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15 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractThe management of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) before 34 weeks of gestation is intractable, due to pulmonary immaturity, many complications, poor pregnancy outcomes. In particular, the pre-viable PPROM (<23 weeks of gestation) is much more difficult to be treated. The clinical recommendation is to terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible. The pregnancy outcomes of PPROM in the early second-trimester of two twin pregnant women in our hospital were reported to explore the treatment protocols. The pregnancies of the two women developed PROM at 12 and 16 weeks of gestation, respectively. After expectant treatment, they were deliveried successfully at 34+6 and 34+4 weeks of gestation, respectively. The assessment of growth and development of infants was normal during the following six months after birth. Therefore, if PPROM occurs in the early second-trimester of pregnancy, the management of PPROM should be individualized, it’s a long process which should include comprehensive communication between patients and families regarding alternative treatment options (including expectant management) and risks and benefits of the procedure. In the absence of spontaneous labor or occurrence of complications that would prompt delivery (intra-amniotic infection, abruptio placenta, cord prolapse), and fetal status is normal, the patients should proceed with expectant treatment, induction of labor is commonly performed in pregnancies with PPROM ≥34 weeks of gestation.

  • 标签: Pregnancy trimester second Prelabor rupture of membranes Twin pregnancy Expectant treatment Intra-amniotic infection
  • 简介:AbstractMode of delivery in twin gestation has been a matter of debate for decades. In 2013, the only randomized controlled trial concerning mode of delivery in twin gestations was published, answering some of the most pressing questions in this matter. The Twin Birth Study randomized patients carrying dichorionic-diamniotic or monochorionic-diamniotic twins, with the first twin in cephalic presentation, between 32 and 39 weeks of gestation, to planned vaginal vs. planned cesarean delivery, and found no significant differences in perinatal or maternal outcomes. These clinical findings greatly benefit our clinical practice, but there lacks related study investigating how the practices have changed. In this review, we searched PubMed from 1980 through January 2021 using combinations of the following terms: twin, delivery, vaginal delivery, and cesarean section. We will try to address the known literature before and after the publication of the Twin Birth Study in western countries and compare that to what has been practiced in China.

  • 标签: Twins Delivery Vaginal delivery Cesarean section
  • 简介:AbstractPreterm parturition is the consequence of pathological signals that activate the common pathway of parturition and considered as a syndrome. Many risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB) have been identified. Two significant risk factors for sPTB are history of prior sPTB and short cervical length at midtrimester. 17 hydroxyprogesterone caproate, vaginal progesterone, cerclage, and pessary have all been studied for prevention of sPTB. Difference in patient populations likely contributes to the conflicting study results. Further studies are needed to establish strategies in prevention of sPTB in singleton as well as multiple pregnancies.

  • 标签: Preterm birth History of sPTB Cervical length Vaginal progesterone 17 Hydroxyprogesterone caproate Cerclage Pessary Multiple gestations
  • 简介:AbstractThe time of birth is a critical determinant of perinatal and long-term outcomes, and even trans-generational effects. Preterm birth is still the leading cause of infant mortality and morbidity. Unfortunately, rates of preterm birth remain high worldwide. Preterm parturition is a complex syndrome, which can be induced by several factors such as infection, cervical pathology, uterine overdistension, progesterone deficiency, vascular alterations (utero-placental ischemia, decidual hemorrhage), maternal and fetal stress, allograft reaction, allergic phenomena, and probably other several unknown factors. The mechanisms responsible for early labor activation have been partially identified and involve receptors, chemokines, and inflammatory cytokines. It is very useful to understand the cellular and biochemical pathways responsible for preterm labor activation to identify, treat, and prevent negative outcome in a timely manner. Researchers and clinicians play a key role in improving biochemical knowledge on preterm delivery, identifying risk factors, and applying multilevel preventive strategies.

  • 标签: Premature birth Biological pathways Inflammation Prevention strategies
  • 简介:AbstractPreterm labor (before 37 weeks’ gestation) is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity, which can be divided into iatrogenic preterm labor, infectious preterm labor, and spontaneous preterm labor (sPTL). Up to now, there continue to be great difficulties in prediction and prevention of sPTL, owing to multiple risk factors, pathogenesis, and pathologic processes contributing to the event, which have not been fully clarified. Pregnancy maintenance and parturition is a complicated process with continuous maternal-fetal dialogue, in which both maternal and fetal factors participate and affect the outcome of pregnancy, including sPTL. Besides, external factors can also participate in sPTL, individually or through the interaction with internal factors. In this article, we summarize recent studies regarding sPTL from our and other groups, and discuss the risk factors and pathogenesis of preterm birth from both external and internal (maternal and fetal) aspects, so as to provide theoretical evidences for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of sPTL in the future.

  • 标签: Obstetric labor premature Maternal factor Fetal factor Maternal-fetal crosstalk External factor
  • 简介:Thispaperstudiesatwostagesupplychainwithadominantupstreampartner.ManufactureristhedominantpartnerandoperatesinaJust-in-Timeenvironment.Productionisdoneinasinglemanufacturinglinecapableofproducingtwoproductswithoutstoppingtheproductionforswitchingfromoneproducttotheother.Themanufacturerimposesconstraintsonthedistributorbyadheringtohisfavorableproductionschedulewhichminimizeshismanufacturingcost.Distributorontheotherhandcaterstoretailers'orderswithoutincurringanyshortagesandisresponsibleformanagingtheinventoryoffinishedgoods.Adheringtomanufacturer'sschedulemayleadtohighinventorycarryingcostsforthedistributor.Distributor'sproblem,whichistofindanoptimaldistributionsequencewhichminimizesthedistributor'sinventorycostundertheconstraintimposedbythemanufacturerisprovedNP-HardbyManojetal.(2008).Therefore,solvinglargesizeproblemsrequireefficientheuristics.Wedevelopalgorithmsforthedistributionproblembyexploitingitsstructuralproperties.Weproposetwoheuristicsandusetheirsolutionsintheinitialpopulationofageneticalgorithmtoarriveatsolutionswithanaveragedeviationoflessthan3.5%fromtheoptimalsolutionforpracticalsizeproblems.

  • 标签: 库存成本 合作伙伴 生产成本 供应链 上游 序列
  • 简介:OBJECTIVE:Ameta-analysisofpublishedrandomizedcontrolledtrialsinvestigatingthelongtermeffectofdexamethasoneonthenervoussystemofpreterminfants.DATASOURCES:OnlineliteratureretrievalwasconductedusingTheCochraneLibrary(fromJanuary1993toJune2013),EMBASE(fromJanuary1980toJune2013),MEDLINE(fromJanuary1963toJune2013),OVID(fromJanuary1993toJune2013),Springer(fromJanuary1994toJune2013)andChineseAcademicJournalFull-textDatabase(fromJanuary1994toJune2013).KeywordswerepreterminfantsanddexamethasoneinEnglishandChinese.STUDYSELECTION:Selectedstudieswererandomizedcontrolledtrialsassessingtheeffectofintravenousdexamethasoneinpreterminfants.Thequalityoftheincludedpaperswasevaluatedandthosewithoutthedevelopmentofthenervoussystemandanimalexperimentswereexcluded.QualityassessmentwasperformedthroughbiasriskevaluationinaccordancewithCochraneHandbook5.1.0softwareintheCochraneCollaboration.ThehomogeneousstudieswereanalyzedandcomparedusingRevman5.2.6software,andtheneffectmodelwasselectedandanalyzed.Thosepapersfailedtobeincludedinthemeta-analysisweresubjectedtodescriptiveanalysis.MAINOUTCOMEMEASURES:Nervoussysteminjuryinpreterminfants.RESULTS:Tenrandomizedcontrolledtrialswerescreened,involving1,038subjects.Amongthem512casesreceiveddexamethasonetreatmentwhile526casesservedasplacebocontrolgroupandblankcontrolgroup.Meta-analysisresultsshowedthattheincidenceofcerebralpalsy,visualimpairmentandhearinglossinpreterminfantsafterdexamethasonetreatmentwithin7daysafterbirthwassimilartothatinthecontrolgroup(RR=1.47,95%CI:0.97–2.21;RR=1.46,95%CI:0.97–2.20;RR=0.80,95%CI:0.54–1.18;P>0.05),butintelligencequotientwassignificantlydecreasedcomparedwiththecontrolgroup(MD=-3.55,95%CI:-6.59to-0.51;P=0.02).Preterminfantstreatedwithdexamethasone7daysafterbirthdemonstratedaninci

  • 标签: 地塞米松 早产儿 随机对照试验 听证会 神经系统损伤 MEDLINE
  • 简介:AbstractPreterm birth (PTB) is defined as delivery before completing 37 weeks of gestation. It is the main cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in the most countries. The inherent cervical length and strength are two main features of the cervix that determine whether or not a pregnant woman is at risk for PTB. Routine transvaginal cervical length screening was recommended for women with singleton pregnancy and history of prior spontaneous PTB, while the issue of universal cervical length screening and the screening in multiple gestations remain an object of debate. Strain sonoelastography and shear-wave sonoelastography have been used to evaluate the cervical stiffness in pregnant women, but the predictive value for PTB still requires further investigations. In this review, we will discuss the measurement methods of cervical length and cervical stiffness, and compare the value of cervical assessment by transvaginal ultrasound for predicting PTB in asymptomatic women.

  • 标签: Premature birth Cervical length Cervical stiffness Elastography Pregnancy Screening
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To evaluate the ability of cervical length (CL) at 28-32 weeks of gestation to predict spontaneous preterm delivery and preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM).Methods:It was a retrospective cohort study that vaginal ultrasonography at approximately 28-32 weeks of gestation was performed in 14,953 women between 17-49 years old with singleton pregnancies who delivered after 28 weeks of gestation at the Peking University First Hospital from June 2008 to December 2012. The pregnancy outcomes were followed and the relationship between the CL and preterm delivery or PPROM was assessed. The relative risk was calculated to assess group differences in the likelihood of an event occurring.Results:The overall prevalence of preterm delivery was 5.7% (858/14,953); the incidence for therapeutic preterm delivery was 2.1% (318/14,953), for spontaneous preterm delivery was 0.9% (133/14,953), and for PPROM was 2.7% (407/14,953). Excluding the 318 women who had therapeutic preterm delivery, the relative risk of preterm delivery for women with a CL between 25 mm and <30 mm, between 15 mm and <25 mm, and <15 mm was 3.7, 9.3, and 30.2, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of CL ≤25 mm at 28-32 weeks of gestation as the cut-off value for predicting preterm delivery were 19.8%, 97.5%, 23.4%, and 96.9%, respectively. For preterm delivery before 35 weeks of gestation, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of a CL ≤ 25 mm at 28-32 weeks of gestation as the cut-off value were 30.0%, 97.2%, 11.8%, and 99.1%, respectively. In addition, women with PPROM (n = 407) had significantly shorter CL (31.9 ± 7.4) mm at 28-32 weeks of gestation compared that of women without PPROM (34.0 ± 8.3) mm. The incidence of PPROM in women with a CL ≤25 mm at 28-32 weeks of gestation (19.4%, 79/407) was significantly lower than that for women with a CL >25 mm (80.6%, 328/407, P < 0.05).Conclusion:CL at 28-32 weeks of gestation can predict spontaneous preterm delivery, and is valuable for predicting PPROM.

  • 标签: Cervical length measurement Preterm delivery Pregnancy trimester third Forecasting
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is associated with high neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, the influences of cesarean section (CS) on neonatal outcomes in preterm pregnancies complicated with PPROM are not well elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of delivery modes on neonatal outcomes among pregnant women with PPROM.Methods:A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in 39 public hospitals in 14 cities in the mainland of China from January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011. A total of 2756 singleton pregnancies complicated with PPROM were included. Adverse neonatal outcomes including early neonatal death, birth asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), pneumonia, infection, birth trauma, and 5-min/10-min Apgar scores were obtained from the hospital records. Binary variables and ordinal variables were respectively calculated by binary logistic regressions and ordinal regression. Numerical variables were compared by multiple linear regressions.Results:In total, 2756 newborns were involved in the analysis. Among them, 1166 newborns (42.31%) were delivered by CS and 1590 newborns belonged to vaginal delivery (VD) group. The CS proportion of PPROM obviously increased with the increase of gestational age (χ2 = 5.014, P = 0.025). Compared with CS group, VD was associated with a higher risk of total newborns mortality(odds ratio [OR], 2.38; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.102–5.118; P = 0.027), and a lower level of pneumonia (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.126–0.811; P = 0.016). However, after multivariable adjustment and stratification for gestational age, only pneumonia was significantly related with CS in 28 to 34 weeks group (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.120–0.940; P = 0.038). There were no differences regarding to other adverse outcomes in the two groups, including neonatal mortality, birth asphyxia, Apgar scores, RDS, pneumonia, and sepsis.Conclusions:The proportion of CS of pregnant women with PPROM was very high in China. The mode of delivery does not affect neonatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated with PPROM.

  • 标签: Preterm premature rupture of membranes Cesarean section Vaginal delivery Perinatal outcomes
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To characterize and compare the microbiome signature in the maternal, intrauterine, and fetal environments and the associated bacterial species in women who experienced preterm birth and term birth.Methods:A total of 140 women with singleton pregnancies were enrolled in this study. Among them, 31 experienced spontaneous preterm delivery (gestational age < 37 weeks), and 28 of them experienced vaginal delivery at term. Maternal peripheral blood, saliva, and vaginal discharge samples and fetal membrane, amniotic fluid, and cord blood samples were collected immediately after delivery under sterile conditions. DNA was isolated from the fetal membrane and umbilical cord blood samples, and the V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was sequenced. The sequence data were quality-filtered, chimera-checked, and organized into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on phylogeny. Principal coordinate analysis of beta diversity measures was used for visualization. The linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) algorithm and Wilcoxon test were used to differentiate the microbiomes found in the fetal membranes and cord blood in the cases of preterm birth.Results:OTU analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed similar microbiomes in the maternal peripheral blood, amniotic fluid, fetal membranes, and cord blood. However, the LEfSe algorithm revealed significantly different bacterial compositions in the fetal environment between the preterm and term groups, with some of the bacterial species originating from the maternal peripheral blood or saliva.Conclusions:The bacteria in the intrauterine and fetal environments may originate from other body sites through hematogenous transmission, and may cause the occurrence of preterm birth.

  • 标签: Hematogenous Transmission Microbiome Preterm Birth 16S rRNA Gene
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This study aimed to determine: (1) whether recurrent deliveries of a small for gestational age (SGA) neonate are associated with increased obstetrical or neonatal complications; (2) whether the risk factors that can predict small for gestational age (SGA) recurrence.Methods:This study was based on Soroka Medical Center' s Obstetrics electronic database. The database consisted of 109 022 women who had 320 932 deliveries between the year 1988-2014.The study cohort included 6.8% (7 368/109 022) of these patients who gave birth to a singleton SGA neonate on their first delivery and had more than one delivery. The study population was divided into two groups according to the outcome of the subsequent delivery: (1) women with sporadic SGA who delivered a non-SGA neonate (n= 5 416); (2) women with recurrent SGA (n = 1 952). SGA defined as birthweight <10th percentile. Maternal and neonatal complications were compared between the two groups. Logistic regression was used to determine independent risk factors for SGA recurrence.Results:The prevalence of birthweight <5th percentile was higher among the recurrent SGA group in the first delivery (P < 0.001). Bedouin ethnicity was more prevalent in the recurrent SGA group (P < 0.001). The rate of preterm delivery was higher in the first delivery of the recurrent SGA group (P = 0.015). The sporadic SGA group had a higher rate of perinatal mortality during the first pregnancy (P= 0.017). The rate of severe hypertension (P= 0.005), polyhydramnios, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, nonreassuring fetal heart rate and total perinatal mortality (P < 0.001) were higher in the second delivery of the recurrent SGA group. In a logistic regression model, preterm delivery and birthweight <5th percentile at the first delivery was found to be independent risk factors for recurrence of an SGA neonate in the subsequent birth (relative risks:1.530, confidence interval: 1.249-1.875; relative risks:1.826, confidence interval: 1.641-2.030, respectively).Conclusion:Women with recurrent SGA neonates have specific clinical characteristics. Among women who deliver an SGA neonate, preterm delivery, and birthweight <5th percentile are independent predictors for its recurrence.

  • 标签: Fetal growth retardation Maternal outcome Neonatal outcome Recurrence Risk factor Small for gestational age
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Delivery room resuscitation assists preterm infants, especially extremely preterm infants (EPI) and extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI), in breathing support, while it potentially exerts a negative impact on the lungs and outcomes of preterm infants. This study aimed to assess delivery room resuscitation and discharge outcomes of EPI and ELBWI in China.Methods:The clinical data of EPI (gestational age [GA] <28 weeks) and ELBWI (birth weight [BW] <1000 g), admitted within 72 h of birth in 33 neonatal intensive care units from five provinces and cities in North China between 2017 and 2018, were analyzed. The primary outcomes were delivery room resuscitation and risk factors for delivery room intubation (DRI). The secondary outcomes were survival rates, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and risk factors for BPD.Results:A cohort of 952 preterm infants were enrolled. The incidence of DRI, chest compressions, and administration of epinephrine was 55.9% (532/952), 12.5% (119/952), and 7.0% (67/952), respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that the risk factors for DRI were GA <28 weeks (odds ratio [OR], 3.147; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.082-4.755), BW <1000 g (OR, 2.240; 95% CI, 1.606-3.125), and antepartum infection (OR, 1.429; 95% CI, 1.044-1.956). The survival rate was 65.9% (627/952) and was dependent on GA. The rate of BPD was 29.3% (181/627). Multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors for BPD were male (OR, 1.603; 95% CI, 1.061-2.424), DRI (OR, 2.094; 95% CI, 1.328-3.303), respiratory distress syndrome exposed to ≥2 doses of pulmonary surfactants (PS; OR, 2.700; 95% CI, 1.679-4.343), and mechanical ventilation ≥7 days (OR, 4.358; 95% CI, 2.777-6.837). However, a larger BW (OR, 0.998; 95% CI, 0.996-0.999), antenatal steroid (OR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.379-0.880), and PS use in the delivery room (OR, 0.273; 95% CI, 0.160-0.467) were preventive factors for BPD (all P < 0.05).Conclusion:Improving delivery room resuscitation and management of respiratory complications are imperative during early management of the health of EPI and ELBWI.

  • 标签: Extremely preterm Extremely low birth weight infants Delivery room resuscitation Survival rate BPD Risk factors
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