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  • 简介:  做为制造业领先指标(通常是三个月)的保留进口,the retained import figure does give a relatively good indication of the direction of the manufacturing and electronic activities and as such the Singapore economy. The indicator that reflects the domestic demand is the non-oil imports. It fell 19.3% in July,turning points in the economy are signalled by three consecutive months of LEI changes in the same direction. This leading indicator is like a lighthouse

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  • 简介:  做为制造业领先指标(通常是三个月)的保留进口,is still down. It fell15.6% for 1998. This spells weak manufacturing and electronics figures in the following two quarters. July’s total trade figures fell 9.1%,turning points in the economy are signalled by three consecutive months of LEI changes in the same direction. This leading indicator is like a lighthouse

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  • 简介:MINI歌剧院前不久,COOPHIMMELBLIAU事务所的WolfPrik公布了在德国慕尼黑设计的“迷你版”歌剧院(Pavilion21MiniOperaSpacek这也算得上该事务所“最小、但也最有趣”的一个项目。

  • 标签: 关键词 OPERA 歌剧院 事务所 慕尼黑 迷你
  • 简介:Productinnovationisoftendescribedasthe'lifeblood'ofacompany.Justlikebloodthatflowsthroughthehumanbody,productinnovationprovidessustenanceandthebasisforgrowth.Butproductinnovationisverychallengingformostcompanies.Thecostsinvolvedandtheriskoffailurearehigh.Researchindicatesnewproductfailureratesof

  • 标签: 人才市场 人力资源管理 人才培养 培训方法
  • 简介:本文首先介绍了中国土地荒漠化现状及其成因.提出了中国在防治荒漠化工作中所采取的主要战略措施,其中包括:(1)通过大众传媒加强荒漠化防治的宣传与教育力度;(2)加强法制教育和执法力度,进一步完善各项法律、法规;(3)通过加强先进科学技术推广与人员培训,促进荒漠化防治工作、巩固成效;(4)制定优先政策,加大投资力度,促进荒漠化防治工作的大力发展.最后,本文介绍了中国荒漠化防治的最新进展.

  • 标签: 荒漠化防治 战略措施 中国
  • 简介:什么是最好的服务?服务就是要解决顾客的问题。但更重要的是要对顾客做出及时的响应。本文首先强调了响应的重要性,然后给出了如何响应顾客的五个步骤。

  • 标签: 大学英语 英语学习 阅读文章 顾客 服务业