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  • 简介:AbstractThe developmental origins of health and disease theory states that environmental stresses during the early stages of life influence health and risk of developing non-communicable diseases throughout the lifespan of an individual. Developmental plasticity is thought to be a possible underlying mechanism. Here, I discuss a contrasting but complementary genetic hypothesis regarding the developmental origins of health and disease theory: crosstalk between the genomes of the parents and offspring is responsible for shaping and adapting responses to environmental stresses, regulating early growth and predisposition to non-communicable diseases. Genetic variants that are beneficial in terms of responses to early life stresses may have pleiotropic detrimental effects on health later in life, which may change the allele frequencies driven by selection on a population level. Genetic studies on the cohort of children born after assisted reproduction could provide insight regarding the genetic mechanisms of the developmental origins of health and disease theory.

  • 标签: assisted reproduction DOHaD genetic pleiotropy non-communicable diseases positive selection
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To summarize the main updated evidence about the health effects of air pollution, with a special focus on Southern Europe.Data sources:Literature was obtained through PubMed Central and the official websites of European Agencies and Scientific Societies.Study selection:Recent shreds of evidence about the health effects of air pollution coming from international reports and original research were collected and described in this review.Results:Air pollution is an avoidable risk factor that causes a huge burden for society, in terms of death, health disorders, and huge socio-economic costs. The southern European countries face a more threatening problem because they experience the effects of both anthropogenic pollutants and natural dusts (particulate matter [PM]). The European Environment Agency reported the number of premature deaths in the 28 countries of the European Union attributable to air pollutant exposure in the year 2016: 374,000 for PM2.5, 68,000 for nitrogen dioxide, and 14,000 for ozone. In Italy, time series and analytical epidemiological studies showed increased cardiorespiratory hospital admissions and mortality, as well as increased risk of respiratory diseases in people living in urban areas.Conclusions:Based on abundant evidence, the World Health Organization, which hosts the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD), the scientific respiratory societies, and the patients’ associations, as well as others in the health sector, must increase their engagement in advocacy for clean air policies.

  • 标签: Environment Respiratory disorders Epidemiology
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Nearly 300 children and 20 mothers die from preventable causes daily, in Uganda. Communities often identify and introduce pragmatic and lasting solutions to such challenging health problems. However, little is known of these solutions beyond their immediate surroundings. If local and pragmatic innovations were scaled-up, they could contribute to better health outcomes for larger populations. In 2017 an open call was made for local examples of community-based solutions that contribute to improving maternal and child health in Uganda. In this article, we describe three top innovative community-based solutions and their contributions to maternal health.Main text:In this study, all innovations were implemented by non-government entities. Two case studies highlight the importance of bringing reproductive health and maternal delivery services closer to populations, through providing accessible shelters and maternity waiting homes in isolated areas. The third case study focuses on bringing obstetric imaging services to lower level rural health facilities, which usually do not provide this service, through task-shifting certain sonography services to midwives. Various health system and policy relevant lessons are highlighted.Conclusions:The described case studies show how delays in access to health care by pregnant women in rural communities can be systematically removed, to improve pregnancy and delivery outcomes. Emphasis should be put on identification, capacity building and research to support the scale up of these community-based health solutions.

  • 标签: Community-based solutions Maternal and child health Social innovations Social innovations in health Innovations in maternal and child health Case study research Uganda
  • 作者: Shen Yun Zhou Jian Hu Gang
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第10期
  • 机构:Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Clinical Center for Diabetes, Shanghai Diabetes Institute, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Diabetes Mellitus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200233, China,Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
  • 简介:AbstractElectronic health (medical) records, which are also considered as patients’ information that are routinely collected, provide a great chance for researchers to develop an epidemiological understanding of disease. Electronic health records systems cannot develop without the advance of computer industries. While conducting clinical trials that are always costly, feasible and reasonable analysis of routine patients’ information is more cost-effective and reflective of clinical practice, which is also called real world study. Real world studies can be well supported by big data in healthcare industry. Real world studies become more and more focused and important with the development of evidence-based medicine. These big data will definitely help in making decisions, making policies and guidelines, monitoring of effectiveness and safety on new drugs or technologies. Extracting, cleaning, and analyzing such big data will be a great challenge for clinical researchers. Successful applications and developments of electronic health record in western countries (eg, disease registries, health insurance claims, etc) have provided a clear direction for Chinese researchers. However, it is still at primary stages in China. This review tries to provide a full perspective on how to translate the electronic health records into scientific achievements, for example, among patients with diabetes. As a summary in the end, resource sharing and collaborations are highly recommended among hospitals and healthcare groups.

  • 标签: Electronic health records Real world Cohort study
  • 作者: Wang Xiao-Jun Qian Xi-Wen Zhang Xu Han Li Zheng Yu-Qi Wu Tao Qin Guo-You Ye Zhi-Bin Xiao Jing
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第12期
  • 机构:Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Clinical Geriatric Medicine, Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China,Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Clinical Geriatric Medicine, Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China; Department of Nephrology, Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The relationship of uric acid (UA) with the thyroid function among healthy individuals remains unclear. We aimed to examine the relationship between UA contents and thyroid hormone levels in healthy Chinese individuals.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study of 1186 Chinese adults (736 men and 450 women) who underwent a health check-up at the Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University (Shanghai, China) between January 1, 2010 and July 31, 2018. Clinical and thyroid hormone levels were compared in different UA groups (in male and menopause women groups, MG1: UA < 5 mg/dL; MG2: 5 mg/dL ≤ UA< 7 mg/dL; and MG3: UA ≥ 7 mg/dL; in female groups, FG1 to FG3 represent the UA levels of <4 mg/dL, 4 mg/dL ≤ UA< 6 mg/dL, and ≥6 mg/dL, respectively). In addition, natural cubic spline regression, together with Pearson correlation analysis, was performed in investigating the correlation of UA with thyroid hormones.Results:After adjusting for confounding factors, low levels of UA (for males, UA < 5.30 mg/dL; for females, UA < 4.05 mg/dL) were negatively correlated with free triiodothyronine (FT3) both in men and women. UA levels between 4.83 and 6.06 mg/dL may act to protect FT3 in women, while UA levels between 6.39 and 7.09 mg/dL may protect FT3 in men. FT3 levels of low-range UA group reduced compared with mid-range UA and the high-range UA groups in both men and women.Conclusions:Our results provide epidemiologic evidence to support the negative correlation between low UA contents and FT3 in the Chinese Han population, suggesting that the reduced UA contents may serve as the risk factor to predict poor thyroid function in Chinese individuals.

  • 标签: Uric acid Thyroid Chinese
  • 简介:AbstractBackgroud:Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) is a difficult-to-treat syndrome where timely diagnosis and initiation of disease-specific therapies are pertinent to improved patient outcomes.Objective:To characterize the most common timeline for development of the clinical triad [asthma, nasal polyposis, and reactions to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)], identify barriers to prompt diagnosis of AERD, and describe indications for an aspirin challenge to facilitate accurate diagnosis.Methods:Six hundred ninety-seven patients with diagnosed AERD and history of at least one sinus surgery to remove nasal polyps were identified in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital AERD registry. Patient reported age at disease onset of asthma, nasal polyposis, and age of first NSAID reaction were obtained from 2013 to 2019 at enrollment.Results:Of the 697 patients identified, diagnosis of asthma preceded diagnosis of nasal polyposis and first NSAID reaction, although there was considerable variability between patients.Conclusions:Prompt diagnosis of AERD is important for patient and provider education and improved care of this difficult-to-treat population of patients. Consider diagnostic aspirin challenge in patients without historical reactions to NSAIDs who have an otherwise compatible clinical history, specifically in patients who take daily low-dose aspirin, leukotriene modifiers, avoid NSAIDs, or who are severely symptomatic at baseline where it would be difficult to identify an acute worsening of symptoms.

  • 标签: Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid ASA) Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps Samter’s triad Anosmia Aspirin hypersensitivity Aspirin challenge NSAID hypersensitivity NSAID challenge
  • 简介:AbstractRising emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have warmed the planet substantially and are also accompanied by poor air quality. The increased prevalence of allergic airway disease worldwide can be partially attributed to those global environmental changes. Climate change and air pollution pose adverse impacts on respiratory allergies, and that the mechanisms are complex and interactive. Adverse weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures, can act directly on the respiratory tract to induce allergic respiratory illnesses. Thunderstorms and floods can alter the production and distribution of aeroallergens while wildfires and dust storms increase air pollution, and therefore indirectly enhance health risks. Concentrations of particulate matter and ozone in the air have been projected to increase with climate warming and air stagnation, and the rising temperatures and CO2 increase pollen, molds, and spores, which escalate the risk of allergic respiratory diseases. The synergistic effects of extreme heat and aeroallergens intensify the toxic effect of air pollutants, which in turn augment the allergenicity of aeroallergens. With the Earth’s climate change, migration of humans and plants shift the living environments and allergens of susceptible people. Urban residents are exposed to multiple factors while children are sensitive to environmental exposure. Since climate change may pose many unexpected and persistent effects on allergic respiratory diseases, health professionals should advocate for effective mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize its respiratory health effects.

  • 标签: Respiratory allergy Climate change Air pollution Extreme weather events Aeroallergen
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:A steady progress on schistosomiasis control in the Peoples’ Republic of China (P.R. China) was achieved and broadened into the twelve-year medium and long term national plan (MLNP) which marled the implementation of an integrated control strategy across all endemic areas in P.R. China in 2004. To understand the endemic trends of schistosomiasis to assess the effectiveness of an integrated strategy, we conducted an analysis of schistosomiasis surveillance data spanned from 2005 to 2015.Methods:The schistosomiasis sentinel surveillance data from sentinel sites were collected and analyzed from 2005 to 2015. In these sentinel sites, residents aged 6 years or above were screened annually by indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA), while only antibody positives were followed by stool examination either Kato-katz method (KK) and/or hatching technique (HT). Domestic animals raised in sentinel sites were examined by HT for confirming the infection of schistosomes. Snail investigation was conducted each year through systematic sampling method combined with environmental sampling method. The snails collected from field were tested by microscopic dissection method. The infection rates of schistosomes in residents, domestic animals and snails, as well as the indicators reflecting the snails’ distribution were calculated and analyzed. ANOVA analysis was used to examine the changes of the number of eggs per gram feces in population and Chi-square test was used to examine any change in proportions among groups.Results:A total of 148 902 residents from sentinel sites attended this study and 631 676 blood samples were examined by IHA test during the 11 covered years. The annual average antibody positive rates presented a significant decrease trends, from 17.48% (95% CI: 17.20–17.75%) in 2005 to 5.93% (95% CI: 5.71–6.15%) (χ2= 8890.47, P < 0.001) in 2015. During 2005–2015, the average infection rate of schistosomes in residents declined from 2.07% (95% CI: 1.96–2.17%) to 0.13% (95% CI: 0.09–0.16%), accompanied by significant decrease of infection intensity in population. In 2015, the stool positives were only found in farmers, fishermen and boatmen with infection rate of 0.16% (95% CI: 0.11–0.20%), 0.17% (95% CI: 0–0.50%) respectively. The infection rate of schistosomes in domestic animals dropped from 9.42% (538/5711, 95% CI: 8.66–10.18%) to 0.08% (2/2360, 95% CI: 0–0.20%) from 2005 to 2015. Infections were found in eight species of domestic animals at the beginning of surveillance while only two cattle were infected in 2015. Totally 98 ha of new snail habitats were found, while 94.90% (93/98) distributed in lake and marshland regions. The percentage of frames with snails decreased from 16.96% (56 884/33 5391, 95% CI: 16.83–17.09%) in 2005 to 4.28% (18 121/423 755, 95% CI: 4.22–4.34%) in 2014, with a slightly increase in 2015. Meanwhile, the infection rate of schistosomes in snails was decreased from 0.26% (663/256 531, 95% CI: 0.24–0.28%) to zero during 2005–2015.Conclusions:The infection rate of schistosomes declined significantly, providing evidence that the goal of the MLNP was achieved. Elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem defined as WHO was also reached in P.R. China nationwide. Surveillance-response system should be improved and strengthened to realize the final goal of schistosomiasis elimination.

  • 标签: Schistosomiasis Surveillance Infection rate Elimination China
  • 简介:AbstractPrenatal micronutrients in pregnant women’s diets, including supplements, have an essential role in fetal brain development and may reduce the risk of mental disorders in offspring. Folic acid, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline have been investigated for this purpose. Folic acid supplementation throughout pregnancy has well-established positive effects. Vitamin D, administered to the mother before birth or to the newborn, has also been shown to reduce the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy have a more uncertain role, with recent trials questioning a beneficial effect on cognition and attention deficit disorder, despite positive effects on prematurity and neonatal wheezing prevention. Choline supplementation is associated with positive effects on cognition and behavior, including early behaviors associated with the development of autism and schizophrenia. There is no experience yet with COVID-19, but adverse effects on fetal brain development of most common coronaviruses are mitigated by higher choline levels. Maternal dietary supplementation of nutrients is a benign and inexpensive intervention in pregnancy to prevent life-long disability from mental illness. Use of dietary supplements in poorer, rural areas of China is below recommendations. Physicians, midwives, and public health officials in China can promote prenatal nutrient supplementation to reduce the future burden of mental illnesses that might be prevented before birth.

  • 标签: Folic acid Vitamin D Omega-3 fatty acids Choline Pregnancy Coronavirus
  • 作者: Xu Jun-Jie Shang Hong
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2021-01-17
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第23期
  • 机构:NHC Key Laboratory of AIDS Immunology (China Medical University), National Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110001, China; Key Laboratory of AIDS Immunology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Shenyang,
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  • 简介:摘要:起源于东方古文明的中医学与印度瑜伽,在其基本概念、基础理论及养生之道等方面存在相通点。中医学重视人体、人与自然“整体观”,瑜伽有“一致”“和谐”之意,两者皆尊崇人体与宇宙自然和谐统一。中医针灸理论与瑜伽“三脉七轮”学说亦存在相似之处。二者在养生方面,均遵从宇宙自然道法,通过体式和功法习练,探求“形与神俱”、“身心合一”的平衡状态,达到“天人合一”、“梵我合一”的最终境界。临床中可将两种医养方式有机结合,互相补充和发展,为医养结合模式提供新思路,取得疗效更优解。

  • 标签: 中医学 瑜伽 经络理论 三脉七轮 养生
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The purpose of this study was to use the modified Delphi method to identify the influencing factors of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) after endovascular treatment.Methods:A modified Delphi method to obtain expert consensus on the content of potential influencing factors of HRQoL in patients with UIAs treated by endovascular intervention was employed. The research team consists of three neuroradiologists and one epidemiologist from Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University. They randomly selected 21 well-known experts in cerebrovascular disease diagnosis and treatment as participating experts. The importance of the indicator is based on the 5-Likert scale. The standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), mean (), and minimum and maximum scores of each indicator were calculated. The consistency was described by Kendall coefficient of concordance with a p value < 0.05 indicating that the expert consistency was high.Result:Twenty-one and 18 questionnaires were responded in 2 rounds, with effective response rates of 85.7% and 100.0%, respectively. The average authoritative coefficient (Cr) of all 21 experts was 0.88, familiarity with the indicators (Cs) was 0.82, and the judgment basis of the indicators (Ca) was 0.94. Eventually, the values of arterial puncture hematoma, hyperlipidemia, gender, marital status, and hospitalization for other diseases were lower than 3.5; CV for marital status and gender was higher than 0.35. The Kendall coefficient of concordance in the first round was 0.19 (p < 0.001), and the second round was 0.15 (p < 0.001).Conclusion:In this study, the factors affecting the recovery of HRQoL after endovascular treatment in patients with UIAs were analyzed by the modified Delphi method, which provided a valuable evidence for the clinical management and daily life guidance for UIAs patients.

  • 标签: Modified Delphi method Unruptured intracranial aneurysms Health-related quality of life
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Health-care workers (HCWs) in Indonesia have been participating in the war against the coronavirus disease-2019 since March 2020. Ever since HCWs were exposed to the regular use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with varying levels and maintain hand hygiene more as recommended by the World Health Organization. Adverse skin reactions to PPE in Indonesia has yet to be acknowledged. This study aimed to study the prevalence and characteristics-, possible risk factors-, and suggest possible solutions towards adverse skin reactions to PPE among HCWs in a multi-center setting of Indonesia.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted online among HCWs in the Siloam Hospitals Group of Banten province. HCWs of Banten Province were surveyed from June 1 to August 31, 2020. The data was obtained using avalidated online survey questionnaire including (1) demographic characteristics; (2) occupational-related characteristics; (3) adverse skin reactions.Results:A response rate of 40.2% was obtained and 200 valid respondents were yielded. The mean age of respondents was (26.94 ± 7.23) years old. Adverse skin reactions (66.5%) were reported primarily in female (73.7%) working as doctors (82.7%) of a non-referral center for coronavirus disease-2019 (60.2%) wearing level 2 and 3 PPE (43.6% and 37.6%, respectively). The cheeks and chin was the most common site involved (69.9%) with dryness/tightness (63.9%) and acne (77.4%) as the highest symptoms and signs reported. Sex, age group classification, level of PPE worn, hand hygiene frequency, and duration of PPE worn daily were factors considerably associated with adverse skin reactions to PPE (P < 0.05).Conclusions:Adverse skin reactions to PPE are common among HCWs in Indonesia. Comprehensive strengthening of the skin condition and awareness on adverse skin reactions should be advocated.

  • 标签: adverse skin reactions health-care workers PPE COVID-19 Indonesia