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500 个结果
  • 简介:在不同的情景中表达的意义可能很不一样,情景语境使语义发生转变,情景语境往往使词语产生言外之意

  • 标签: 词义新解 语境词义
  • 简介:本刊第2期杂志向大家介绍了几个有意义的名言名句,帮助大家在陶冶情操的同时牢固记忆并灵活运用一些重点单词和词组,你部记住了吗?今天让我们继续练习吧!

  • 标签: 名言名句 单词 练习 杂志 灵活运用 词组
  • 简介:  2) 整体解释原则   在解释合同条文时(即条文含有模糊语言或歧义),法定解释的方法与原则   当法律条文中出现歧义或模糊语言时,运用法定解释的原则确定法条意义

  • 标签: 模糊语言 法律英语 英语模糊
  • 简介:对存在者之为这样一个存在者的解蔽同时也就是对存在者整体的遮蔽,存在者整体之遮蔽状态,亦即存在之真理(而不止于存在者之真理)的问题——这乃是一个关键问题

  • 标签: 真理本质
  • 简介:谚语翻译时要注意口语化,千万不要用充满本国民族色彩的谚语去翻译原文,(二)直译法   采取直译法翻译谚语

  • 标签: 浅析英汉 英汉谚语 谚语互译
  • 简介:  银行服务的内涵是业务产品,银行必须加强柜台业务的规划,提高银行服务能力的第二个途径是加强网上银行等产品的营销

  • 标签: 科学规划 规划银行 银行资源
  • 简介:From above proverbs we can see that many Chinese proverbs become English proverbs and Chinese people also accept a lot of English proverbs. English and Chinese proverbs are permeating and interfusing each other constantly.,From above we can see that English and Chinese proverbs reflect the different history. English proverbs are related to king and knight while Chinese proverbs reflect the Chinese people’s grudge and resistance to rulers.,English and Chinese proverbs are different in the detailed contents.

  • 标签: 英汉谚语 谚语比较
  • 简介:teaching English songs and so on. We create a good language circumstance for them,1、王蔷. 《英语教学法教程》 . 北京,we must create a good English language circumstance for the students in China. Only in a good circumstance

  • 标签:
  • 简介:康德《判断力批判》的世界,  康德在《判断力批判》中很强调审美判断的,并没有为对象的立法权力(英译本

  • 标签: 康德哲学
  • 简介:认为用具的存在就在其,世界境域为事物备好了这样一种使用方面的可靠性,才能发现用具的真实存在

  • 标签: 接近事物
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:Version 1 and Version 2 both employ the semantic translation about the translation of ‘三’,but may cause misinterpretation among the western readers while Version2 adopts communicative translation,and reflects the wisdom and traditional ideas of ancient Chinese people. When dealing with such kind of translation

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  • 简介:我坚定地相信时间会证明传统技术方法将会随着现代技术的发展而消亡,认为传统技术方法在人们生活中仍发挥着重要作用,students living in their own home would have access to a comfortable life and have more opportunities to communicate with their parents

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  • 简介:teachers’ explanation of what students supposed to be learning and why they are learning it promote a sense of value and make students more clear and positive in learning English. Then teachers should present tasks with challenging in the principle of neither too easy nor too difficult that beyond the students’ capacity,motivation is fatal important and the ways to motivate students in English learning is more important to English learning. The ways the author mentioned above are relatively effective to motivate and sustain students in English learning. Sometimes,a relaxed and positive learning climate should be providing for students learning English. In a friendly atmosphere

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