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393 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractViral infections during pregnancy are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and fetal mortality, pregnancy loss, premature labor, and congenital anomalies. Mammalian gestation encounters an immunological paradox wherein the placenta balances the tolerance of an allogeneic fetus with protection against pathogens. Viruses cannot easily transmit from mother to fetus due to physical and immunological barriers at the maternal-fetal interface posing a restricted threat to the fetus and newborns. Despite this, the unknown strategies utilized by certain viruses could weaken the placental barrier to trigger severe maternal and fetal health issues especially through vertical transmission, which was not fully understood until now. In this review, we summarize diverse aspects of the major viral infections relevant to pregnancy, including the characteristics of pathogenesis, related maternal-fetal complications, and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertical transmission. We highlight the fundamental signatures of complex placental defense mechanisms, which will prepare us to fight the next emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in the pregnancy population.

  • 标签: Trophoblasts Congenital infection Hepatitis B virus Human immunodeficiency virus Influenza A virus Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Zika virus
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  • 简介:【口语专练】选择恰当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A:Hi,Tony!WheredidyougolastSunday?B:WewenttotheSummerPalace.A:(1)()B:Wesawsomeinterestingplaces.A:(2)()B.Yes,wedid.Allofuswereveryhappy.A:(3)()

  • 标签: 英语教学 口语 教学方法 英语句子
  • 简介:当父母亲决定要搬到另一个地方时,我曾认为这是多么悲哀的一件事,因为在这里有我的朋友,还有我的男朋友。不过.经过一年的时间,我却发现生活中的这些变化给我带来了很多……

  • 标签: 高一 英语 注释读物 阅读欣赏
  • 简介:美国前总统比尔·克林顿花了两年时间写成的自传——《我的生活》,于2004年6月22日在全美上市销售,引起了不小的轰动,当天就售出40万册。这本书记述了克林顿一生的方方面面。被称为是有史以来最详尽细致的美国总统传记。下面就让我们来欣赏该书第一章的部分摘录。

  • 标签: 克林顿 《我的生活》 自传 美国前总统 高中 英语
  • 简介:未来的生活是什么样子?每个人阅历的不同,生活环境的不同,就会有不同的憧憬。那么科学家们会怎么说——

  • 标签: 高二 英语 注释 阅读训练 参考答案
  • 简介:在走廊上疾走,拐进教室.就看见Sheep倚着墙角,露出邪邪的笑和一口整齐的牙齿。我每天都来得很早,只是Sheep总是比我更早。

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  • 简介:我们都知道电话是贝尔发明的,除了电话,贝尔还发明了电子探测器、真空衣、听度计等许多东西,贝尔对世界的进步做出了卓越的贡献。真可谓生命不息,发明不止。

  • 标签: 高中 英语 阅读训练 阅读理解题 参考答案
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:Threecareerwomenplayingmultipleroles:daughter,wife,mother,colleagueandfriend,handleeverydaypressureandenjoylifetothefull.Suddenlyoneday,theirliveschange.Theybecomepatients,identifiedwiththeirmedicalcasehistoryratherthanbusinesscard.Facingdeath,thesethreewomenpooltheircourage,wisdomandtenacity.

  • 标签: 生命哲学 人生理想 疾病 生活阶段 信念 毅力
  • 简介:WhenIwasalittlegirl,Iwouldimaginemyselfbeinginafarawayisland-likeRobinsoninthefamousRobinsonCrusoe.Ifigured,aslongasIgaintheskillsofbuilding,farmingandthelike,Iwillbeabletoliveahappyreclusivelife.Theimagesofmyselflivinginasmalltreehouseinadeepwoods,anislandinthesea,orevenawaterhouseundertheocean,farfromotherhumanbeings,cometomymindoccasionally,alwayswithasenseof

  • 标签: 中学生 英语学习 阅读知识 课外阅读