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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractThere is currently no universally accepted unified diagnostic standard for infertility treatment and maternity protection related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) worldwide, and the treatment options vary greatly. To improve the understanding of PCOS-related infertility among Chinese obstetricians and gynecologists at all levels for better patient diagnosis and management, we have referred to the international expert recommendations and literature and taken into account the Chinese clinical practice to develop the "Consensus on infertility management and fertility preservation related to PCOS."

  • 标签: Diagnosis and Treatment Expert Consensus Fertility Protection Infertility Treatment Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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  • 简介:摘要:起源于东方古文明的中医学与印度瑜伽,在其基本概念、基础理论及养生之道等方面存在相通点。中医学重视人体、人与自然“整体观”,瑜伽有“一致”“和谐”之意,两者皆尊崇人体与宇宙自然和谐统一。中医针灸理论与瑜伽“三脉七轮”学说亦存在相似之处。二者在养生方面,均遵从宇宙自然道法,通过体式和功法习练,探求“形与神俱”、“身心合一”的平衡状态,达到“天人合一”、“梵我合一”的最终境界。临床中可将两种医养方式有机结合,互相补充和发展,为医养结合模式提供新思路,取得疗效更优解。

  • 标签: 中医学 瑜伽 经络理论 三脉七轮 养生