Exploring Motivation in Studying English as Chinese Senior High School Students in Zhaoqing, China

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Exploring Motivation in Studying English as Chinese Senior High School Students in Zhaoqing, China




One of the purposes of English Curriculum in senior high school is to stimulate students' interest in learning English, cultivate their positive attitude towards English learning, enable them to establish a preliminary self-confidence in learning English, and lay a preliminary foundation for students to continue learning English in college or university. Positive learning attitude is the key to the success of English learning. Motivation and interest are important components to promote students' positive emotional attitude. Therefore, high school English teaching should pay special attention to the stimulation and cultivation of learning interest and motivation.

This article takes students from Zhaoqong Beiya Experimental School of Sihui, Zhaoqing , Guangdong Province, China as the research object, carries on the investigation to analyze the current situation of senior high school students' English learning motivation from the perspective of cognitive theory. In terms of English learning motivation, senior high school students of Zhaoqing City have low self expectation value and high achievement motivation, but their sense of self-efficacy is not optimistic. Students are eager to pursue success in English learning. Finally, it discusses how to use the theory of English learning motivation to guide Senior High School English class teaching, explores whether there is a correlation between learning motivation and the improvement of senior high school students' English level, and puts forward improvement countermeasures.By analyzing students motivation of learning English, this paper can effectively understand the situation of studying English. At the same time, it can also analyze according to the survey results, and provide relevant suggestions .

Key words: high school students; English; learning motivation,China



1.1 Research Background

With the development of the economy, there is an increasing number of exchanges among the international community. As an important tool for international integration, foreign languages are increasingly valued, and English, as the most widely spoken language in the world, has become increasingly important. Mastering English well is a necessary condition for becoming the talents needed in the new century, and it will be of great benefit to future development. A few key events demonstrate the growing importance of English education in recent Chinese history: English becomes a subject in the College Entrance Examination.

This study investigates the current situation of interest of senior high school English learning and the research on influencing factors can help schools and parents better understand the current level of students' interest in English learning in China, understanding the reasons for students' different levels of interest, and find the main factors affecting interest Therefore, this study provides certain enlightenment and guidance for the future practice of senior high English teaching in schools in China.

1.2 Significance of the Study

This study of motivation in learning English in senior high school is significant in two respects. Firstly, such a study could help teachers in senior high schools find out some new methods to teach or set up some curriculum which fit students’ needs and, at the same time, to create activities or tasks that directly match students’ interests and expectations. Secondly, this study could help students build a positive attitude toward English study.

1.3 Research Questions

According to the objectives, some research questions were raised as follows:

  1. Why senior high school students have different motivations during their English study?
  2. What could be done to improve senior high school students’ learning according to the motivation ?
  3. What were the factors of senior high school students’ motivation toward on learning English ? 
  4. According to the opinions of senior high school students , what were the factors of motivation which have influenced senior high school students for learning English ?

1.4 Scope of the Study

The subjects of this study were senior high school studentswhich were selected by Beiya Experimental School,in Sihui,Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province,China. The independent variables of this study were students of aged15-18 from this school,including 1200 in Grade One, 600 in Grade Two and 1200 in Grade Three, which was 3000 in total.108 questionnaires are sent,all of which are recollected, including 70 boys and 38 girls students. The dependent variables of this study were the interest of learning English,the faith of learning English and the ability of learning English.The content for this study contained Learning Motivation, Classification of Learning Motivations, Analysis of the necessity of stimulating students' interest in learning in high school English teaching, Factors that Affect Students' Interest in English Learning and Thinking on Strategies to Develop Students' Interest in English Learning.The period of time was between February 18, 2022 and September29, 2022.

1.5 Definition of Terms

The definition of the terms of this study is as follow.

1. The types refers to various and different kinds of motivation. 

2. Senior high school students refers to the senior high school students who study in Beiya Experimental School in Sihui, Zhaoqing, China.

3. Learning English is defined that senior students learn as the transformative process oftaking in information ,which is based onthe English textbooks ,input of English teachers teaching, students English learning process, and their reflection.

1.7 Expected Outcomes

It was expected that the following objectives would be achieved :

1. This study provided insight the factors of motivation which have influenced senior high school students for learning English.

2.This study provided references for the improvement and development studentsmotivation for earning English in the future.



2.1 Learning Motivation

   Learning motivation refers to the degree of commitment and effort used in classroom contexts to explain students' commitment and effort to learning objectives in learning activities. Motivation requires two necessary conditions: internal drive and external inducement. Internal drive means that the internal motivation of the inpidual is a learning need, and the trigger is the external attraction [1]. Therefore, the learning motivation composed of inpidual internal drive and external triggers is the catalyst of learning activities to have a driving effect on learning activities. The internal driving force that causes learning activities is also indispensable to the existence of learning interest, which is an early form of learning motivation, and both belong to the internal causes of learning activities. Learning interest emphasizes the tendency of learning behavior while learning motivation emphasizes the maintenance of learning behavior, so learning motivation is more stable than learning interest. A strong interest in learning can stimulate learning motivation, and conversely, a higher learning motivation can also drive the cultivation of interest in learning. When a student's interest in learning is transformed into a stable motivation to learn, the student's learning process will change from "I have to learn" to "I want to learn" or even "I really want to learn".

2.2 Classification of Learning Motivations

2.2.1Internal learning motivation and external learning motivation

According to the different sources of motivation, learning motivation is pided into internal learning motivation and external learning motivation.Internal learning motivation refers to the learning motivation caused by the needs in the inpidual. That is to say, the incentive comes from the learner's own intrinsic factors, that is, the motivation of high school students to become interested in the activity itself, such as reading a book because they are really interested in the book.

    (2)External learning motivation, high school students' Motivation to learn English is often caused by external incentives and is linked to external rewards. That is, the motivation to learn that is stimulated by external incentives outside of learning activities, such as reading a book not because we are interested in the book, but because they read a book to get a high score on the test [2].

2.2.2 Noble motives and low-level motives

According to the social significance of the content of learning motivation, learning motivation is pided into noble motivation and low-level motivation. The criterion for judging the noble and inferior motivation for learning is whether it is beneficial to society and the collective.

(1)Noble motives, at the heart of altruism, are to associate the current learning with the interests of the state and society. In other words, learning is seen as a contribution to society, such as Premier Zhou Enlai's saying goes that ,"Reading for the rise of China."

(2)The core of low-level motivation is self-interested and self-centered, and the motivation to learn comes only from one's immediate interests. Regard learning as a means of gaining personal fame and fortune[3].

2.2.3 Near-term Motivation and Perspective Motivation

According to the relationship between motivational behavior and the goal, that is, the length of action, learning motivation can be pided into near-term motivation and perspective motivation.

(1)Near-term motivation is related to the near-term goal.

(2)Perspective motivation is related to the long-term goal.

2.2.4 Direct and Indirect Motivation

According to the relationship between learning motivation and learning activities, it can be pided into direct motivation and indirect motivation.

(1)Direct motivation, directly caused by the learning activity itself, is expressed as a direct interest and hobby in the subject content or learning activity being studied.

(2)Indirect motivation, linked to social meaning, is a reflection in the minds of students of social ideas, parental wishes, and teacher expectations.

2.3 Analysis of the necessity of stimulating students' interest in learning in high school English teaching

In modern teaching activities, the lack of strong interest in learning is an important factor affecting the learning effect of high school students, and this problem is particularly obvious in the teaching of English in high schools in China. Combined with the current situation of high school English teaching in China, the attitude of high school students to English learning is either enthusiastic or depressed.

Of course, compared with the latter, there are still fewer students who really participate in English learning with strong interest and high emotions, and most high school students basically treat English learning with a passive and depressed mood. As we have learned, learning requires long-term accumulation, and it is far from achieving better learning results with a momentary enthusiasm alone. English is also an exotic language and culture, students basically do not use English in their daily lives, and there is a big difference between English and Chinese; At the same time, in the high school subject system, English is not relatively closely related to other subjects, and it is basically an independent discipline; In addition, from a wooden point of view, English is essentially a culture, and the language height is only a cultural appearance, so under the condition of detaching from the cultural foundation, high school students cannot truly perceive English properly and thoroughly. Based on the influence of the above factors, high school students in the process of English learning, if they encounter some unsolvable problems, they will be stagnated, and the enthusiasm at the beginning of learning will disappear with time passing by and unsatisfactory learning effects, followed by endless passive acceptance and coping with learning.From this point of view, stimulating students' interest in learning in teaching activities and using the driving force of interest as a good teacher to enhance students' enthusiasm for English learning has become a necessary measure to get out of the dilemma of high school English teaching in China.

2.4Thinking on Strategies to Develop Students' Interest in English Learning

(1)Science guides for students and interest in learning cultivation

In view of the problems existing in the students themselves, we must strengthen the education of students, guide them scientifically, and gradually cultivate their interest in learning English. First of all, through examples, facts, reasoning, etc., to improve students' understanding of the "] English curriculum, so that they can recognize the importance of English from the bottom of their hearts, so as to establish the goal of English learning and make efforts for it. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the counseling and education of students' mental health, so that students can form correct values, outlook on life and world outlook, and form a strong ability to resist setbacks, so that students' psychology and physiology can achieve unified development. Finally, it is necessary to continuously guide students scientifically, guide students to form various comprehensive abilities, and effectively promote the learning of English.

(2)Strengthen teacher-student communication and improve teaching methods

In view of some outstanding problems in teachers, teachers should first start from the relationship with students, strengthen communication with students, and carry out online learning and discussion with students through QQ, WeChat, etc., so as to truly become a good teacher and friend in students' learning and life. Secondly, we should constantly improve our own teaching methods, strive to improve our own professional skills and professional quality, change the traditional backward single-style teaching methods, and establish a new type of equal dialogue teaching methods, so that the classroom atmosphere can be fully enlivened. Finally, it is necessary to combine the reward method to carry out teaching, in the teaching process, timely encouragement and praise for students' performance and progress, so that students feel recognized, and then improve their interest in English learning.

(3)Care for students and give care to children just like their families

For family reasons, parents should assume the responsibility of teaching their children, not only focus on students' academic performance, but actively care about students' physically and mentally healthy situations in life and give students the warmth of their homes.

In some families, parents are excessively doting on their children, or instilling in their children the concept of "emphasizing literature over reason". In addition, with the improvement of the living standards of modern families, some families have bought computers, but parents are not constrained enough on children, resulting in children indulging in computer games, spending more time on computers than spending time on learning, and their attention cannot be focused on learning, and children's interest in learning will naturally decline.

Some parents do not have a high degree of education themselves, do not understand English, can not guide their children, and no one around can help their children, resulting in many problems which do not know who to ask, and even do not know where the problem is, which eventually leads to interest declines in their learning , and it is impossible to learn English well.

Parents should manage their children well, bring their interests to the right track, give them clear the importance of learning, and help them develop a good learning habit. In this way, students' interest in learning can be cultivated.

(4)Change the way of evaluation is conducted and create a good learning environment

To continue to effectively increase students' interest in learning English, schools and society should also play a role in creating a good evaluation environment and development environment for students. First of all, education management departments and schools should return students to a relaxed learning environment, change the traditional backward test-taking education, and vigorously carry out quality education. Secondly, in the ordinary learning process, it is necessary to change the previous way of blindly evaluating students based on their academic performance, pay attention to cultivating students' interest in learning, and be good at stimulating students' pergent thinking, so that students can learn to learn from each other. Finally, schools and society should form a joint force to continuously optimize the social environment for students, improve the high level of quality education, and enable students to treat the process and results of the examination scientifically and correctly.

(5)Arrange the teaching content reasonably, and use a variety of teaching methods

The content of the English textbook covers a wide range of knowledge such as the history, geography, culture, folklore, and customs of Western society. In the process of teaching, the introduction of cultural background knowledge can guide students to enter the same ancient and magnificent Western cultural temple as Chinese culture, understand the ideas and concepts of Western culture, appreciate the exotic styles of different styles, feel the different customs and habits of Western society, and better cultivate their interests. Of course, for primary school students, many cultural differences are more abstract, but we can express them in simple language, such as when teaching Christmas, teachers can appropriately extend the origin of Christmas, in the form of storytelling to introduce students to the Western world, so that students remember the culture of this holiday.

Students are always curious about new and changing things, and a single teaching method is easy for students to get bored, which is a sharp blade that stifles students' interest. Therefore, teachers should try to adopt a variety of teaching methods in the classroom to make teaching full of fun.

(1)Total PhysicalResponse Method

Based on the performance of children's acquired mother tongue, Aschel created the total physical response method, a teaching method that helps students master the initial listening and speaking skills in a relaxed learning environment. The main teaching activity is issuing and responding to orders. For example, when teaching body parts, the teacher can issue commands, such as touch your eyes, touch your nose, touch your mouse, etc., at this time, the student will touch his eyes, nose, mouth, etc. When issuing commands, the teacher will use the appropriate tone of voice and accompanied by rich posture and facial expressions to make people feel pleasant. For example, when the teacher speaks the instructions quickly, the students will be very nervous, resulting in a phenomenon of busyness, which will trigger bursts of laughter. If the teacher gives a correct or wrong prompt when giving instructions, the student is often misled, which also checks the solidity of the student's knowledge on the one hand.

2Intuitive Method

Intuitive Method gets its name mainly because it advocates that when teaching a foreign language, a foreign language word should be directly related to what he represents. Due to the objective distance between book knowledge and students, students will inevitably have problems of one kind or another in the process of learning and understanding things, and intuitive teaching can simply solve such problems. Teachers use foreign languages for teaching, and widely use intuitive means such as objects, pictures, gestures, and expressions to explain the meaning and sentences of foreign languages to make the meaning clear. For example, when teaching in, on, under, between, behind, etc., the teacher can take a ball in his hand, put the ball on the table, and ask "where is the ball?" The whole class answered "It is..." at the same time, so that the practice was repeatedly, which intuitively left a deep impression on the students' minds. While clarifying the meaning of words, it is also a good grasp of the specific use of these words in sentences.


The audiolingual method is a way to develop students' ability to communicate in foreign languages, and it trains students to speak English as a habit. Language is talking, not writing. Language is a habit, not an imaginary rule. Especially in the initial stage of primary school English learning, teachers should use a lot of time to practice listening and speaking to students. Because listening and speaking content is easy for students to imitate and accept, it is easy for students to learn to communicate simply and quickly build confidence in learning. In the teaching process, teachers are guided. When teaching sentences, you can first say positive sentences, and then guide students to say questioning or negative sentences. For example, in the sentence I like apples, teachers can first paste various fruits on the blackboard, review the fruit words, and then practice and expand the sentence pattern "I like...". This process has a lot of interaction between teachers and students, so that students can fully speak English.


4The SituationalMethod

The situational method, also known as the oral situational method, emphasizes the application of language in the situation. The main characteristics of primary school students are lively, active and show-loving. Creating scenes for performance is an effective way to learn language, using performance for teaching, effectively implementing the teaching principles of "taking students as the main body" and "taking teachers as the guide", and effectively opening up students' innovative thinking. Performance can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, make students dare to participate in language practice, and is most conducive to greatly improving the teaching level. When teaching dialogue, students are asked to perform in groups and roles. For outstanding performances, in addition to giving applause, it is also appropriate to give small gifts. By this time, the students are passionate and their attention is particularly concentrated, and they have a good grasp of the knowledge they have learned, and at the same time, they also know how to apply what they have learned in real scenes. For example, in the first class of the English textbook in the first grade is to teach simple greetings, such as hello, how are you, Thank you, etc., I first used Chinese to say hello to the students, and then in English, after repeated practice familiarity, let the students say hello to the teacher, and then say hello among the students, the students would think it very interesting.Though never been in contact with English, they quickly mastered these common sentences.

2.5 Review of Related research

This chapter aims to review the literature concerning motivation on senior high school students along with a summary. First, this chapter presents the educational system in China, followed by the theory of motivation and motivation in language learning. Then, the concept of motivation is discussed in detail by demonstrating the different types of motivation such as (a) intrinsic motivation; (b) extrinsic motivation; (c) integrative motivation; and (d) instrumental motivation are illustrated. Finally, this chapter is ended by talking about some relevant research concerning motivation.

Since an analysis of English learners’ motivation is a useful method not only to

understand the reason why learners choose to learn English but also to help English teachers take into account strategies of improving learners’ motivation and the way to design course content. Therefore, many pieces of research and studies have examined the motivation of learning English as follows: Klimova (2011). conducted research about the motivation for learning English at the university level with 19 students at the end of the summer semester of 2010 from Management of Tourism, Information Management, and Financial Management. The aim of this research was pided into three main areas describing general facts about studying English; depicting facilitators of the learning process and eliciting specific motivational or DE-motivational factors of a learning process at the institution. The result revealed that the reason why students choose to learn English was from a decision made by their parents. However, all students definitely agreed that studying English was important for their future. The most common reason given was English is an international language for communication.

2.5.1 Related research in learning motivation

Dadi (2018). completed a study by 51 English major students of Dire Dawa

University with the purpose of exploring students’ motivation and attitudes to English

language learning. The results revealed that students had a high instrumental

motivation to learn the English language. Thus, the research suggested that teachers

play a vital role in grasping students' attitude and motivation in teaching and studying

procedures for developing students’ interest in the target language, such as letting

students understand that learning English can help them to get a job in the future.

2.5.2 Related research in factors that effect on studentsinterest in learning English.

(1)Factors on the student's own side

Marxist dialectical legal person is the key to the change and development of things and the main factor constituting contradictions. Therefore, the analysis of the factors affecting students' interest in English learning must start from the students themselves. Some students have poor learning ability, insufficient understanding of the importance of English learning, unscientific or even incorrect methods of learning English, and psychological factors, which make them think that learning English is more difficult or the importance of learning English is not obvious, thus affecting students' interest in learning English.

(2)Teacher-side factors

Teachers are one of the important factors influencing students' interest in Learning English. First, some current English teachers neglect communication with students in order to pursue teaching results, resulting in a large distance between teachers and students. As the saying goes that the emotional estrangement between teachers and students has led to a certain extent that students' interest in learning English has gradually weakened. Second, some English teachers have a single teaching method, which makes students bored in the process of learning English, which leads to students losing interest in learning English. Third, teachers lack encouragement and praise for students in class,which made students do not experience the success and happiness they deserve, which is also one of the important factors for students to lose interest in English learning.

(3)Factors from families

With the increase of employment pressure, English is becoming more and more important in the workplace competition. Therefore, many parents let their children participate in various English tuition classes from an early age, and the students' spare time and other recreational time are squeezed out very little. At the same time, some students' parents are doting on their children too much, a common thought is that "Emphasizing theory over literature". There is a saying in China that "Learning mathematics, physics and chemistry well leading you to all over the world without fear".This saying has been widely spread among Chinese students, which leads students focus less attention on learning English, and gradually become uninterested in English.

(4)Factors from schools and society

Nowadays, students are in such environment that some schools in order to pursue fame and fortune, society to measure the schools’ suitable or unsuitable standards etc., are around the performance of the development, in this environment, the pressure of school and all aspects of society continues to pressure students, in the face of heavy pressure, students cannot absolutely still have interest in learning.

   2.5.3 Related research in strategies to develop studentsinterest in learning English.

Stimulate the student's own study motivation. Teachers have to improve themselves. To improve environmental problems of families and society.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

By applying the convenience sampling method, this study work was conducted at Beiya Experimental School, in Sihui,Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province,China.Thus, the subjects of this study were the senior high school students by Beiya Experimental School. As a teacher in this school, the researcher can easily hand out the questionnaires and effectively recollect them. 

The survey of Senior High Students’ Motivation for Learning English

Table 3.2 Percentage of each question

Table 3.21

  1. Are you interested in learning English?




Very interested






Not Interested



Pretty Interested



Just so-so



Effective Quantity


Table 3.22

2. How long do you spend learning English after class every day? 







2 Hours



1 Hour



Not at all



Less than 1 Hour



Effective Quantity


Table 3.23

3. Are you confident in learning English?    




Have Strong confidence



Have  Confidence



Have No Confidence



Have A Little Confidence



Just so-so



Effective Quantity


Table 3.24

4.Are you satisfied with the results of your English learning? 




Pretty satisfied



Just so-so



Very satisfied









Effective Quantity


Table 3.25

  1. How do you think you can improve your abilities in English learning?




Teacher tutoring






Other Else



Effective Quantity


Table 3.26

6.What is your motivation for learning English?    




Requirements of Examination



Requirements of Society



Personal Need



No idea



Effective Quantity


Table 3.27

7.Are you satisfied with the teaching methods of English your teachers?





Very Satisfied






Pretty Satisfied



Just so-so






Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.8

  1. What kind of teaching activities do you like in class?




Group Activities



Inpidual  Activities



Other Else



Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.9

9.Do you want to communicate with your teacher about English? 




Very Hopeful






Pretty Hopeful



Just so-so






Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.10

10.Will you take the initiative to communicate with the teacher?   




I Will



I Won’t



Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.11

11.For me, learning English is easy .














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.12

12 .I believe I have the ability to learn English well.    














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.13

13.When I encounter difficulties, I easily give up.    














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.14

14.For me, it is not difficult to get high score in English .     














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.15

15.When I encountered difficulties in learning English, I was able to find a good solution.     














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.16

16.There are always difficulties when I want to master some new knowledge of English.   














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.17

17.When most of the difficulties encountered in the process of learning English, I was able to overcome .      














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.18

18.Failures in learning English will haunt me for a long time.  














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.19

19.I am not able to cope with most of the difficulties that arise in learning English.  














Effective Quantity


Table 3.2.20

20.I love challenging learning tasks because I believe I can win in the face of challenges.    














Effective Quantity


3.4 Data Collection

A total of 108 questionnaires were randomly distributed in Beiya Experimental School, Sihui, Zhaoqing, China during February 18, 2022 to September29, 2022.  108 effective questionnaires were actually collected with an effective questionnaires recovery rate of 100% .

Chapter 4 Results

There were 108 questionnaires in total,and all of them were effective. According to Table 3.2.1, 12.96%, 29.63%, 18.52%, and 12.96% respectively chose “very interested in”, 18.52% chose” pretty interested”,  12.96% of the students chose  “interested”, and 12.96%  chose “not interested” in English.Therefore, it can be seen that more than half of the students are interested in or like English. The proportion of students who do not like to learn English is low.

According to Table 3.2.2, the proportion of those who studied English for less than one hour after class every day was the highest,38.89%, and the proportion of those who did not have it at all was 15.74%. The proportion of 3-4 hours of study is only 0.93%, which shows that there are more students interested in English, but due to various reasons, the learning time and effect are not enough.

According to Table 3.2.3,the proportion of people who are confident in learning English is only 5.56%, and the proportion of general is the highest, 45.37%, accounting for almost half of the total number of people surveyed, which shows that students' confidence in learning English needs to be strengthened, and factors such as lack of motivation to learn are worth exploring.According to Table 3.2.4, the proportion of students who are satisfied with the current English learning results is less than 30%, which is far lower than the 45.37% of students with a neutral attitude and slightly lower than the 35.19% of students who are not satisfied.

According to Table 3.2.5, it is believed that the main way to improve their English learning ability is self-improvement, that is to say, they understand that at the high school level, the main factor in improving English is their own learning enthusiasm. High school students' cognition has reached a certain level, that is, they understand that improving their English learning ability requires a certain level of motivation. But 40.15% of students still believe that the most important way is teachers or other factors.

According to Table 3.2.6, the most important learning motivation for high school students is that the proportion of examination requirements and social requirements is 50% and 16.67%respectively, because the proportion of personal needs is only 7.41%, which is far lower than the proportion of students who are very interested, pretty interested and interested in English. It can be seen that the number of people with internal tendencies to motivate is small.

According to Table 3.2.7, students are satisfied with the teaching methods of teachers for more than 88%, neutral attitude accounts for 11.11%, and dissatisfaction accounts for only 0.93%. Combined with Table 3.25 students' satisfaction with their own learning outcomes, students attribute their English learning effectiveness to themselves rather than their teachers.

According to Table 3.2.8, 55.56% of students like group activities, like personal activities and other activities accounted for about 20% each, in other words, students prefer to work with peers, do not like personal display, personal self-confidence in English to be improved.

According to Table 3.2, 9, in fact, most high school students want to communicate with teachers about English, only 4.63% of students do not want to communicate with teachers, which shows that many students, although not interested in English or dissatisfied with their English learning results, still want to communicate with teachers.

According to Table 3.2.10, the number of people who actively communicate with teachers accounts for 56.48%, that is to say, in the process of learning English, only half of high school students will take the initiative to communicate with teachers, and their learning enthusiasm needs to be improved.

According to Table 3.2.11, 41.67% of students think learning English is easy, and 22.23% of students do not think learning English is easy.

According to Table 3.2.12, 41.74% of students believe that they have the ability to learn English well, that is to say, these students believe that they can learn English well by their own ability, combined with Table 3.2.3, the proportion of students who are very confident in learning English is only 5.56%, indicating that students' confidence in learning does not only come from personal ability, but also depends on other factors.

According to Table 3.2.13, 41.67% of students believe that it is easy to give up when encountering difficulties, that is, the factor of "giving up when encountering difficulties" may lead to many consequences, including confidence in learning English, taking the initiative to communicate with teachers, and disliking personal activities in class.

According to Table 3.2.14, 41.66% of students think that it is not difficult to score high scores, and from this data, which is basically in line with Table 3.2.12 data, 41.74% of students believe that they have the ability to learn English well.

According to Table 3.2.15, 41.66% of students believe that they can find a good solution when they encounter difficulties in learning English. In Table 3.2.13, "41.67% of students believe that it is easy to give up when encountering difficulties" is not contradictory.

According to Table 3.2.16, 40.74% of the students believe that it will always be difficult to master some new knowledge, indicating that students have limited ability to accept the new English teaching, which is in line with Table 3.2.12 data.

According to Table 3.2.17, 40.74% of students believe that they can overcome difficulties in learning English.

According to Table 3.2.18, 39.82% of students believe that failure will plague them for a long time, which means that students will shake their confidence in English learning after encountering difficulties.

According to Table 3.2.19, 43.52% of students believe they are not equipped to cope with most difficulties.

According to Table 3.2.20, 35.18% of students believe that they can win in the face of challenges, and 41.74% of students in Table 3.2.12 believe that they are capable of learning English. 

Chaper 5 Conclusions, Suggestions

5.1  Conclusion of the study       

Through this survey and research, the author summarizes as follows: In terms of English learning motivation, from the survey of 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 above, it is known that high school students have lower expectations and higher motivation for achievement, but their self-efficacy is not optimistic, and correspondingly, the lower the student's self-efficacy, the lower the English learning performance. To some extent, this supports the conclusion of some experts about the correlation between learning motivation and students' academic performance. In addition, high school students are eager to pursue success in English learning, eager for appreciation from English teachers, and can calmly analyze their poor English scores due to their own lack of effort. Compared with the school English teaching environment, they pay more attention to the subjective psychological feelings in the English classroom. Their English learning is purposeful, and they expect love and positive feedback from teachers and parents.

To a certain extent, adjust the teaching methods of teachers, help students to obtain self-efficacy, help students improve students' English learning motivation, improve students' English learning performance, English teachers in teaching, consciously pay attention to stimulating students' English learning motivation, to meet the needs of students' English learning motivation, so that they produce higher self-evaluation, self-determination and self-expectation value, help to maintain and stimulate high school students' English learning motivation.

5.2 Suggestion

5.2.1 Students' interests Stimulation and Expectations Improvement

The study of English as a language has its particularity as a special subject. A teacher with high moral character knows how to adjust his emotions, pay attention to the external and inner image, should smile to communicate the bridge between himself and the students, and pay attention to his own teaching attitude in classroom teaching, so that his language is full of emotion and infectious. Let classroom teaching become both a process of knowledge information transmission feedback and a process of interpersonal communication between teachers and students. Teachers conduct mulch-channel emotional exchanges with students in teaching, infect their students with full enthusiasm, and influence the students they teach with positive enthusiasm for learning, so that to a certain extent, they can mobilize the positive emotions of students, and students will concentrate and relish the lectures


Students' enthusiasm for participating in teaching activities is improved, and their expectations for themselves are improved, which is conducive to the formation of a classroom communication atmosphere and the improvement of teaching quality.

5.2.2Build-up and Improvement for Students Self-Confidence

In the analysis of the results of this study, it is not difficult to find out that helping students build self-confidence and self-esteem is especially important for maintaining and stimulating the motivation of suburban high school students to learn English. The study of English, after all, is different from that of the mother tongue. Some students are afraid of language learning at the beginning, coupled with their own introverted personality, it is easy to have frustration in English learning, unwilling to speak English, resulting in English is not good, the sentences that have been learned are not good to read, so vicious circle, students' English learning is panicked. Therefore, as an English teacher, we should first help students build a sense of security and belonging, make him feel that English is amiable and lovely, and make him realize that through his own efforts, English can be learned well [10]. Inside and outside the classroom, encourage students, seize every opportunity to praise them, and help students build a sense of accomplishment.

5.2.3Help Learners View the Success and Failure Correctly.

Students have a sense of competition and are therefore inherently hostile to parallel classes. The class teacher must understand this so that he knows how to guide students to correctly view the students the success and failure.

"Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the jealousy and extremism that arise after failure." Modern society is a competitive society, there will be failure, when we fail, do not be discouraged, do not curse and hate, but to calmly analyze, learn lessons, find the crux of the problem, in order to facilitate the fight again. Just as the so-called 'inch is long, the ruler is short', we must humbly find out the gap between ourselves and others, strive to turn defeat into victory next time, let the competition promote their own growth, promote their own progress, and motivate themselves to succeed! Failure is the mother of success.

[11] This should not only be a maxim that we love, but more importantly, it should be used as a guide for our actions, to benefit from failure, to rise from failure, and to use failure as a 'springboard' and booster for our own dashing to success! ”

5.2.4 Implement Emotional Teaching and Cultivate Students' Positive Emotional

1.Establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship

Successful teaching relies on sincere understanding and mutual trust in the teacher-student relationship and on a harmonious classroom atmosphere. It is important to establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. The harmonious atmosphere can make the relationship between teachers and students more close, the distance between teachers and students is closer, and it is easier for students and teachers to communicate emotionally. When a teacher takes over a new class, the first thing to tell the students is that the teacher likes them and is willing to be their friend. When they have difficulties, the teacher is also willing to help them. At the same time, teachers should use actions to make students feel that the teacher is their friend. For example, when greeting students, the teacher should smile sincerely, so that the student feels that the teacher's smile is a natural expression of true feelings. When an inpidual student is inattentive in class, the teacher can walk up to him and gently touch his head or pat him on the shoulder to correct the mistake in the teacher's silent emotion. In order to avoid a sense of distance from students, teachers can walk among students and talk to students on an equal footing. When students answer questions, teachers should look at the students with a smile and give students the confidence to answer. When students can't answer, teachers should be good at guiding and prompting students. When a student answers incorrectly, the teacher says, "Never mind. Next time you can have a try.” Let students have the desire to answer questions again. But when students have problems, teachers should learn to squat down and help students solve problems.

2.Use eloquent language

Language can realize the communication of "knowledge" and "feeling". Infectious language can effectively regulate students' emotions and create a relaxed, cheerful, lively classroom atmosphere. How do you make your language contagious? When students answer questions wonderfully, teachers praise students from the bottom of their hearts, using different expressions such as "Youare great." You are clever.”" You did a good job.”“ Perfect.” Instead of replacing it with a simple "Good", make students feel like you're praising them from the bottom of your heart. To bring your language to life, it is also important to adjust the intonation, rhythm and pitch. For example, in teaching the word "sad" is, the teacher can rub his eyes and say with a crying voice, "I am sad." When teaching the word "angry", the teacher can cross his hands at his waist, round his eyes, and speak fiercely; ” I am angry.” When teaching the word "frightened," the teacher can scream and make a screeching voice saying, "I am frightened." In short, teachers can create a relaxed atmosphere through exaggerated expressions, rich body movements, and infectious language, so that students can learn in a relaxed mood.

  1. Emotional processing of the teaching content triggers a positive emotional experience for students

Emotional processing of teaching content refers to the processing and organization of teaching content by teachers from the perspective of emotion, and gives full play to its positive role in emotion in the process of presenting teaching content to students.


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