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  • 简介:摘要2019年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)公布了其最新的室上性心动过速管理指南,新指南结合近年来该领域内的最新进展,对各类室上性心动过速的治疗选择给出最新的推荐。该文从我国实际情况出发,结合既往指南,对新指南的重要推荐逐一进行解读和评述,以期为医务工作者能更好地理解和遵循指南提供帮助。

  • 标签: 心动过速,室上性 导管消融 药物治疗 妊娠心律失常
  • 简介:AbstractPsoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic, recurrent, systemic inflammatory disease induced by the combination of hereditary and environmental factors. The etiology of psoriasis involves hereditary, immune, environmental, and other factors, and its pathogenesis is considered to involve excessive proliferation of keratinocytes or inflammatory activation of synovial cells and chondrocytes within joints; these processes are caused by an immune response that is mainly mediated by T lymphocytes and various other immune cells. Psoriasis is an incurable disease, and the goal of treatment is to control the progression of disease and maintain long-term efficacy. Treatment protocols should be based on the patients’ conditions. Patients with mild psoriasis can be mainly treated with topical agents, and those with moderate to severe psoriasis can be treated with systemic medications. Targeted biological agents can be appropriately chosen for cases of psoriasis that are resistant to traditional systemic treatment. New drugs and treatments for psoriasis continue to evolve and emerge, and our updated guidelines are designed to deliver new achievements from China and physicians worldwide and to keep pace with global progress on psoriasis research. Compared with the previous two editions, part of contents have been modified and revised in the present guidelines; this will further facilitate standardization and increase the efficiency of the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis in China, and improve patients’ quality of life.

  • 标签: psoriasis guidelines diagnosis treatment standardization efficiency
  • 简介:摘要A recent epidemic of pneumonia cases in Wuhan China was caused by a novel coronavirus with strong infectivity, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The article provides the pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) methods in the principle of 4S (simple, safe, satisfy, save) for patients with pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, shows how to establish a ventilative and convectional PR environment to prevent the spread of virus through droplets, how to guide the patients to carry out PR, how to carry out respiratory muscle training, effective cough, expectoration, sneeze, general exercise, digestive function rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation, and how to clean and disinfect the PR environment.

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  • 简介:Iwouldliketostartoutthiseditorialbyreviewingforthereadermyviewofwhatguidelinesare.IlikethedefinitionputforthbytheInstituteofMedicine(IOM).Theydefineguidelinesas“systematicallydevelopedstatementstoassistpractitionerandpatientdecisionsaboutappropriatehealthcareforaspecificclinicalcircumstance”.Ithinktheoperativewordsinthisstatementisto“assistthepractitionerandpatient”.ThereforeguidelinesaretheretoaidwithclinicaldecisionmakingandasfarasIknowarenotmandatoryorenforced.

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  • 简介:GeneralInformation,FrontiersofMaterialsScience(FOMS)isapeerreviewedinternationaljournaljointlypublishedbyHigherEducationPressandSpringer.Itfocusesonthelatestpioneeringstudiesinallaspectsofmaterialsscience.CategoriesofcontributionareReview/Mini-ReviewArticles,ResearchArticles,andCommunications.OnlymanuscriptsinEnglishareaccepted.Nopagechargeislevied,andeventheextracostsassociatedwithcolorfigurereproductionarenotexpectedtobemetbytheauthor.

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  • 简介:1THEJOURNALTheJournalpublishesoriginalpapersinallfieldsofsustainabledevelopment.Papersarepeer-reviewedaccordingtothegenerallyacceptedcriteriaforscientificwork.

  • 标签: 可持续发展 同行评审 科研工作 论文
  • 简介:PublishedbyChinaInstituteofInternationalStudies,ChinaInternationalStudiesisChina'sfirstEnglish-languagejournalondiplomacyandinternationalpoliticsforformalcirculation.ThemagazinemainlypublishesthelatestresearchachievementsofChinesescholarsandspecialistsonChina'sdiplomacy,internationalpoliticsandinternationalrelationsundersuchcolumnsasChina'sDiplomacy,International

  • 标签: 《中国国际关系研究》 期刊 杂志 撰稿
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  • 简介:PublishedbyChinaInstituteofInternationalStudies,ChinaInternationalStudiesisChina’sfirstEnglish-languagejournalondiplomacyandinternationalpoliticsfor

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