初中英语阅读教学中运用大数据培养学生核心素养——人教版八年级下册 Unit 2 Section A 3a-3c Students Who Volunteer教学案例

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初中英语阅读教学中运用大数据培养学生核心素养——人教版八年级下册 Unit 2 Section A 3a-3c Students Who Volunteer教学案例



本节课为人教版(Go for it)八年级下册Unit2第三课时阅读课,运用“希沃”信息化平台阅读Mario和Mary志愿服务活动,开展读写教学。“志愿服务”德育教育贯穿始终,培养学生关爱社会、乐于助人的道德品质。




I. Pre-reading

1. Greeting.

2. Leading-in.

The teacher tells students the competition rules and shows the learning objectives.

The teacher plays a short video about volunteers for the students and asks them the following questions.

T: In the video, who are the people with this sign?

T: Do you want to be them?

T: What will you volunteer to do if you are one of them?


II. While-reading

Task 1 Listen, imitate and match

1. Ask students to listen to 3a and repeat sentence by sentence.

2. Let them match the main idea with each paragraph and find out the structure used in 3a.

Task2 Read and get information.

1.General part

Let students read para.1 together to get some information.

2.Specific part

Ask students to read para.2 &3 alone and finish the chart below in 2 minutes.


Let them share the answers in groups then show the final answers to the whole class.


III. Post-reading

Task3 Communicate with others.

The teacher shows a picture of volunteers from No.3 Middle School and ask students to watch an interview.

Let students interview their partners.


Task4 Write and share.

The teacher shows pictures of volunteers from her school. Then give a sample of volunteering work and tell students some writing tips.

Ask the students to write a passage according to the photos they have got.

Ask someone to share his or her passage with the whole class. The teacher shows it on the screen by Seewo Link as while.


Task5 Summarize.

Ask students to try out volunteering to make the world better.

Summarize the expression including volunteer to do, get a feeling of ..., a dream come true for sb. and the writing tips “General-specific”.

Evaluate the winner by counting the happy faces they got.

Task6 Assign homework.

Ask the students to read 3a aloud and continue to finish the passage.





