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6 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractVaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) is a highly active disinfectant, and VHP decontamination systems have been widely applied in hospitals, microbiological laboratories, and pharmaceutical industries. However, the decomposition of VHP into non-toxic by-products is essential. Evaluation of the disinfection efficacy of VHP is crucial to ensuring the reliability of VHP disinfection and controlling microbial contamination. In this study, a rapid and sensitive strategy is proposed to evaluate the efficacy of VHP in surface disinfection by detecting the survived and killed bacteria from VHP-exposed biological indicators (BIs). A dual-channel solid-phase cytometer is designed, and fluorescent dyes are used as indicators to automatically and accurately distinguish live cells from dead cells in the mixtures of bacteria. To verify the availability and effectiveness of the laser scanning cytometry, experiments on its application in estimating the efficacy of VHP disinfection practice have been carried out in this study, and its estimation effect compared with that of the traditional plate counting method. Results show that the proposed assay might distinctly identify live or killed cells labeled by green and red fluorescent dyes and examined the disinfection efficacy in 30 min by calculating the bactericidal rate. Compared with the plate counting method, the proposed approach is accurate and practical, with an average detection efficiency of 98.47% ± 1.55%. Moreover, an excellent correlation between the concentrations of B. subtilis var niger (ATCC 9372) measured by the proposed detection system and by the plate counting method is noticed (R2= 0.9971), indicating that this approach had advantages in the detection of trace microorganisms. To summarize, the proposed strategy appears practical and significant in many fields in which microbial counting and identification are required.

  • 标签: Microbial contamination control VHP surface disinfection Live/dead identification Bactericidal rate Disinfection efficacy assurance
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Patients carrying the HongKongαα (HKαα) allele and -α3.7/αααanti-4.2 could be misdiagnosed as -α3.7/αα by the current conventional thalassemia detection methods, leading to inaccurate genetic counseling and an incorrect prenatal diagnosis. This study was aimed to accurately analyze the genotypes of HKαα carriers and -α3.7/αααanti-4.2.Methods:Samples were collected in our hospital from July 2017 to October 2019. Twenty-four common types of Chinese thalassemia were screened by gap-polymerase chain reaction (Gap-PCR) and reverse dot blot (RDB). Anti-4.2 multiplex-PCR was used to confirm carriers of the αααanti-4.2 duplication with -α3.7 deletion. Two-round nested PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) were applied to accurately identify and confirm their genotypes. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistics and Fisher’s exact tests.Results:Two thousand five hundred and forty-four cases were identified as thalassemia in 5488 peripheral blood samples. The results showed that α, β, and αβ compound thalassemia were identified in 1190 (46.78%), 1286 (50.55%), and 68 (2.67%) cases, respectively. A total of 227 samples from thalassemia patients were identified as -α3.7/αα by Gap-PCR, and the genotypes of two samples were uncertain. There was a difference between Gap-PCR and combined groups (Gap-PCR combined with nested PCR and MLPA) in detecting HKαα (P < 0.05). Among the 229 patients, 20 patients were identified as HKαα carriers and one was identified as -α3.7/αααanti-4.2 by two-round nested PCR and MLPA, including 15 patients with HKαα/αα, three with HKαα/αα and β-thalassemia coinheritance, one with HKαα/-SEA, one with HKαα/-α4.2 and β-thalassemia coinheritance, and one with -α3.7/αααanti-4.2 and β-thalassemia coinheritance.Conclusions:αααanti-4.2 and HKαα genotypes of patients carrying -α3.7 need to be detected to reduce the misdiagnosis rate of patients carrying HKαα and -α3.7/αααanti-4.2 alleles. More accurate genetic counseling can be provided in the clinic using nested PCR combined with MLPA.

  • 标签: Thalassemia HongKongαα Nested polymerase chain reaction Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification Gene dosage
  • 简介:瞄准:在二个不同耐心的位置调查在食道的测压法和pH加速方法之间的协议。方法:十八个题目在学习被包括。首先,到更低的食道的括约肌(LES)的近似边阶的从鼻子的距离被测量压力计的联盟者。然后一个不同调查者,被使看不见第一研究的结果,用pH加速方法测量了一样的距离,与病人在一起正直并且背卧位。对在二种技术之间的同意的一个评价被执行。结果:在背卧位,仅仅一个题目的测量在为正确的放接受的范围(对LES3厘米远侧或近似的<=)外面。在正直的位置,在测量的错误在五个题目被认出。Bland-Altman阴谋表明在大小之间的好同意获得了压力计的联盟者并且由在与在背卧位的病人一起的方法上面的pH步。结论:在情况中非压力计的察觉设备的可获得性,pH加速方法能便于放在背卧位与病人一起监视导管的24hpH。如果我们的结果被进一步的研究支持,这应该与怀疑的胃的食道的倒流疾病为题目在临床的实践增加pH-metry的使用。

  • 标签: PH检测 食管测压法 胃食管回流 症状
  • 简介:AconitiLateralisRadixPraeparata(Fuzi)isacommonlyusedtraditionalChinesemedicineinclinicforitspotencyinrestoringyangandrescuingfromcollapse.Aconitialkaloids,mainlyincludingmonoester-diterpenoidaconitines(MDAs)anddiester-diterpenoidaconitines(DDAs),areconsideredtoactasbothbioactiveandtoxicconstituents.Inthepresentstudy,afeasible,economical,andaccurateHPLCmethodforsimultaneousdeterminationofsixalkaloidmarkersusingtheSingleStandardforDeterminationofMulti-Components(SSDMC)methodwasdevelopedandfullyvalidated.Benzoylmesaconinewasusedastheuniquereferencestandard.Thismethodwasprovenasaccurate(recoveryvaryingbetween97.5%-101.8%,RSD<3%),precise(RSD0.63%-2.05%),andlinear(R>0.9999)overtheconcentrationranges,andsubsequentlyappliedtoquantitativeevaluationof62batchesofsamples,amongwhich45batcheswerefromgoodmanufacturingpractice(GMP)facilitiesand17batchesfromthedrugmarket.Thecontentswerethenanalyzedbyprincipalcomponentanalysis(PCA)andhomogeneitytest.ThepresentstudyprovidedvaluableinformationforimprovingthequalitystandardofAconitiLateralisRadixPraeparata.ThedevelopedmethodalsohasthepotentialinanalysisofotherAconitumspecies,suchasAconitumcarmichaelii(preparedparentroot)andAconitumkusnezoffii(preparedroot).

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