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4. 通过师生的角色表演创设情境。课堂上让学生表演自己编排的小品常常能起到意想不到的教学效果。学生在准备、参与的过程中会充分体现教学目标,以亲历亲为的感受去领悟语言语法知识。例如:在教授动词时态课上,我让一组学生表演某同学上学迟到并且在公交车上又坐过站的经历,其他同学根据他们的表演遣词造句,并提示学生注意正确使用动词时态。下面列出一段较好的描述:He got up at 7:15 this morning. Being late for school, he hurried downstairs and rushed into a bus without having breakfast. On the bus, two women were talking happily in a loud voice. While he was wondering how to explain to the teacher, the two women continued their talk, which made him a little upset. When he was about to stop them, one of the women stood up from the seat which he had been expecting to take since he got on the bus. The speaker’s voice informed the passengers of the next stop “the People’s Square” and the woman got off immediately. He seated himself on it as quickly as he could and the bus started again in a minute. As he was enjoying the feeling of having a seat, the words “the People’s Square” occurred to him. All of a sudden, he jumped up from the seat, looking so worried and regretful, because “the People’s Square” is also his destination stop. 学生随着故事的发展,顺利地完成情节介绍,并多次用到动词的不同形式。在完成了教学任务的同时也让其他同学在真实环境下对动词的变化形式有了全新的认识。再如,在教授直接引语和间接引语这一知识点时,可以让三位同学进行表演(教师也可参与其中)。

Dialogue 1: Student A (talking to Student B): Will you come here to attend Christina’s wedding next Saturday?

Student C (asking Student B): What did she say to you?

Student B (answering Student C): She asked me if / whether I would go there to attend Christina’s wedding the next Saturday?

Dialogue 2: Student A: I am staying here today.

Student B: Sorry? I could not hear you clearly.

Student A: I said that I was staying here today.

Dialogue 3: Teacher: We must not fall for that kind of trick.

Student A (asking Student B): What did the teacher say just now?

Student A: He warned us not to fall for that kind of trick.

对话1中的变化:come→ go, here→ there, next Saturday→ the next Saturday;而对话2中的时间、地点状语都未发生变化。而这种差异正是由于学生扮演的角色不同导致了情境发生变化造成的。学生只有身处此情此景中才能领悟语法规则在特殊语境中使用的适当性,处理好一般与特殊的关系。


5. 任务型活动辅助语法教学,让学生在实践中领会语法知识,在“做中学”。任务型学习就是以具体的任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能融为一体。在语法教学中开展一些任务型活动有利于引导学生形成“为用而学、在用中学、学以致用”的良性学习循环和思维习惯。例如:在教授动词的被动语态知识时,我为学生布置了这样的任务:

Project: Writing an instruction to the medicine Aspirin.

Requirements: Present your writing using verbs in passive voice.



  ·Discuss the following questions in your group before you start writing your instruction:

  —— What problems will you probably have when you begin to know about the medicine?

  —— Where can you find the information about the medicine?

  —— What kind of information should be included in an instruction to medicine?

  —— How can you use verbs in passive voice correctly to introduce a kind of medicine?

  ·Assign roles to each group member and write their names beside the following jobs.

  —— Research the usage of verbs in passive voice_________________________

  —— Research the style an instruction of products should be written in _________

  —— Write an outline for the instruction_________________________________

  —— Write the instruction____________________________________________


·Members responsible for doing research need to find examples of instructions to medicine. The group should discuss the information found, and decide how the instruction should be written. You may refer to the following resources for information:

  —— Internet sites

  —— drug store

  —— hospital

  —— doctors


·Those responsible for writing the outline need to make a draft and have it approved by the other members.


·Group members who are writing the instruction need to follow the outline and the teacher’s requirements.

·All members need to proofread the draft to check if verbs are properly used in passive voice. The final version has to be approved by the whole group.


·Choose one member to read the instruction in front of the class.

·Answer any questions your classmates have about your instruction.

· Display your instruction where your classmates can see it so that they can correct your mistakes in using verbs in passive voice.

学生对被动语态的知识的获取和用法的掌握贯穿于完成任务的全过程之中,同时,他们对动词语态的使用都是为了“做事”的需要,所以,他们很自然地写出了这样的句子:The medicine is called Aspirin, which can be used to cure...; only two pills should be taken by adults at one time, three times a day. Dosages for children should be reduced under the advice from a doctor. It is suggested that pills had better be taken before meals. ...

6. 交际性语言提供的情境能使语法学习的目的归位。言语活动是一种交际活动,语言是一种交际工具。英语教学的目的是把英语作为交际工具来掌握,培养英语交际能力。而人在进行言语交际活动的同时会自觉地理解并遵守语法规则。所以,用言语活动来教授语法知识既能使学习者习得语法知识,又能达到培养语用能力的目的,是语法学习目的的回归。

例1:—— How did you sleep last night?

   —— Like a log. Never slept ______ .

A. bad B. worse C. well D. better

例2:——____ I didn’t hear you clearly.

   —— I was saying that John plays football best in our class.

A. Repeat. B. Once again. C. Sorry? D. So what?

  例1中的“How did you sleep last night?”和“Like a log.”表明 “睡得很沉”,而句中“never”一词决定只有D项才能符合题意。例2中的“I didn’t hear you clearly.”和“I was saying that...”所提供的情境已经表明对话双方有一个共同的前提,即“话没有听清楚”,所以用“Sorry?”引起话语的重复。

又如:在向学生介绍提出建议、对别人的观点发表意见等语言知识时,教师应通过设置情景和要求学生完成具体任务,让他们在解决问题的过程中理解并习得语法规则和表达习惯。Making suggestions:

(1) Description of the situation: A fat man wanted to lose weight. He went to his doctor for advice. The doctor told him what to eat and to take some exercise.

(2) Requirement: Make a dialogue between doctor and the fat man with your partner with the following expressions: ① I advise / suggest you to do/ that ...; ② My advice to you is... ③ If I were you, I would... ④ Don’t you think it ...⑤ What/How about...⑥Why not...

Expressing agreement and disagreement:

(1) Description of the situation: A debate will be held between Class5 and our class next Friday. The debate question is that staying a teenager forever would be great.

  (2) Now, let’s discuss the question and get prepared for it. Here are some useful expressions. ① I agree with you on/that... ② I am of the same opinion (as)... ③ That’s a good point. ④ That’s how I feel (about)...⑤ You’ve got a point. ⑥ I don’t agree. What about...? ⑦ I see things slightly differently. ⑧ On the other hand,... ⑨ Really? I don’t think that... ⑩ I take your point, but...




[2]苏克银. 解读高考英语试题中的情景交际题[J].中小学外语教学,2006,(3).