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500 个结果
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  • 标签:
  • 简介:又是谁'需要'我们人类,西方科学文化总是能够给人类留下一个",是'时间'和'你'的智能思想共同作用在智能生命(包括人在内)与自然之间所产生的影响与结果

  • 标签: 东方太极 人类科技 太极文化
  • 简介:Cannon对英语中汉语的借词所作的分析,英语词汇 中汉语借词 的来源,进入英语 的汉语借词 明显增 加

  • 标签: 特点演变 英语特点
  • 简介:and evaluating the success of a particular strategy. They have an executive function. In O’Malley and Chamot framework of learning strategies,Oxford’s taxonomy fails to make a distinction between strategies directed at learning the L2 and those directed at using it (Ellis). The last problem is that compensation strategies are considered as a direct type of learning strategies rather than one type of production strategies,cognitive and social/affective. They grounded the study of learning strategies within the information-processing model of learning developed by Anderson. Metacognitive strategies involve consciously directing one’s efforts into the learning task. These strategies are higher order executive skills that may entail planning learning

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  • 简介:《中学数学教学》1985年第3期刊登了梁丽玲同学写的《关于一个特殊条件等式的普遍形式的探讨》的小论文。该文把条件等式:对一切自然数n,都存在自然数m,使得(21/2-1)n=(m+1)1/2-m1/2成立①推广成:对一切自然数n,都存在自然数a、b、m,使得((a+b)1/2-a1/2)n=(m+bn)1/2+m1/2成立②并利用数学归纳法给出了证明。下面给出条件等式②的另一种证明。

  • 标签: a+b m+b~n 数学归纳法 丽玲 二记 中学数学教学
  • 简介:公式a^2+b^22ab或a+b≥2(ab)^1/2,在求解物理极值问题时经常用到.用此式求极值较其它方法简便,现举例如下.

  • 标签: 物理极值问题 求解 公式 应用 举例
  • 简介:

  • 标签:
  • 简介:不值得追问的问题,一些学者也倾向于依据这种提问标准检点我们的问题,因为一个新的、具有相当复杂性的问题也可能是个

  • 标签: 提问难
  • 简介:模式的理论强调企业所有权应由利益相关者共同分享,一旦利益相关者参与公司治理的过程,利益相关者在公司治理中的作用

  • 标签: 公司治理
  • 简介:运煤到纽卡索,reader’s ,Feng’s 

  • 标签:
  • 简介:伯林根据否定的自由的价值的看法来说明选择的作用,对无任何价值可言的生活的自主选择,拉兹则是依照自主性的概念来看待选择的价值

  • 标签: 自由观
  • 简介:  3、逐步放宽对QFII汇出入资金的限制,  目前祖国大陆有关监管当局通过对进入的QFII的资产托管人、交易委托人和资金汇出入限定等诸多要求,  2、逐渐放宽对单个QFII的投资额度的限制

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  • 简介:

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  • 简介:  1、延红梅.强化金融创新 加快银行发展——访招商银行行长马蔚华[J].中国金融,因此招行在金融创新的过程中,     四、招商银行金融创新应注意的问题      招商银行的金融创新行为也不是十全十美的

  • 标签: 金融创新
  • 简介:伦理规范生活,三、建构论视角下的伦理关照技术的演进和生活世界的开拓源于人性的开放性和未完成性,对技术的建构论分析也必然蕴涵对此过程中伦理冲突的揭示

  • 标签: 技术网络
  • 简介:the military sentry post is patrolled and examined. The systematic development prospect that electronic to patrol,(2) The system is disposed One intact electron patrol system to patrol,security personnel and patrol and examine and patrol and examine supervising etc. to the security personnel in the district with the property firm. 4) Calculate and count the network scheme The model is employed

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  • 简介:Whether the revival of the left will lead to a new party is an open question. So too is how ideas will be clarified. The main thing is to build the movement. No one should doubt the radical changes that are happening in the way people think. I am more optimistic about the future than at any time in the last three decades,In France we have this tradition of workerism which is anti-intellectual. The unions are very hostile to intellectuals and the intellectuals are very distant from workers. In 1968 it was very visible. Now for the first time because of the failure of Soviet Marxism we are free from that. So I can speak with a CGT official as I am speaking to you. They are very open. In a sense intellectuals like me did not exist 20 years ago. People like Sartre and Foucault were sympathetic to the movement,There are powerful political obstacles between people. The main obstacles come from the social democratic movement. If we succeed in overcoming these it will lead to a genuine Third Way which will be much more radical. We need to build the left of the left. In the ecology movement you have people who are really on the left--even among the Communist Party

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