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  • 简介:AbstractPatients with acute infectious respiratory illness may emit bio-aerosols containing pathogens to infect susceptible hosts, including other patients and healthcare workers. This study aimed to design the pediatric isolation (PI) bed and evaluate its purification effect on aerosols and microorganisms in the air in experiment rooms and verify the general wards' purification efficiency. The PI bed is connected to a purification device that surrounds the child's head to prevent contaminants' spread into the room. We test the purification effect of the PI bed in the experiment room and verified the purification effect of the PI bed in the hospital. The results showed that PI beds in the demonstration ward presented purifying effects on both smoke particulates and microorganisms like Staphylococcus albus (S. albus) and H1N1 virus. The Aerosol in the room in the hospital was then detected to validity the purification rate. Therefore, Isolation beds could be used in hospitals to reduce the risk of nosocomial infection to protect the health of doctors, patients, and visitors.

  • 标签: Pediatric isolation Purification effect Particulate Aerosol Bacteria H1N1 viruses
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  • 简介:摘要:针对给定设计条件下的离心式雾化喷嘴进行了结构优化设计,分别对比分析了螺旋槽数、螺旋槽截面、整流锥形状、出口直径等几何参数对介质出口特性的影响。结果表明,对于不同结构的雾化喷嘴,流通面积等比例增大或螺旋槽头数增加时,流阻增加导致出口流速增大。

  • 标签: 离心式喷嘴 仿真模拟 结构优化
  • 简介:摘要:为了宣传嘉兴红色文化,弘扬红船精神,本文将细致分析嘉兴红色文化与文创产品设计两者的微妙关系,设计出一系列具有宣传与教育意义的文创产品,将嘉兴红色文化通过文创产品作为载体的形式展现,不仅对嘉兴红色文化宣传具有积极的促进作用,也有利于嘉兴当地经济的发展。 关键词:嘉兴红色文化 文创产品设计 红船精神 Abstract:In order to publicize Jiaxing red culture and carry forward the red boat spirit, this paper will analyze the subtle relationship between Jiaxing red culture and cultural and creative product design, design a series of cultural and creative products with publicity and educational significance, and show Jiaxing red culture in the form of cultural and creative products, which not only plays a positive role in promoting the propaganda of red culture in Jiaxing, but also is beneficial to the development of local economy in Jiaxing. Keywords:Jiaxing red culture Cultural and creative product design Red boat spirit

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  • 简介:摘要:绿色工业建筑设计,是指工业建筑可以通过合适的设计手段有效地节省自然资源的使用,且环保、减轻空气污染,给人类创造良好、适宜、有效的使用空间环境,并在建筑设计的安全生命周期内同自然环境和谐共存的建筑设计。《工业建筑节能设计统一标准》GB51245-2017的实施,将建筑节能设计思想由民用建筑延伸到了工业建筑,覆盖了整个建筑行业;工业建筑节能潜力巨大,设计思想及技术方法,都需要思考与转变。如何把工业建筑转变成绿色建筑,是设计师和建设者共同的考虑和努力的目标。本文主要分析绿色工业建筑的电气设计的方法与要求。

  • 标签: 绿色 工业建筑 电气设计
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:High sodium intake is an important risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease. However, the association between gut microbiota composition and metabolomic profiles with dietary sodium intake and blood pressure (BP) is not well-understood. The metabolome, microbiome, and dietary salt intervention (MetaSalt) study aimed to investigate microbial and metabolomic profiles related to dietary sodium intake and BP regulation.Methods:This family-based intervention study was conducted in four communities across three provinces in rural northern China in 2019. Probands with untreated prehypertension or stage-1 hypertension were identified through community-based BP screening, and family members including siblings, offspring, spouses, and parents were subsequently included. All participants participated in a 3-day baseline examination with usual diet consumption, followed by a 10-day low-salt diet (3 g/d of salt or 51.3 mmol/d of sodium) and a 10-day high-salt diet (18 g/d of salt or 307.8 mmol/d of sodium). Differences in mean BP levels were compared according to the intervention phases using a paired Student's t-test.Results:A total of 528 participants were included in this study, with a mean age of 48.1 years, 36.7% of whom were male, 76.8% had a middle school (69.7%) or higher (7.1%) diploma, 23.4% had a history of smoking, and 24.4% were current drinkers. The mean arterial pressure at baseline was 97.2 ± 10.5 mm Hg for all participants, and significantly decreased during the low-salt intervention (93.8 ± 9.3, P < 0.0001) and subsequently increased during the high-salt intervention (96.4 ± 10.0, P < 0.0001).Conclusions:Our dietary salt intervention study has successfully recruited participants and will facilitate to evaluate the effects of gut microbiota and metabolites on BP regulation in response to sodium burden, which will provide important evidence for investigating the underlying mechanisms in the development of hypertension and subsequent cardiovascular diseases.Trial registration:The study was registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry database (ChiCTR1900025171).

  • 标签: Dietary sodium Metabolome Microbiota Blood pressure Hypertension
  • 简介:摘 要:随着我国城市的不断发展,以多功能综合、全方位服务以及一体化空间为基本特征的城市轨道交通枢纽在中国的大型城市中得以广泛应用。其不仅能够提供各种交通形式的综合换乘,还能够提供购物、餐饮、娱乐等商业服务,优化城市土地和空间资源,完善城市功能。但随着轨道交通枢纽建筑的功能和使用人群逐渐增加,使得其产生了一系列复杂的设计问题,本文就轨道交通枢纽的建筑设计进行了=分析。

  • 标签: 多功能 空间特征 复杂性
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  • 简介:摘要:离心式空压机市场需求量大,外资企业仍然占有市场的大部分份额,沈鼓通过自主研发,开发出满足API672标准的空压机,现针对执行API672标准的空压机产品进行案例分析。

  • 标签: 离心压缩机 API672 产品案例 有限元分析
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:COVID-19 can lead to increased psychological symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety among patients with COVID-19. Based on the previous mindfulness-based interventions proved to be effective, this protocol reports a design of a randomized controlled trial aiming to explore the efficacy and possible mechanism of a mindful living with challenge (MLWC) intervention developed for COVID-19 survivors in alleviating their psychological problems caused by both the disease and the pandemic.Methods:In April 2021, more than 1600 eligible participants from Hubei Province of China will be assigned 1:1 to an online MLWC intervention group or a waitlist control group. All participants will be asked to complete online questionnaires at baseline, post-program, and 3-month follow-up. The differences of mental health status (e.g. PTSD) and physical symptoms including fatigue and sleeplessness between the COVID-19 survivors who receiving the online MLWC intervention and the control group will be assessed. In addition, the possible mediators and moderators of the link between the MLWC intervention and target outcomes will be evaluated by related verified scales, such as the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire. Data will be analyzed based on an intention-to-treat approach, and SPSS software will be used to perform statistical analysis.Discussion:The efficacy and potential mechanism of MLWC intervention in improving the quality of life and psychological status of COVID-19 survivors in China are expected to be reported. Findings from this study will shed light on a novel and feasible model in improving the psychological well-being of people during such public health emergencies.Trial registrationChinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR), ChiCTR2000037524; Registered on August 29, 2020, http://www.chictr.org.cn/showproj.aspx?proj=60034.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Internet Mindfulness-based intervention Mental health Randomized controlled trial China
  • 简介:摘要:当代新媒体技术是艺术与科学技术的大融合,其不断升级的新形态,已成为现代展示设计研究的重要课题。在当代展示设计中新媒体技术已成为不可缺少的技术手段。新媒体的沉浸式动态交互,在使观众获得全新的观展体验的同时,也大大促进了企业产品的展示效率与推广目标的实现。新技术也大大缩减了传统静态展示空间对物理材料消耗,节约了大量资源。本文主要通过对新媒体技术在展示设计中的运用案例,以及技术应用分析,来促进数码影像技术、多媒体交互技术、虚拟现实技术的创新与实验开发。

  • 标签: 新媒体技术 展示设计 应用研究
  • 简介:摘要:本系统基于西门子wincc6.0与西门子S7-400系列PLC设计的工程监控系统,成功的实现了烧结烟气脱硫系统的远程控制与上位机监控,满足了生产的工艺要求。该系统投入使用后,运行稳定减排郊果明显。

  • 标签: S7-400 PLC wincc 烟气脱硫 
  • 简介:摘要:本文主要介绍了地铁车辆基于架控制动供风系统的故障分析及优化。国内目前正线运营的地铁车辆中有近2/3的车辆使用的是架控型制动供风系统,其具有优秀的制动性能和灵活的控制逻辑,但地铁车辆在运营过程中得制动安全性和制动故障的处理效率需要进一步提高,因此对地铁车辆制动供风系统存在的问题进行详细的系统分析和研究,研究问题的根本所在,采取针对性措施,从而降低地铁车辆运营过程中的制动供风系统故障,对保证地铁车辆正常运营有重要意义。

  • 标签: 地铁车辆 制动故障 供风系统
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  • 简介:摘要:大学专业课程思政教育的关键是教师有意识、有计划地将思政元素与教学设计的各个环节深度融合,将符合社会主义核心价值的思想和观念有机融入教学过程。本文以药理学课程的“镇痛药”作为教学设计案例,具体探讨在学习目标的设置、教学内容的选择、教学活动开展以及教学反思等环节中将课程思政与专业课深度融合的教学设计思路与方法。

  • 标签: 课程思政 教学设计 药理学 镇痛药 吗啡
  • 简介:摘要: Motor-Cad是十分强大的电机设计分析工具。本论文基于Motor-Cad设计了某功率型号的外转子直驱式轮毂电机并对其性能进行了研究,电机采用永磁同步电动机,相对于传统的车用驱动电机,这种电机具有高效、高功率密度、结构简单紧凑等一系列优点,特别适合作为车用电机使用,对其性能的研究也表明,设计的电机能够完全满足电动车使用要求。

  • 标签: 外转子 直驱式 轮毂电机 永磁同步电动机
  • 简介:摘要:医疗标识导向系统的设计是一个循序渐进的过程,目前缺少对医疗建筑标识的使用后评价的反馈,导致某些同样的问题不断在各地各类医院项目中反复出现。本文基于医疗建筑标识系统使用后评价开展主观性使用后评价调研,总结出适合作为设计准则的现代医疗标识系统的评价标准。通过对现代医疗建筑标识系统的标准化及精细化研究,逐步搭建完整的医疗建筑标识系统设计标准体系,为相关设计人员提供高效、高品质的医疗建筑环境设计平台,同时促进我国医院建设和医疗建筑标识设计的不断修正和提高。

  • 标签: 医疗建筑标识系统 设计模式 使用后评价 评价标准