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人教社外语室提供的《中考样题》中,第三卷主观题部分占30分(全卷100分);北京市96、97 年初中华业、升学统一考试试卷中,第三卷非选择题部分占35分(全卷100分)。这里有两点要强调:( 一)不同的述语主观题和非选择题其实是一个内容,即重点测试考生的识记和运用四会词汇、常用词语、动词 各种形式和日常交际用语的能力,从而检查学生运用已学的语言知识进行初步书面表达的能力。(二)主观题 和客观题的比例大体是3:7,其目的显然是要指导中学英语教学全面贯彻教学大纲中所提出的听、说、读、 写四会的要求。

本文通过对96和97年几省市中考试卷中主观题的几种试题类型进行综合比较和剖析,提出几点改革思 索,以期与中考英语命题者和广大英语教师共磋。
1.n___ (the middle of the day)
2.d___ (not clean)
3.t___ (1,000)
4.l___(not dark)
5.c___(make or become different)
6.o___(more than)
7.o___(a place where business is done)
8.w___(the coldest season)
9.r___(the person who runs)
10.a___(say "yes")
答案:1.noon 2.dirty 3.thousand 4.light5.change 6.over 7.office 8.winter 9.runner10.agree
剖析:此题旨在检查学生对初中英语四会单词的准确掌握程度,强调日常学习英语单词的重要性。本题括 号中是单词的英语解释,其优点是用英语巩固英语学习,并鼓励学生平时多使用英汉、汉英双解词典,
(二)根据句意用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每个词只准使用一次。(共5分,每小题0.5分) When,easy,what,in,from,go, watch,kind,write,drink
1.We___ TV every evening.
2.Iwill___ to school early tomorrow.
3.They work___ the factory.
4.___ does the train leave?
5.I come___ China.
6.___ class are you in?
7.Look!They are___ tea over there now.
8.I think the first lesson is as___ as the second one.
9.Mrs Smith is so___ that we all like her.
10.The stories in this book ___many years ago.
答案:1.watch 2.go 3.in 4.When 5.from 6.What 7.drinking 8.easy 9.kind 10.werewritten
1.There are three___ on the desk.(book)
2.The___ lesson is very interesting.(six)
3.Let___ help you.(I)
4.Lucy is___ than Kate.(tall)
5.Who runs the___ in the class?(fast)
6.What's___ name,please?(you)
答案:1.books 2.sixth 3.me 4.taller 5.fastest 6.your
剖析:该题主要检查学生对名词的数、所属,代词的变化,形容词、副词的级,数词的书写和词类转换的 掌握程度,要求学生具有扎实的运用词汇基本功。
When he was in the countryside he usual-ly w___ a pair of cloth shoes.(动词原形wear,句中应 用过去时wore)

When he was in the countryside he usual-ly___(穿)a pair of cloth shoes.(wore)
1.Look!All the runners___(run) very fast.
2.What___ you___ (do) this morning?
3.There___(be) a sports meeting on the play-ground next month.
4.The students___ (do)their homework when I saw them.
5.___ you___ (write)the letter?No,not yet.
6.I___just___ (have) breakfast.I___(have) it at home.
7.Most of the boys like___(play)football very much.
8.We won't go to the park if it___(not be)fine this Sunday.
答案:1.are running 2.did,do 3.will be/is going to be 4.were doing 5.Have,written 6.have,had ,had 7.playing 8.isn't
剖析:旨在考查学生运用动词形式的实际能力。检测考生对动词时态、语态、人称变化形式的掌握和运用 水平。
I was winter,and Mrs Brown wanted(1)(do)a lot of shopping.She waited until it was Saturday,w hen her husband was free.Then she(2)(take)him to the shops with her,He helped her(3)(pay)for eve rything and to carry her things.They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs Brown(4)(buy)a lot of things .She often(5)(stop)and said:"Look Joe!Isn't that beauriful?"
He then answered:"All right,dear.How much is it?"and got his money ready and(6)(pay)for it.
It was dark when they came out of the last shop.Mr Brown was tired and(7)(think)about other things,like a nice drink by the side ofa warm fire at home.Suddenly his wife(8)(look)up at the s kyandsaid: "(9)(look)at the beautiful moon,Joe!"
Without stopping,Mr Brown(10)(answer): "Allright,dear.How much is it?"
答案: 1.to do 2.took 3.(to)pay 4.bought 5.stopped 6.paid 7.was thinking 8.looked 9.Look 10. answered
剖析:本题是在语篇中检查学生运用动词形式的实际能力。做题时首先要读通全文,了解主旨大意,特别 要注意首尾句,把握好时态,然后逐空填写,最后复核一遍全文。
John___ to school___ ___ every day.
___ ___.Let___ ___ you.
When spring comes,it is getting___ ___ ___.

We can buy things from their shop___ ______ ___.
They all like to ___ ___ ___ Lucy.
Work hark,and you'll be able to___ ___ ___others.
答案:1.goes,by bike/bicycle 2.Don't worry me help 3.warmer and warmer 4.onthe/our way home 5.make friends with 6.catch up with
1.How is the weather in Yancheng?
___ is the weather___ in Yancheng?
2.Jane was too weak to do such heavy work.
Jane was___ weak___ she___ do such heavy work.
3.New York is the biggest city in the USA.
New York is___than ____ _____ city in the USA.
4. My brother doesn't study music. My sister doesn't study music, either.
____ my brother____my sister_____music.
5. The little boy didn't know what he should say before so many people.
The little boy didn't know __ __ say be-fore so many people.
6. It's a long time since Timmy left his home-town.
Timmy____ _____ ____ _____his hometown for a Iong time.
7. You can see many stars in the sky on a clear night.
Many stars____ _____ _____in the sky on a clear night.
答案: 1. What, lick 2. so, that, couldn't 3. bigger, any, other 4. Neither, nor, studies 5.
what to 6. has, been, away, from 7. can, be, seen
(选自96年江苏省中考试卷 )
剖析: 上述题型旨在检查学生词语的运用能力与相似表达的转换能力,并提示教师在新教材(JEFC)教学 中不应忽视句型教学。
(Sh=shopkeeper Li=Miss Li)
Sh: Gcod morning!What can I____ ____ you?
Li: I'd____two sweaters.
Sh: What kind do you______?
Li: I want some cotton ones.
Sh: _____colour do you like?
Li: Blue.
Sh: What about this one?
Li: _____ _____ ______it ?
Sh: Fifty-five yuan.
Li: Hmm—Do you have_____ ______ones in that size?
Sh: Certainly !This way, please. Please take your time.
答案: do, for, like, want, What, How, much,is, any, other
--Good morning, doctor.
--Good morning, Tom. What's your______________1 ?
--I've got a headache.
--______________2 you taken your temperature?

-- No.
--Let me___________3 your temperature._____________4 serious.
--___________5 your mouth and say "Ah".
--Aahh !
--Just a cold. How___________6 have you been like__________7 ?
--Ever_____________8 last night.
--Take___________9 medicine three___________10 a day. you'd _______11 stay in bed and hav e a good___________12 . You'll be _________13_______14 soon. I'm sure_________15 that.
--Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.
--Goodbye, Tom.
答案 1. trouble 2. Have 3. take 4. Nothing/Not 5. Open 6. long 7. this 8.since 9. this 10. t imes 11. better 12. rest 13. all 14. right 15. of
Mike: Hello, 65908618.
Man: Hello. May I speak to John?
Mike: Sorry. He isn't in at the moment. Could I take a message?
Man: Yes, please. My name is Zhou Liu. I'm John's friend. Please ask himto give me a call after 8in the evening. My telephone number is 68360166.
Mike: OK. I'll tell him.
Man: Tha.nk you. Goodbye I
Mike .. Bye!
答案: Zhou Liu, John, him, call, .68360166
剖析:此题旨在考查学生对日常交际用语的运用能力。命题时对交际范围要严格控制。平时训练时,要特 别重视惯用词的表达。
(一)根据所给图画和图内外的提示词语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的四句话,每幅图只写一句话,所给 提示词语必须都用上。(注意:只抄提示语不得分。共8分,每句2分)
图1.Wei Fang,ill in,last week
图2.we,her,after school
图3.our teacher,her lessons
图4.three days later,back to school,we,most of the subjects
(S-Shopkeeper 店员 M-Mother)
M:I'd like a skirt for my daughter,please.
M:She's fifteen years old.
S:Here are some skirts for girls about fifteen. ______(3)?
M:It looks nice,but I'm afraid it's too small for her.Will you show me that light blue one,p lease?
M:Oh,that's good!Can she try it on?
M:It's just right.________(6)?
S:Sixty yuan,Madam.
M:It's a bit expensive,but________(7).Here's the mon-ey.
1.What can I do for you Can /May I help you Anything I can do for you

2.How old is she/What's her age
3.What colour would she like/
What colour does she like/
What colour does she want/
What dolour do you want/What colour
4.What about this one/How about this one
5.Of course/Certainly/All right/Yes,please/ Yes,she can/Yes,of course/Of course,she can/OK/C ertainly,she can
6.How much is it/How much does it cost
What does it cost/How much
7.I'll take it/I'll get it/I'll buy it
8.Thank you/Thanks/Thank you very much/
Thanks a lot
1.One day a little ______91 was _______92 football near a tree.Suddenly he kicked the ______ _93 so high that it ______94 onto thebranch(树枝)of the tree.
2.______95 then there came an old ______96 withan umbrella(雨伞)______97 his hand.The boy___ ___98 him what had hap-pened,and______99 him for help.Seeing that,the man decid-ed to ______100 the boy.
3.He______101 his umbrella at the ball.The ball______102 down,but his umbrella was hung on t he______103 instead.
4.The boy picked up his ball and ran ______104. But thetree was so_____105 that the man coul d not ______106 it back.He _____107 there and ______108 up at his umbrella,not knowing______109 to do.
Do you like the boy in the ______110?
答案:91.boy 92.playing 93.ball/football 94.went 95.Just 96.man 97.in 98.told 99.asked 100.h elp 101.threw 102.fell 103.tree 104.away 105.high/tall 106.get107.stood 108.looked 109.what 110. picture/story
剖析:此题旨在考查学生运用语言知识进行初步书面表达的能力。书写内容要严格控制使用四会词语,并 与图画内容一致.看图写话是用视觉构思进行书面表达。此种题型也是平时课堂情景教学的好方法。
Chinese is spoken for the largest number of 1.___people in the world.English is wide spoken in 2.___the world.It's also used for business between 3.___different countries.Most business let ters a- 4.___round the world were written inEnglish. 5.___Half the world's telephone calls are m ade in 6.___English.English is one of most important 7.___languages in the world.If you learn ev en a 8.___little English,you'll find it useful after you 9.___leave school.Is that all

right? 10.___
答案:1.by 2.widely 3.√ 4.√ 5.are 6.√ 7.加 the 8.√ 9.√ 10.删去all
剖析:本题给出一篇难度适中的短文,要求考生判断各行是否有错,如有错即将其改正。错误的类型包括 词法、句法、动词时态、语篇结构和行文逻辑等。该题旨在测定考生综合运用语言的准确性和熟练程度。
英语中考笔试主观题类型很多,上述仅是几种常见示例。通过比较和剖析,笔者认为有以下几个问题需要 探索:
1.笔试卷中主观题和客观题应该匹配得当。北京等地的中考题都是严格按照三与七的比例命题的,这对 贯彻初中英语教学大纲要求听、说、读、写四会是有利的。但也有相当数量的省、市中考英语试卷上主观题的 比例过少;应引起重视。
2.主观题在命题时,应严格遵循教学大纲和考试说明的要求,并要参照四会要求的词汇和日常交际用语 细目表,不能随意增加难度。命题内容不宜复杂,文字也不要太长。
3.从列举的题型可以看出,题型的难度区分较大。在一份试卷上拼题时,要难易、轻重合理,使一般学 生可以达标,使优秀学生有用武之地。过难或过易都不利于区分学生学习成绩的高低等第,也不利于日常教学 的正常进行。
4.按照初中英语教学大纲对书写的要求,今后中考书面表达可设计写简单的书信、便条,日记、通知和 看图写连环画等内容。各省、市英语教研室和英语中学报刊最好也能围绕这些书写内容,编些资料或发表学生 的习作和教师批改后的范文,供广大中学生和任课教师使用。