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96 个结果
  • 简介:J.M. ,A.P.,W.J. 

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  • 简介:and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M&,this was a period of very rapid growth in the capitalization of markets in every country except Japan. Total world market capitalization increased over ten-fold (to $ 35.0 trillion) between 1983 and 1999

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  • 简介:and banks and is usually arranged by issuing houses and merchant banks. Stock exchanges are also part of the capital market in that they provide a market for the shares and loan stocks that represent the capital once it has been raised. It is the presence and sophistication of their capital markets that distinguishes the industrial countries from the developing countries,in both developed and developing countries over the past decade. And also capital markets are in fact winning the present and seem likely to dominate the future of corporate finance in developed and developing countries alike.a. The Stable Role of Commercial Banking in Modern Economies Ordinary "relationship banking" appears to be (at best) holding its own as a source of corporate financing around the world,Section 1 shows why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decades. Section 2 talks about the continuance of the growth throughout the 2000s.Body1. Why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decadesIn recent decades

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  • 简介:" Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 5(2),A Survey of International Banking."Gibbon," Privatisation International 123

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  • 简介:today's China takes a serious position in world's economy. Its innovation and opening policy make china keep achieving high GDP growth rate. This drives the global capital market keep growing. Summary and ConclusionsThis essay examines the impact of share issue privatizations (SIPs) on the growth of world capital markets (especially stock markets). I begin by documenting the increasing importance of capital markets,in corporate financial systems around the world. I then show that privatization programs-- particularly those involving public share offerings--have had a dramatic impact both on the development of non-US stock markets and on the participation of individual and institutional investors in those stock markets.This has told the reason of the fast growth of global capital market. And then I succinctly indicated the continuance of the rapid growth,a series of share issue privatizations can indeed promote the growth of global capital market

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  • 简介:无机化学实验中Cr2O3溶于浓硫酸的内容,其目的是试验并证明铬的氧化物的两性,接铬元素所在周期表的位置,其正常氧化物应能溶于酸和碱中,即属两性氧化物。对这一问题,我们查阅了有关资料,发现各有不同说法,计有下列三种不同叙述,一是载Cr2O3可溶于酸亦可溶于碱;二是载Cr2O3能溶于酸,但不溶于碱;三是载Cr2O3不溶

  • 标签: 无机化学实验 两性氧化物 CR2O3 H2SO4 酸和碱 三氧化二铬
  • 简介:摘要烟气脱硫是控制火电厂SO2污染的重要措施,在脱硫技术中,石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫在我国火电厂大中型机组烟气脱硫改造中应用广泛。本文对烟气脱硫系统的SO2吸收系统、烟气系统、石灰石浆液系统、废水处理系统、供水系统等出现的问题进行了分析,并有针对性的提出了脱硫设计的优化措施,以期更好的促进火电烟气脱硫系统的高效运行,提高SO2除脱的效率和效果。

  • 标签: 湿法 脱硫 设计 优化
  • 简介:so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”这一倒装结构用来表达前面所陈述的情况也适用于另外一人,意为“某某也一样”。例如:

  • 标签: so be 动词 助动词 情态动词 主语
  • 简介:1实验(实验时的室温为9℃)实验1:将SO2通入品红溶液至品红褪色,然后用酒精灯加热至无色溶液刚好变红.放置一段时间(冷却)后红色自动消失,再加热至刚好变红,放置一段时间后红色又自动消失.若将褪色的品红溶液持续加热较长的时间,则品红的红色不会在冷却后再褪色.

  • 标签: 二氧化硫 品红溶液 化学反应 可逆反应 高中 化学教学
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  • 简介:本文针对天津市河西区大气中SO2的污染状况进行了分析,并提出了控制该区SO2排放的有效途径和对策.

  • 标签: SO2 大气污染 控制方法
  • 简介:摘要随着国家环保政策的愈发严格,国家环保部正在着手修订大气污染物综合排放标准,要求新建硫回收装置尾气排放ρ(SO2)≤400mg/m3,特定地区排放ρ(SO2)≤200mg/m3。鉴于此,本文对影响硫回收装置SO2减排的因素及解决方法进行了分析探讨,仅供参考。

  • 标签: 硫回收装置 SO2减排 因素 解决方法
  • 简介:privatizations have significantly increased market liquidity. And also privatization takes a potential role global capital market development. A. The Rise of Capital Market-Based Finance Capital market-based finance has in fact been increasing in importance,and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M%26A activity in 1999 reached $ 3.4 trillion

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  • 简介:以往研究发现话语标记语so主要有因果连贯功能,然而,在日常会话中它还有其他重要语用功能。文章以英语中的so为对象,并以互动式会话语料为例,多维度探讨它在语境条件下的语用功能,比如行动驱使标记功能、含义推断标记功能及情态标记功能,同时通过研究so的语用功能启示英语教学:作为英语教师在课堂教学中要强化对话语标记语的语言输入与情景渗透,培养学生的语用交际意识与提高学生的语用能力。

  • 标签: SO 话语标记语 语用功能 英语教学
  • 简介:privatizations have significantly increased market liquidity. And also privatization takes a potential role global capital market development. A. The Rise of Capital Market-Based Finance Capital market-based finance has in fact been increasing in importance,and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,and especially so since 1997. This is venture capital investment by US venture capital partnerships. The fund-raising patterns of these private equity investors are discussed in Gompers and Lerner (1998)

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  • 简介:介绍配合苏教版《高中化学必修2》“光—化学能转换”内容而设置的一个趣味实验。对农村晒芒硝取暖的近似模拟,旨在提高普通高中的学生学习化学课程的兴趣,并辅导有兴趣的学生了解过冷现象以及晒芒硝储能的释放在大棚种植方面的最新应用。

  • 标签: 芒硝 Na2SO4·10H2O 过饱和溶液 过冷溶液 过冷液体 大棚种植
  • 简介:privatizations have significantly increased market liquidity. And also privatization takes a potential role global capital market development. A. The Rise of Capital Market-Based Finance Capital market-based finance has in fact been increasing in importance,and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M%26A activity in 1999 reached $ 3.4 trillion

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  • 简介:本文研究了以TiO2-Sb2O3/SO4^2-为催化剂,催化假性紫罗兰酮合成紫罗兰酮。探索了反应温度、反应时间、催化剂用量、溶剂用量等因素对环化反应的影响。最佳合成条件:6mL假性紫罗兰酮,催化剂用量为1.8g,溶剂用量为6mL,环化反应温度为30℃,反应时间为3.0h,紫罗兰酮产率约为70%。

  • 标签: TiO2-Sb2O3/SO4^2- 假性紫罗兰酮 紫罗兰酮 催化合成
  • 简介:本文采用电势法,首次对L-亮氨酸BrO3--Mn2+-H2SO4-丙酮体系的振荡行为进行了较为详细的研究.根据实验结果,参照FKN机理,提出了本体系可能的反应过程,成功地解释了实验现象,并得到了振荡反应诱导期(tin)及振荡周期(tp)与各反应物浓度之间的关系.这种以亮氨酸和丙酮为混合底物的B-Z反应至今未见报道.

  • 标签: 亮氨酸 振荡反应 反应机理