On the impact of the US presidential election on China's strategy

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Jing Chen Yingfan Sun

Business School of Shandong Normal University,Jinan Shandong,250358

陈婧 孙英凡

山东师范大学 商学院,山东 济南 250358

Abstract:As the world's largest economy, the change of leadership group of the United States will have a great impact on the political and economic situation of the world (especially China). Based on this background, this paper analyzes what strategies China should adopt after trump and Biden are elected.

Keywords: American election; China strategy;Political and Economic situation

1 Introduction

2020 is the year of US presidential election, with Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic counterpart Joe Biden running for president. The election of different candidates will shape different strategic patterns of global economic and financial development, and have a greater impact on the U.S. economy and the global economy (including China’s economy).

2 Trump and Biden's ideas

For China, Trump's re-election is a tactical difficulty, and Biden's taking office is a strategic test.Whether Trump or Biden is superior or not depends on how to deal with China, but how to govern the United States and unite other countries.

Table 1: comparison of main policies of Trump and Biden





Repeal Obama's executive order on immigration reform in November 2014

1. End the "state of emergency" on the southern border

2. Abolishing the "Muslim ban"


Strengthen trade law enforcement and impose punitive tariffs on countries that engage in "unfair dumping and subsidies" (cracking down on China's trade fraud)

Implement trade law enforcement against countries that use improper means (currency manipulation, anti competitive dumping and state subsidies)

Foreign policy

Ease the relationship between the United States and Russia, use economic leverage to influence other countries, reshape U.S. military power, and develop and order the most advanced equipment

1. End the war in Afghanistan and the Middle East

2. Restore and reconstruct the alliance relationship

Economic employment

Promote the tax reduction and construction law, provide tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses, provide children's tax credit, and simplify tax declaration procedures

1. Abolish the tax reduction policy

2. "Rebuilding a better future": raising the minimum wage and investing in green energy

From the table, we can see that Trump and Biden have different policies in different fields. Therefore, in order to promote the development of China's economy, we carry out specific analysis according to the election of different candidates, and give the following suggestions.

3 China's strategy after Trump election

In order to deal with Trump's sanctions, we have launched the strategy of strengthening the country through science and technology. Specifically, China can focus on the following three aspects[1]. In response to this new normal, China can take the following measures:

1.Make effective use of trade countervailing tools.

2.We should unite with other countries to safeguard the international trade order.

3.Take the rapid growth of domestic market demand as the bargaining weight, and strive to expand domestic demand and opening up to resist external risks.

4.Maintain a positive attitude of openness, especially in high-tech and service industries, and actively respond through soft diplomacy.

5.Adjust the exchange rate policy at the right time.

4 China's strategy after Biden election

Biden's appointment means that the competition and game between China and the United States will not change in essence, but there may be some changes in the tactical form and cooperative competition, which may become a new normal[2].

1.We need to restart the dialogue mechanism and make the list of Sino US cooperation as long as possible.

2.We should deepen reform and build a powerful socialist country in an all-round way.

3.We should expand the institutional high-level opening to the outside world.

4.Increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation.

5.We should build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and deepen reform in an all-round way.

5 Conclusion

China and the United States need to actively communicate to form healthy competition, and make it produce far better long-term results for both countries than confrontation, and jointly explore and create an unprecedented win-win situation for major powers, so that people can feel the constructive transmission of the concept of "Asia Pacific"

[3]. This will be a blessing for China and the United States, as well as for mankind.


[1] Wang Shasha. The adjustment of Trump government's strategic deployment and its impact on China's surrounding situation [J]. Strategic decision research, 2020, 11 (06): 21-40 + 106.

[2] If Kim Biden is on the stage, what will the Sino US relations be like? [J] Xinmin weekly, 2020 (42): 54-57.

[3] Biden team should abandon "India Pacific" and regain the concept of "Asia Pacific". Global times, November 26, 2020 (014).

[4] Ma Bo. What are the new approaches to US diplomacy [n]. Global times, November 26, 2020 (014).
