Research Progress on the Influence of Movement Instruction on Com-munity Life in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

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Research Progress on the Influence of Movement Instruction on Com-munity Life in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease


The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang People's Hospital,Urumqi Xinjiang 830000,China

AbstractThe incidence of coronary heart disease increases year by year with the material level of our country.It has a harmful effect on the patient’s life health and quality of life.Movement Instruction is an important aspect of the secondary prevention project of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease.Although it has a history of decades at inland and abroad,the present situation in China is not optimistic.Some studies have shown that the popularization and participation of cardiac rehabilitation is true and lacking.This paper sums up the relevant knowledge of coronary heart disease,coronary heart disease movement instruction and its impact on community life of patients at home and abroad,and reviews the research results of movement instruction on community rehabilitation of coronary heart disease in recent years,which provides a theoretical reference and prospect for the future research of community exercise rehabilitation of coronary heart disease.

KeywordsCoronary heart disease;Community rehabilitation;Quality of life


With the development and progress of society,the im-provement of people’s living conditions has grown up to be a major cause of cardiovascular disease,and the inci-dence rate is increasing year by year[1].Coronary athero-sclerotic heart disease(Coronary atherosclerotic Heart Disease,CHD)Coronary heart disease(CHD)is caused by ischemia or necrosis of the myocardium caused by imbalance of coronary blood supply and myocardial oxygen demand,which in turn leads to the occurrence of heart disease.Many years of research have confirmed that hypertension(hypertension.Hp)is the most dan-gerous neutral factor in the CHD of blood[2].Exercise rehabilitation is an important part of the secondary pre-vention program of heart rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease.Movement instruction is an im-portant aspect of exercise rehabilitation,movement in-struction can improve cardiopulmonary function accord-ing to the patient’s history of disease[3].In our country,the popularity and participation of cardiac rehabilitation are relatively scarce[4].The treatment of cardiovascular diseases is becoming more and more mature,but cardiac rehabilitation is limited to the third Class A hospitals.Movement instruction can be completed by rehabilitation therapists and rehabilitation physicians in the hospital,and exercise prescriptions are delivered by rehabilitation physicians.Patients are advised to train under the guid-ance of rehabilitation therapists,but most of the patients with coronary heart disease are located in various com-munities,where the lack of scientific movement instruc-tion and appropriate training is not optimistic[5].Based on this,this paper reviews the research on the effect of exercise on the life of patients with coronary heart dis-ease in the community.

2.Research Progress on Coronary Heart Dis-ease

2.1 Incidence and Fatality Rate

Coronary heart disease is caused by various causes such as hyperlipidemia,hypertension,smoking,coronary obstruction and stenosis,which in turn lead to myocardial ischemia,angina pectoralis and even myocardial infarc-tion[6].The incidence in our country is very high[7],the fa-tality rate also remains high all year round[8].In addition,coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of high mortality in developed countries and globally,except in developing countries such as China[9].

2.2 Effects on Life

Some patients with coronary heart disease may develop symptoms such as poor sleep quality,loss of appetite and anxiety and depression along with increased psychologi-cal stress[10].Most patients with coronary heart disease in China are more inclined to receive relatively meticulous and high-level treatment in Grade 3A hospitals.In the long run,not only the patients’own economic burden will become heavier,but the medical social resources will also be wasted because of long-term occupation[11-12].

3.Research Progress of Movement Instruc-tion for Coronary Heart Disease

A large number of studies have shown that proper exercise training in patients with coronary heart disease is helpful to establish coronary collateral circulation,improve blood supply of cardiac muscle cells,and im-prove cardiopulmonary function[13],Chen Jianjian et al[14]graded motion tests[15].The patients with coronary heart disease were subjected to incremental load exercise,and the corresponding targeted aerobic exercise was tested to confirm that professional cardiopulmonary movement instruction could improve the cardiopulmonary function of the patients.Chen Xuanzu and others[16]inpidualized movement instruction was used to guide patients with coronary heart disease cardiac function grade III and above to carry out a control test,adjust exercise inten-sity,exercise frequency,exercise type and exercise time according to different patient conditions,customize in-pidualized exercise prescription,urge patients to train and follow up regularly.The control results confirmed that inpidualized movement instruction could improve blood glucose and blood lipids in patients with coronary heart disease.A meta-analysis showed that traditional Chinese medicine exercise therapy such as Taijiquan and Baduanjin can effectively improve the physical function and mental state of patients[17].Yue Shuang et al[18]with the concept of“double heart”treatment,the author em-phasizes the improvement of heart function of patients with coronary heart disease and pays attention to its common psychological problems[19].Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can increase the risk of coronary heart disease and death[20],Li Xinpeng and others[21].For patients with coronary heart disease with negative emotions such as anxiety and depression,tradi-tional Chinese medicine rehabilitation exercise was used to guide exercise,improve the negative emotions of pa-tients and improve the quality of life of patients.Move-ment instruction not only affects the above physiological and psychological factors in patients with coronary heart disease,but also a large number of evidence-based medicine[22].Evidence also suggests that cardiac re-habilitation movement instruction can effectively de-lay the development of coronary atherosclerosis[23].To prevent recurrence,repeated admission treatment,while relieving the economic pressure of patients while prolonging the survival time.

4.Study on the Influence of Exercise on Com-munity Life of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

4.1 Research on Community Life of Coronary Heart Disease Patients Guided by Exercise in China

Guo Yuanhang[4],there are more than 500 specialized heart rehabilitation centers in China up to 17 years[24].

Some areas such as southwest and northwest lack atten-tion to cardiac rehabilitation.As an important part of heart rehabilitation,movement instruction requires professional guidance from rehabilitation therapists and rehabilitation physicians,while the number of rehabilitation teams in China is at present[25].Not enough to meet over 700,000 people per year[26].The needs of surgical patients.At present,the importance of cardiac rehabilitation in China is not high[27].The patients didn’t realize the value of car-diac rehabilitation correctly,and the exercise prescription wasn’t long-lasting.At the same time,Professor Lu Xiao said that in order to improve the safety factor.Emergen-cy drugs should be prepared at the side of the training,and rehabilitation therapists should be required to master certain knowledge of first aid.If patients in the commu-nity for remote movement instruction should also follow in order to prevent accidents,timely rescue.Under the hierarchical medical system[28].Therapists in community hospitals will be responsible for the exercise of coronary heart disease in the community,rehabilitation outside the hospital,and effective conservation of medical resourc-es[29].Timely professional assessment of patients within the community[30]consolidation of curative effects[31].However,there is still a problem of uneven distribution of local medical resources,North and South China gener-ally attach importance to the third phase rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease[32].Therefore,as men-tioned above,movement instruction affects the physical and psychological factors of patients with coronary heart disease.

4.2 Progress of Community Life Influence in Cor-onary Heart Disease Patients

Report[33]pointed out that the number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases in China increased year by year in 2016,while the number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases in foreign countries,such as Japan,the United States,Germany and other countries a year earlier[34].The European and American countries have formed a mature system,the community center and rehabilitation center docking,to ensure that patients in the community can re-ceive regular rehabilitation therapists for their movement instruction,and more humane settings such as treatment groups,patients can communicate and interact.The sys-tem of pre-hospital and in-hospital heart rehabilitation is more mature,such as the closed-loop model in the United States,where rehabilitation teams work together to com-plete a set of movement instruction programs and super-vise implementation[35].In Asia,Japan also has a more mature heart rehabilitation system because of its early integration with the European and American systems.It is also worth learning in the direction of long-term rehabili-tation outside the hospital.Because the system is relative-ly mature,community exercise in these countries guides patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease to complete the training program issued by the rehabilitation team[36].


With the leap of the material level and the improve-ment of living conditions,the number of patients with coronary heart disease in China is increasing year by year,and the incidence,mortality and treatment are not optimistic.Coronary heart disease rehabilitation as an important post-operative recovery means for patients with coronary heart disease can effectively enhance the quality of life and improve the recovery effect.His role has been paid more and more attention by researchers at home and abroad.And related research is gradually increasing.However,the popularization of community rehabilitation still needs to be strengthened,the theoret-ical system of coronary heart disease rehabilitation is expected to be more and more perfect,and the primary therapeutic treatment for patients with coronary heart disease is more and more.


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