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168 个结果
  • 简介:most of Jane Austen’s novels reflect the process of the change of the attitude towards the marriage. As we all know,for it is just thanks to the deep love that makes these two people from different class status successfully marry. This reflects that Jane Austen’s creating thoughts begins to change from the rationalism to the romanticism. Her last novel Persuasion also displays such a change. Therefore,Jane Austen shows us her early attitude towards the marriage that to marry according to sense will end in failure while with ration will succeed. Such a theme reflects that at first Jane Austen inherits the traditional enlightening thoughts. However

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  • 简介:AbstractUmbilical cord (UC) embolism is a rare, life-threatening complication of pregnancy. The exact cause of this condition is not yet known. Women with more than one UC abnormality are at risk of UC obstruction; this condition can lead to stasis, ischemia, and in some cases, thrombosis. However, many women with UC abnormalities remain undetected and may not be recognized until after birth. Here, we present a case involving the prenatal diagnosis and successful treatment of umbilical artery embolism in the third trimester with good maternal and fetal outcomes. The risk of UC embolism increases when more than one UC abnormality is identified in a single case. Ultrasound examination in the third trimester of pregnancy should be able to verify the existence of two arteries and one vein in the UC. If necessary, these results can be compared with ultrasound imaging acquired during the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • 标签: Thrombosis Umbilical cord Umbilical artery embolism Diagnosis and treatment Fetal vascular malperfusion
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Dog bite injuries remain a public health concern for two key reasons: the physical threat to health following attack and the infective sequelae a canine bite can incur. Facial bite injuries can result in significant emotional, psychological and physical trauma to victims involved. This narrative review elucidates the current presentation and management of dog bite injuries to the face.Data Sources and Methods:A literature search was conducted electronically using the search terms "dog bite" and "face" and "management" using the National Library of Medicine (Pubmed) and the Cochrane Library. There were no time nor language restrictions. A total of 79 studies were initially retrieved using the search algorithm. After screening of the titles and abstracts, 9 full texts were retrieved, and a total of 7 studies included.Results:The number of patients included in each study following a dog bite ranged from 40 to 223. The percentage of children included in each study (aged <18 years old) ranged from 27.5% to 100%. The majority of dog bite injuries to the face were managed by primary repair, ranging from 56.3% to 100%. Prophylactic antibiotics were used in most studies for dog bite injuries, ranging from 81% to 100%. The secondary infection rate following a dog bite ranged from 0 to 35%.Conclusion:This review highlights that children are disproportionately affected by canine bite injuries to the face relative to adults. The dog involved in the attack is typically known to the victim, with the lips, the cheek and the nose representing the most common sites of facial injury. More units are managing such injuries with primary repair and prophylactic antibiotics. Reconstructive procedures most commonly involve a local or advancement flap, a full thickness skin graft or a split skin graft. These are typically performed by Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery specialists.

  • 标签: Trauma Craniofacial
  • 简介:Jane Austen,Jane Austen,she satirizes the society in comedy. So it might be an error to say that Jane Austen is incapable of sentiment

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  • 简介:Inresponsetothe'isolatedisland'phenomenonemergingfromthedevelopmentoftouristresortsinChina,thispaperreviewsthestudyofenclavetourismoverseas,whichhassimilarfeaturestotheresort'island'.BasedontheliteraturesrelatedtoenclavetourismfromTourismManagementandAnnalsofTourismResearch,thispaperreviewsthestudyofenclavetour-ismfromthefollowingaspects:definitiondiscussion,theoriesused,causationofenclaves,characteristicsandimpactsofenclavetourism.TheunderstandingoftheoverseasresearchesonenclavetourismwouldprovideinstructionsforthestudyontheproblemsofChineseresorts,suchasenclavityand'islandeffects',andsuggestmeasuresforthesustainabledevelopmentofresortsinChina.Thispaperisdividedintothreesections.Section1brieflyintroducesthedevelopmentofenclavetourismindevelopingcountriesandtheoutlineofenclavetourismstudy.Section2elaboratesonthecontentsofenclavetourismresearchandgivesdeepinsightsintothestudyonconcepts,characteristics,causationsandeffectsrespectively,whichisthekeypartofthispaper;Section3concludesthereviewandproposessuggestionsfortheenclavetourismstudyinChina.

  • 标签: 民族旅游 外国 经验借鉴 中国 民族文化 特征
  • 简介:Testwashbackhasattractedagooddealofattentionfromresearchersfrommanycountriesintheworldandconsiderableresultshavebeenfound.Bystudyingformerresearches,thispaperreviewsthedefinitionofwashback,relevantconcept,theories,andthemechanismofwashbacksystematically.Itishopedthatthispapercanenrichanddeepenthedevelopmentoflanguagetestingtheories.

  • 标签: ENGLISH testing washback THEORY MECHANISM
  • 简介:Thispaper,firstpreparedanddeliveredforaworkshoponteachingBiblicalWisdomLiteratureinChina,providesmewiththeopportunity,sotospeak,"tokilltwobirdswithonestone."NotonlywillIcommentonthemainthemeofthe

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  • 简介:Waardenburgsyndromeisararediseasecharacterizedbysensorineuraldeafnessinassociationwithpigmentarydefects.Dependingonadditionalsymptoms,WShavebeenclassifiedintofourtypes.Waardenburgsyndrometype4,alsocalledasWaardenburgShahSyndromeisaveryrarecongenitaldisorderwithastoundingvariableclinicalexpression,characterizedbypigmentaryabnormalitiesofthehair(Awhiteforelockofhair,prematuregraying)andpigmentarychangesoftheirissuchasheterochromiaorhomochromiairides,sensorineuraldeafnessandHirschsprungdisease.ThreegeneshavebeenbestowedsofarinconsociationwithEDNRB,EDN3,andSOX10genes.ThepatternofinheritanceismultifariouswiththeSOX10mutationaffiliationwithautosomaldominantinheritancewhereastheEDNRBandEDN3genesarepasseddowninanautosomallyrecessivepattern.

  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Endolymphatic sac tumor (ELST) is one of neuroectodermal tumor which arising from endolymphatic sac and duct. It is actually quite rare, with less than 200 cases reported. Although ELST presents benign appearance in histopathology, it can present aggressive destructive behavior in clinical. The cornerstone of treatment for ELST is complete surgical excision. However, it is almost impossible to completely resect the advanced stage tumor. There is still controversy about other treatments, such as radiotherapy and gamma knife surgery.Case presentation:A 47-year-old man was admitted in The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University with a 7-year history of progressive hearing loss and near 6-month repeated attacks of headache. Preoperative CT revealed a massive intracranial lesion and associated hydrocephalus. MR scanning demonstrated a 7.2 cm × 4.6 cm × 4.2 cm bulky mass located in left-sided posterior cranial fossa and temporo-occipital region which showed hyperintensity on T1-weighted images and mixed signal intensity on T2-weighted images. There was no neither clinical manifestation nor family history of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL).Due to the mass that was large and invading the bone of skull base, it was difficult to extirpate surgically, so the ventriculoperitoneal shunt combined with local biopsy was performed. The postoperative pathology and immunohistochemical findings confirmed the lesion was an endolymphatic sac tumor. After operation, the patient regularly received radiotherapy.Conclusion:The widely accepted management of ELST is complete surgical resection. However, it is difficult for surgeons to achieve radical resection with late-stage ELST. Currently, there is much dispute about the role of radiotherapy for the management of ELST in academic circles. In this case where the mass cannot be surgical removed, radiotherapy has the curative effect for ELST in terms of disease control and quality of life.

  • 标签: Endolymphatic sac tumor ELST Von Hippel-Lindau disease Temporal bone Posterior fossae
  • 简介:A78-year-oldwomanpresentedwithfever,severeabdominalpain,anddistension.Shehadbeeninstitutionalizedfordepressionandseniledementia.Laboratoryexaminationsdisclosedaleucocytosis(WBC:12500/μL)andelevatedlevelsofserumC-reactiveprotein(2.8mEq/L).Diagnosisofacutececalvolvuluswasmadefroma'coffeebeansign'onanabdominalcomputedtomographyanda'beaksign'onagastrographinenema.Anemergentlaparotomyconfirmedthediagnosisandanileo-colectomywithprimaryanastomosiswascarriedout.Thepatientrecoveredafterintensiverespiratorycareandfluidtherapy,andthenreturnedtoherformerinstitution.AreviewofJapaneseliteraturedisclosedthat:(1)amarkedincreaseofagedpatientswithmentaldisabilitypresentingwithcecalvolvulus,(2)adoptionofileo-colectomyasthestandardsurgicalprocedure,and(3)improvedsurvivalofthepatients,wereobservedinthelastdecade.

  • 标签: 病例报告 文学 日本 盲肠 老年痴呆症 审查
  • 简介:InhisstudvofthetransformationofhistoricaltraditioninHittiteliteratureH.Gterbockpublished,translatedandbrieflycommentedonthemajorpartofacuriousOldHittitetextrelatingunprecedentedcasesofcannibalisminNorthernSyria(G(?)rbock1938).BecauseofamixtureoflegendaryandhistoricalcharacteristicsthetextwasincludedbyCiterbockintothecategoryof"traditionalliterature"(1938:112).InhicatalogueofHittitetextsE.LarocheputKBoⅢ60(togetherwithKUBXXⅢ7andXXXⅥ126)inthegroup"Fragmentsrelatifsauxguerreshourrites"(CTH17).

  • 标签: 二叉 白山 大方 上生 大人 门人
  • 简介:AbstractWe describe the case of a nine-month-old patient with a nasopharyngeal choristoma. The case presented includes the retrospective review of the historical, radiological, surgical and histological assessment of this pathology as well as a literature review of this entity. This case was presented in an infant with difficulty feeding, nasal obstruction and failure to thrive, evaluated with flexible nasal endoscopy, CT and MRI. The lesion was then surgically removed without complications. Nasopharyngeal choristoma is a rare congenital non-malignant mass, which may present within a range of symptoms and severity according to its size, growth and location.

  • 标签: Choristoma Neuroglial heterotopy Nasopharynx
  • 简介:AbstractTraumatic peripheral vascular injury is a significant cause of disability and death either in civilian environments or on the battlefield. Penetrating trauma and blunt trauma are the most common forms of vascular injuries. Besides, iatrogenic arterial injury (IAI) is another pattern of vascular trauma. The management of peripheral vascular injuries has been improved in different environments and wars. There are different types of vascular injuries, such as vasospasm, contusion, intimal flaps, intimal disruption or hematoma, external compression, laceration, transection and focal wall defects, etc. The main clinical manifestations of vascular injuries are shock following massive hemorrhage and limb necrosis due to tissue and organ ischemia. Ultrasound, computed tomography angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are most valuable for assessment of peripheral vascular injuries. Angiography remains the gold standard for diagnosing vascular trauma. Immediate hemorrhage control and rapid restoration of blood flow are the primary goals of vascular trauma treatment. There are many operative treatment methods for vascular injuries, such as vascular suture or ligation, vascular wall repair and vascular reconstruction with blood vessel prostheses or vascular grafts. Embolization, balloon dilation and covered stent implantation are the main endovascular techniques. Surgical operation is still the primary treatment for vascular injuries. Endovascular treatment is a promising alternative, proved to be safe and effective, and preferred selection for patients. In summary, rapid diagnosis and timely surgical intervention remain the mainstays of the treatment. However, many issues need to be resolved by further studies.

  • 标签: Endovascular procedures Surgical procedures Operative Peripheral vascular trauma