The Significance and Existing Problems of the Experimental Courses of Economic Management

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The Significance and Existing Problems of the Experimental Courses of Economic Management

Chen Chuhao(陈楚豪 )

Guangzhou Xinhua University (广州新华学院)

Abstract: With the development of computer and network technology, experimental courses are playing an increasingly important role in cultivating the practical ability of students majoring in economics and management and improving their competitiveness in the workplace. This article analyzes the current common modes of opening experimental courses in economics and management majors in colleges and universities, common problems in the opening process, and proposes ideas to solve the problems.

Keywords: Economics and Management Major, Experimental Course Construction, Problem

Experimental class is a very important link and form of modern school education. From elementary school to university, especially in the field of natural sciences, experimental class integrates theory with practice, conducts scientific training for students, improves students' observation and analysis ability, and practical ability, which is to help students form Scientific thinking and an important way to improve scientific literacy.

Experimental courses are an important part of science and engineering courses. Through the experimental process of experimental courses, students of science and engineering can help themselves to form a very intuitive understanding of theories, cultivate a good thinking mode of experimental verification, and form good research and design work habits.

Improving practical ability through experimental courses should not be the patent of science and engineering courses. For students majoring in economics and management at the university level, the cultivation of practical ability and practical ability is also very important. Especially in today's popularization of computer and network technology, economic management workers at all levels have to face the electronic and networked business, and the job market has intensified the demand for compound talents. Graduates majoring in economics and management not only need to have flexible thinking, methods and models, but also have the ability to reproduce business practices, and must be able to use modern technical conditions and theoretical knowledge to serve their own work practices. Many university teachers of economics and management are also thinking about and setting up corresponding experimental courses for students.The opening of experimental courses not only cultivates students' practical ability, but also enhances students' interest in learning and the depth and breadth of knowledge application, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of economic management students in the workplace.

Although the experimental class is very important, there are still many problems.

The understanding of different levels of university managers or different teachers is inconsistent. Therefore, there are many problems in opening experimental courses. Teaching is a part of the teacher's work and an important process for students to obtain credits. The experimental class will make teachers think about assessment issues, and will also make students think about how to obtain grades.

Some people think that in the computer room or other venues, the teacher just walks back and forth for guidance, and the work is easier, so they think that the workload calculation should be reduced, or even halved. Teachers are unwilling to offer experimental courses, and students will feel that they are spending more time in class in exchange for credits of varying hours. Managers need to do a good job of coordination and reduce the resistance of teachers and students.

In the course of the experimental class, students are often held in groups, so there may also be students free-riding. The final result of a group does not mean that every member of the group is doing well, and there are even lazy people. When arranging tasks, you can arrange for everyone to have tasks that need to be completed independently, as well as tasks that everyone cooperates with. This can not only cultivate students' cooperation ability, but also exercise their ability to complete tasks independently.

Of course, there are still problems of one kind or another in the opening of experimental courses. Based on the important role of experimental courses, university administrators need to attach great importance and support, and provide a good experimental site and environment, and encourage teachers and administrators at the subject level to design more And set up experimental courses to improve the practical ability of modern college students, and then help to submit the employment rate of modern college students and the competitiveness of the workplace.


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