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4 个结果
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Border malaria is one of the most intractable problems hindering malaria elimination worldwide. Movement of both the human population and anopheline mosquitoes infected with Plasmodium spp. can cause cross-border malaria transmission. The Yunnan border area was still hyperendemic for malaria in the early part of this century. The objective of this case study was to analyze the strategies, interventions and impacts of malaria control and elimination in the Yunnan border area.Main text:A total of 10,349 malaria cases and 17.1 per 10,000 person-years of annual parasite incidence (API) were reported in the border area in 2003. Based on natural village-based stratification, integrated interventions, including mass drug administration for radical cures and preventive treatment, clinically presumptive treatment of all febrile patients for malaria and indoor residual spraying or dipping bed nets with insecticides were successfully carried out from 2003 to 2013. The overall API was reduced to 0.6 per 10,000 person-years by 2013, while effective cross-border collaboration interventions dramatically reduced the malaria burden in the neighbouring border areas of Myanmar. From 2014 forward, the comprehensive strategy, including universal coverage of surveillance to detect malaria cases, a rapid response to possible malaria cases and effective border collaboration with neighbouring areas, successfully eliminated malaria and prevented reintroduction of malaria transmission in the Yunnan border area.Conclusions:In Yunnan malaria burden has successfully reduced by dynamically accurate stratification and comprehensive interventions; and then the region achieved elimination and prevented reintroduction of malaria transmission through intensive surveillance, rapid response and border collaboration. Other border areas should perform their own intervention trials to develop their own effective strategy.

  • 标签: Malaria Control Elimination Border area International collaboration Yunnan China
  • 简介:摘要目的从发文时间、期刊、基金资助和引文角度对近20年冠状病毒遗传学研究的整体布局分析,识别该领域的核心研究机构及其合作网络,挖掘当前的研究热点。方法在PubMed和Web of Science数据库分别检索2003—2021年冠状病毒遗传学研究文献及其引文数据,利用Excel软件对文献的分布年代、机构分布和基金资助进行分析,再选择Citespace软件进行机构合作网络和文献同被引聚类分析。结果冠状病毒遗传学研究的文献在2020年有爆发式增长。载文量排名前10的期刊累计收录了23.4%的相关文献。在该领域发表文献最多的机构是中国科学院,前10所高产机构中,中国机构共有7所。在合作网络中,中国科学院、香港大学和圣保罗大学具有较高的中介中心度。基金资助论文的总被引次数和篇均被引次数均高于无基金资助论文。同被引聚类分析显示近20年共出现了7个研究热点,近5年仍活跃的为"中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒的基因序列和功能受体研究"、"新型冠状病毒的基因溯源与药物研发"和"美国突发性猪流行性腹泻病毒的基因分型、溯源和经济影响"。结论未来几年甚至更长久时期内,冠状病毒遗传学研究将处于一个持续高位阶段;发表相关领域高影响因子(IF>5.00)期刊论文有一定难度;中国科研机构在该领域研究非常活跃,尤其以中国科学院和香港大学最具影响力,他们与其他机构合作关系也最为紧密;关于冠状病毒的基因溯源、基因序列和功能受体以及药物研发极有可能是该领域研究前沿,我国政府应在该领域提前布局,加大相关科研基金立项数量和资金支持力度。

  • 标签: 冠状病毒 共被引分析 SARS-Cov-2 遗传学 文献计量分析