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摘要 hung)   height       help oneself to I) imagine       immediately    include  increase       industry      information   insist →insist on doing sth.      institute   instruction     interrupt     introduce   invite →invitationJ/K/L) join in      journey      kitchen     knowledge     lightning     livelyM) majority       marriage      medal   memory        mental       merely   message       metal       model  the moment →the moment that...=as soon as...N/O) nationality     natural      necessary   normal       nowadays      object    opinion       opposite      ordinary    organizeP) particular      passage      passenger   patient       pattern      perform  permit →permission            persuade   pilot        politics      pollution   popular       population     possibly   pour         practical     precious   prefer        president     probably  pretty →可作副词=very          produce   production      program(me)    pronunciation   protect       purpose Q/R) quarrel       quarter      rather than   realize/realise   recognize     reduce    refer        regular      Remember me to   request       require →be required to do sth.   restaurant S) salt         satisfaction    satisfy  scientific      scold       score   be seated      secret       secretary  seek         seize       separate   service       settle       silence  silver        similar      simply  smooth        society      special  splendid       square       stage   standard       starve       straight  succeed       sugar       supplyT) take food/medicine  technical     technique  telegraph      telephone/phone  temperature  therefore      thirsty      tobacco  toilet        tongue       track   tractor       traffic      transport  treasure       truth       twelfthU/V/W) uniform      universe      vacation     valuable     variety      various    vegetable     victory      voyage    wealth →wealthy adj.          weight → weighty adj.    as well                 as well as     worth → How much is it worth to you,NMET把对单词拼写的测试置于句子之中,  ① 需要关注拼写的单词   ② 需要关注发音的单词  ③ 需要关注词义的单词或短语   ④ 需要关注用法的单词或短语4. 以下词汇或短语中箭头所指部分为作者所添加的部分
作者 admin
机构地区 不详
出处 《未知》 未知
出版日期 2009年08月20日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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