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12 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractSpondyloptosis in the clinic is rarely reported. We herein present a 47-year-old female, who suffered from a crush injury directly by a heavy cylindrical object from the lateral side. She was diagnosed to have traumatic L3 spondyloptosis with multiple traumas. Staged surgical procedures were conducted and a three-year follow-up was obtained. Eventually, normal spinal alignment was restored, and neurological deficits were gradually improved. At three years follow-up, the motor strength scores and function of the sphincters were incompletely improved. Previously published reports on traumatic lumbar spondyloptosis were reviewed and several critical points for management of this severe type of spinal injury were proposed. First, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral junction were mostly predilection sites. Second, numerous patients involving traumatic lumbar spondyloptosis were achieved to American Spinal Injury Association grade A. Third, lumbar spondyloptosis was commonly coupling with cauda equina injury. Finally, the outcomes were still with poorly prognosis and recovery of patients was correlation to spondyloptosis severity. Based on this case report and literatures review, we highlighted that the spinal alignment restoration relying on staged operations and following rehabilitation hereof are both important once facing with multiple traumas. Furthermore, we suggested to perform routine CT angiography during lumbar spondyloptosis to justify whether there are large vessel compression or injury.

  • 标签: Spondyloptosis Multiple trauma Fracture dislocation American Spinal Injury Association Lumbar spine
  • 简介:AbstractGastric carcinoma is extremely rare in pregnancy and the prognosis for this malignancy tends to be dismal. We herein describe a case of gastric cancer in pregnancy to alert clinicians to this rare possibility. A 29-year-old woman developed abdominal spastic pain and diarrhea during the 26 weeks of gestation and her condition was confusing and hard to recognize. The patient was initially misdiagnosed as enterogastritis and inflammatory intestinal obstruction and was finally confirmed by exploratory laparotomy with intestinal and peritoneum metastases. Because the disease was not detected early enough and progressed rapidly, the pregnancy was terminated by cesarean section at 30 weeks of gestation, and then followed by systemic chemotherapy, but eventually succumbed to the lethal pneumonia. Therefore, it is of great significance to alert clinicians to note this rare possibility and to consider the differential diagnosis of this disease in pregnant women with a long course of gastrointestinal symptoms that cannot be explained by pregnancy alone, and cancer should be suspected and tested with sophisticated diagnostic procedures.

  • 标签: Pregnancy Differential diagnosis Gastric cancer Prognosis
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  • 简介:摘要:本文从《习近平用典》中典故的出处和解读入手,分析已有的官方译文所采用的翻译方法并进行分类,并试着对政治文本中典故翻译的一般性规律进行总结,探讨出如何更好地翻译政治文本中的典故,以期为政治文本中的典故英译提供借鉴。

  • 标签: 政治文本 典故 翻译方法 习近平用典
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  • 简介:AbstractPost-burn contractures are common entities seen in developing countries. There are multiple reasons for the development of contractures, most are preventable. In extensive contractures, a strategic plan is necessary to release all contractures and yet not antagonize post-operative positions. It is also necessary to be cost-effective and minimize the number of surgeries needed. Conventionally the release sequence in extensive burn contractures is proximal to distal. In this case report, we discuss an unusual sequence where we released distal contractures before the proximal to achieve optimum results. A 3-year-old child with post-burn contracture of hand, wrist, elbow, and axilla was treated in 2 stages, with the release of wrist contracture and cover with pedicled abdominal flap in the first stage and division of pedicled flap with the release of axilla and elbow contracture in the second stage. Thus, the release of all contractures was achieved without antagonizing post-operative positions and minimized the number of surgeries. A case-based approach may be crucial in making a strategic surgical plan to minimize the rehabilitation phase, rather than following known dictums.

  • 标签: Burns Post-burn contractures Upper limb Release sequence
  • 简介:摘要:近年来,民族音乐的传承与发扬得到了进一步的重视。然而我们所追求的并不拘泥于“继承或传统”二字,更多的是希望民族音乐能够“流行与发展”起来。流行音乐之所以流行有它独特的魅力,它的受众广泛,主题紧跟时代脉搏,得到很多初中生的喜爱也是自然现象。由此看来,把流行音乐和民族音乐打通、融合教育是非常重要的。本文中的案例是在西北风歌曲的学习过程中,借用数字技术环境下的工具---库乐队,帮助学生进一步体会和感悟民族音乐与流行音乐在风格上可以互相影响,由此改变学生对民族音乐的固有看法,激发他们对当代民族音乐发展的期盼,产生自我内心的想法。

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  • 简介:摘要:颈椎病是常见病、多发病,严重影响人们的日常生活及工作。而针灸具有舒筋通络、活血止痛之功效,可有效改善颈部血液循环,缓解局部疼痛、僵硬、麻木等症状,从而改善颈椎部分生理功能。临床中发现传统针灸疗程较长,而将王氏针灸和脐针理论相结合选取相应穴位治疗颈型颈椎病,可以明显缩短疗程,甚至取到立竿见影的效果。故本文报告3例临床中采用王氏针灸和脐针理论相结合治疗颈型颈椎病病例,以供临床针灸学者及医务人员参考。

  • 标签: 颈型颈椎病 王氏针灸 脐针疗法 临床研究
  • 简介:摘要:本文章运用思辨的思维,探索生物计算的能力在城市设计中的应用。多项科学研究已经证实了多头绒泡菌的智慧和其生物计算能力,这种单细胞生物及其生物生长规律现象揭示了其计算和设计城市网络的可能性。本研究是基于多头绒泡菌的生长以及它的集体智能特性成为设计工具的途径。在没有大脑但有记忆有机体的情况下,我们收集了多头绒泡菌这个单细胞生物的分布式记忆,并假设它可以成为重新定义城市空间推理的替代方式。为了研究多头绒泡菌生物计算能力在城市设计中的应用,我们在生物体的不同尺度上进行了观测实验,并折射到城市和建筑尺度上来测试结果。因此,本研究试图提出一种基于生物计算方法的非常规设计新方法,作为重新定义和重组国土系统的推测机制。

  • 标签: 多头绒泡菌 城市设计 仿生算法 参数化设计