variables of age and living alone were not. Significant predictors of self-reported loneliness were the nationality, gender, age, living alone and psychotherapy. In China, 123 (12.3%) young people, 49 men (11.3%) and 74 women (13.0%), met the criteria of PTSS symptoms (cut-off scores ≥ 33). These scores were only collected in China.Conclusion:This evidence suggests that mental health and loneliness reported by young people were lower in China than that in the UK during the studied period. More research is needed to understand these differences. If the differential negative psychological impacts are confirmed, country-specific measures of prevention and intervention should be adopted to improve the mental health of young people under the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Mental health Young people Loneliness Posttraumatic stress symptoms
  • 简介:Objective:Toobservetheeffectofelectro-scalpacupunctureonglucosemetabolismofcerebralregionsinvolvingmentalactivityinhealthypeople.Methods:Atotalof6casesofvolunteerhealthysubjects(3malesand3females)ranginginagefrom22to36yearsweresubjectedtothisstudy.Changesofcerebralglucosemetabolismbeforeandafterelectro-scalpacupuncturewereobservedbyusingpositronemissiontomography(PET)andsemi-quantifyinganalysismethod.Electro-scalpacupuncturestimulation(50Hz,2rnA)ofMiddleLineofVertex(Dingzhongxian,顶中线,MS5),MiddleLineofForehead(Ezhongxian,额中线,MS1)andbilateralLateralLine1ofForehead(Epangyixian,额旁一线,MS2)wasadministeredfor30minutes.Thencerebralregionsofinterest(ROIs)werechosenandtheiraverageglucosemetabolismlevels(radioactivityof18fluorinedeoxyglucose)wereanalyzed.Results:Afteradministrationofelectro-scalpacupuncture,theglucosemetabolismlevelsinbilateralfrontallobesandbilateralcaudatenuclei,leftcingulategyrusandrightcerebellumincreasedsignificantlyincomparisonwiththoseofprestimulation(P<0.05).Conclusion:Electro-scalpacupunctureofMS1,MS2andMS5canincreasetheglucosemetabolismofcertaincerebralregionsinvolvingmentalactivityinhealthysubjects.

  • 标签: 电镀 头皮 针刺疗法 葡萄糖 新陈代谢 大脑
  • 简介:在四川省的Liangshan府,中国,有HIV感染的高流行,它在从注射药使用(IDU)的传播的模式的一个变化是反射的到异性爱的交际。然而,很少研究在多数Yi人口之中集中于HIV相关的异性爱的风险行为。这研究的目的是探索一个利已的性网络的特征并且估计随便性行为的流行。Yi村民(n=108)15-35年,报导了的人,在上一年以内性交至于他们的性行为和网络被会见。深入的会见和焦点组讨论在性标准上提供了增补信息。逻辑回归分析被用来计算unadjusted机会比率(ORs)和95%;信心间隔(CI)。大多数回答者报导了在他们的生活,和66.7%在一些时间有随便性别;报导多重性合伙。仅仅21.3%;曾经报导了使用了避孕套。在学习年期间,137个搭挡的一个总数涉及153性合伙。在报导性合伙之中,67.3%;从一种随便性关系发源。为在尺寸≥的部件的网络成员;3,56.9%;涉及并发的性合伙。从来没结婚了过(或:2.11;95%;CI:1.03-4.33)并且更年轻的年龄(或:0.89;95%;CI:0.83-0.95)两个都与在尺寸≥的一个部件被联系;3。尺寸(或:2.99;95%;CI:1.17-7.66),对(或:0.54;95%;CI:0.39-0.74),利已的性网络的弱部件的数字(或:30.04;95%;CI:6.47-139.46)并且性(或:0.19;95%;CI:0.06-0.67)都与在并发的性合伙被联系。为在四川省的Yi种族少数的HIV相关的干预必须因此探讨并发的性合伙并且支持避孕套使用。

  • 标签: 伙伴关系 艾滋病毒 并发性 休闲性 彝族 Logistic回归分析
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Central nervous system (CNS) symptoms after efavirenz (EFV) treatment in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could persist and impact their quality of life. We assessed the impact of EFV-based regimen replacement with elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (E/C/F/TAF), which is considered an alternative option for subjects who do not tolerate EFV. Most specifically, we assessed the safety and the efficacy of E/C/F/TAF and its effects on the participants’ neuropsychiatric toxicity symptoms in a real-life setting.Methods:A prospective cohort study was conducted among virologic suppressed HIV-positive participants receiving EFV-based regimens with ongoing CNS toxicity ≥ grade 2. The participants were switched to single-pill combination regimens E/C/F/TAF and followed up for 48 weeks. The neuropsychiatric toxicity symptoms were measured using a CNS side effects questionnaire, as well as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The primary outcome measure was the proportion of participants experiencing grade 2 or higher CNS toxicity after EFV switch off at weeks 12, 24, and 48. Secondary endpoints included virologic and immunological responses and the effect on fasting lipids at week 48 after switch.Results:One hundred ninety-six participants (96.9% men, median age: 37.5 years, median: 3.7 years on prior EFV-containing regimens) were included in the study. Significant improvements in anxiety and sleep disturbance symptoms were observed at 12, 24, and 48 weeks after switching to E/C/F/TAF (P < 0.05). No significant change in depression symptom scores was observed. At 48 weeks after switch, HIV viral load <50 copies/mL was maintained in all of the participants, median fasting lipid levels were moderately increased (total cholesterol [TC]: 8.2 mg/dL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C]: 8.5 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C]: 2.9 mg/dL, and triglyceride (TG): 1.6 mg/dL, and the TC:HDL-C ratio remained stable.Conclusions:The single-pill combination regimens E/C/F/TAF is safe and well tolerated. This study reveals that switching from EFV to E/C/F/TAF significantly reduces neuropsychiatric toxicity symptoms in people living with HIV with grade 2 or higher CNS complaints.

  • 标签: HIV Efavirenz Elvitegravir Tenofovir alafenamide Central nervous system
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:HIV/AIDS has transformed into a chronic controllable but not yet curable infectious disease as other chronic diseases to some extent. The additional of so called fourth 90% that included the improved health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for people living with HIV (PLWHIV) required solutions beyond antiretroviral therapy and viral load suppression. This study will explore the role of personality, social economic and prevention strategy effection on HRQoL among people living with HIV/AIDS.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted among PLWHIV aged more than 16 years old in the 10 municipalities in Yunnan Province, China from October 2019 to May 2020, enrolling total 1997 participants. Individual-level HRQoL data were measured by 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) and EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L). We assembled municipal-level data about social economic from Yunnan Statistical Yearbook in 2020 and strategy practice information from the self-evaluation system. We used the principal component analysis to build the social economic and strategy effect on each area respectively and one-way ANOVA was used to perform univariate analysis to identify the predictors with significant differences. Finally we used multi-level model (MLM) to explore the personality, social economic and strategy effects in health-related quality of life among PLWHIV.Results:The global score for quality of life measured using EQ-5D-5L had an estimated mean score (standard deviation, SD) of 0.901 ± 0.146. The HRQoL score measured using PCS-12 had an estimated mean score (SD) of 46.62 ± 8.55. The mean MCS-12 score (SD) was estimated to be 47.80 ± 9.71 . The area-level predictors explained a proportion of 13.6-17.2% for the between-area variation of the HRQoL scores, regardless of the total HRQoL, physical component and mental component. The impacts of stigma (P < 0.01), social support (P < 0.001), anxiety (P < 0.001), depression (P < 0.05) and social economic status (P < 0.05) on HRQoL at the individual-level were significantly different. The plots visualized the impact of individual-level factors on a respondent’s HRQoL was modified by the area-level characteristics.Conclusions:The study identified the possible strategy determinant of individual HRQoL of PLWHIV and also the area effect on HRQoL. Stigma, social support, anxiety, depression and social economic status were the individual-level determinants on HRQoL. These could be a valuable resource for evaluating the overall health of the areas and help improve local decision making.

  • 标签: Health-related quality of life HIV/AIDS Multi-level model Personality factor Social economic Prevention strategy
  • 简介:Thegenesfor5-lipoxygenaseactivatingprotein(ALOX5AP)andphosphodiesterase4D(PDE4D)havebeendemonstratedassusceptibilitygenesforlacunarintheIcelandicandPakistanipopulations,butlittleisknownabouttheroleofthesegenesinChinesepopulations.Thepresentstudyutilizedpolymerasechainreactionandligasedetectionreactiontodetectsinglenucleotidepolymorphisms(SNPs)in280consecutivestrokepatientsand258unrelatedpopulation-basedcontrolsfromNanjing,JiangsuProvince,China.Theallelefrequency,genotypes,andhaplotypesofthetwoSNPs(rs456009andrs966221)inPDE4Dweresimilarbetweenthetwogroups.However,Aallelefrequencyofrs4073259(A/G)andrs4769055(A/C)intheALOX5APgeneexhibiteddifferencesintwogroups,andespeciallythehaplotypeoftheSNPwassignificantlydifferentbetweenthetwogroups.ResultssuggestedthattheALOX5APgenemightbeinvolvedinlacunarinfarct,whilePDE4DgenewasnotariskfactorforlacunarinfarctinindividualsfromJiangsuProvince,China.

  • 标签: 中国人群 江苏省 腔隙 梗塞 单核苷酸多态性 聚合酶链反应
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Numerous studies have focused on lymphoma among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, little is known about the treatment options and survival rate of lymphoma in the Chinese people living with HIV (PLHIV). Our study aimed to investigate the prognosis and compare outcome of dose-adjusted etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and rituximab (DA-EPOCH-R) with standard cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone and rituximab(R-CHOP) as front line therapy for PLHIV with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) receiving modern combined antiretroviral therapy (cART).Methods:A retrospective analysis evaluating PLHIV with DLBCL was performed in Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center from July 2012 to September 2019. The demographic and clinical data were collected, and overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) analyses of patients receiving R-CHOP or DA-EPOCH-R therapy were performed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Additionally, a Cox multiple regression model was constructed to identify related factors for OS.Results:A total of 54 eligible patients were included in the final analysis with a median follow-up of 14 months (interquartile range [IQR]: 8-29 months). The proportion of high international prognostic index (IPI) patients was much larger in the DA-EPOCH-R group (n = 29) than that in the R-CHOP group (n = 25). The CD4 cell counts and HIV RNA levels were not significantly different between the two groups. The 2-year OS for all patients was 73%. However, OS was not significantly different between the two groups, with a 2-year OS rate of 78% for the DA-EPOCH-R group and 66% for the R-CHOP group. Only an IPI greater than 3 was associated with a decrease in OS, with a hazard ratio of 5.0. The occurrence of grade 3 and 4 adverse events of chemotherapy was not significantly different between the two groups.Conclusions:Outcomes of R-CHOP therapy do not differ from those of DA-EPOCH-R therapy. No HIV-related factors were found to be associated with the OS of PLHIV in the modern cART era.

  • 标签: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma HIV infection Overall survival Progression free survival
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Human epididymis secretory protein 4 (HE4) is a new ovarian cancer biomarker. The factors influencing HE4 levels are not clear, and the reference data in China are limited. Here, we aim to evaluate the effects of menopause and age on HE4 levels and to provide a possible reference value for HE4 in healthy Chinese people.Methods:A total of 2493 healthy females aged 40 years or older were recruited from March 2013 to March 2017 with the cooperation of four medical institutions across Beijing, China. The serum levels of HE4 and cancer antigen 125 (CA125) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test of variance and a stratified analysis were used to analyze the relationships among age, menopausal status, and levels of HE4 or CA125. Confidence intervals (5%-95%) were determined for reference ranges in different populations.Results:There was a statistically significant difference in median HE4 levels between the post-menopausal (n = 2168) and premenopausal groups (n = 325) (36.46 vs. 24.04 pmol/L, Z = -14.41, P < 0.001). HE4 increased significantly with age in the post-menopausal groups (H= 408.18, P < 0.001) but not in the pre-menopausal subjects (Z=-0.43, P= 0.67). The upper 95th percentile of HE4 levels were 44.63 pmol/L for pre-menopausal women, 78.17 pmol/L for post-menopausal women, and 73.3 pmol/L for all women. In the post-menopausal population, the HE4 reference ranges were 13.15 to 47.31, 14.31 to 58.04, 17.06 to 73.51, 24.50 to 115.25, and 35.71 to 212.37 pmol/L for different age groups from forty divided by decade. The CA125 level was affected mainly by menopausal status and not age.Conclusions:Menopausal status and age were both important factors influencing the level of HE4, and age affected HE4 levels mainly in post-menopausal women. The HE4 level was higher in the post-menopausal population than in the pre-menopausal population and increased with age.

  • 标签: Ovarian cancer Biomarker Human epididymis protein 4 Cancer antigen 125 Menopause status
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Lipid abnormalities are prevalent among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (PLWH) and contribute to increasing risk of cardiovascular events. This study aims to investigate the incidence of dyslipidemia and its risk factors in PLWH after receiving different first-line free antiretroviral regimens.Methods:PLWH who sought care at the Third People’s Hospital of Shenzhen from January 2014 to December 2018 were included, and the baseline characteristics and clinical data during the follow-up were collected, including total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The risk factors of dyslipidemia after antiretroviral therapy were analyzed with the generalized estimating equation model.Results:Among the 7623 PLWH included, the mean levels of TC, HDL-C and LDL-C were 4.23 ± 0.85 mmol/L, 1.27 ± 0.29 mmol/L and 2.54 ± 0.65 mmol/L, respectively, and the median TG was 1.17 (IQR: 0.85-1.68) mmol/L. Compared with that in PLWH receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) + lamivudine (3TC) + ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r), zidovudine (AZT) + 3TC + efavirenz (EFV), and AZT + 3TC + LPV/r, the incidence of dyslipidemia was lower in PLWH receiving TDF + 3TC + EFV. In multivariate analysis, we found that the risks of elevations of TG, TC, and LDL-C were higher with TDF + 3TC + LPV/r (TG: odds ratio [OR] = 2.82, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.55-3.11, P < 0.001; TC: OR = 1.24, 95% CI: 1.14-1.35, P < 0.001; LDL: OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.00-1.12, P = 0.041), AZT + 3TC + EFV (TG: OR = 1.41, 95% CI: 1.28-1.55, P < 0.001; TC: OR = 1.43, 95% CI: 1.31-1.56, P < 0.001; LDL: OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.12-1.25, P < 0.001), and AZT + 3TC + LPV/r (TG: OR = 3.08, 95% CI: 2.65-3.59, P < 0.001; TC: OR = 2.40, 95% CI: 1.96-2.94, P < 0.001; LDL: OR = 1.52, 95% CI: 1.37-1.69, P < 0.001) than with TDF + 3TC + EFV, while treatment with TDF + 3TC + LPV/r was less likely to restore HDL-C levels compared with TDF + 3TC + EFV (OR = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.92-0.97, P < 0.001). In addition to antiretroviral regimens, antiretroviral therapy duration, older age, overweight, obesity and other traditional factors were also important risk factors for dyslipidemia.Conclusion:The incidence of dyslipidemia varies with different antiretroviral regimens, with TDF + 3TC + EFV having lower risk for dyslipidemia than the other first-line free antiretroviral regimens in China.

  • 标签: Antiretroviral therapy Dyslipidemia Metabolic syndrome Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor Protease inhibitor