HanFu and it’s culture meaning汉服和它其中的文化内涵

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HanFu and it’s culture meaning汉服和它其中的文化内涵



  As Chinese traditional costume---HanFu was mentioned by the commentary of Zuo”China attaches importance to etiquette, therefore the country is called Xia, and because of it’s finery, it is called Hua.(作为中国的传统服饰---汉服,曾被左传中的注释提起过“中国有冕服之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华。”) Thus it can be seen that HanFu, one of Chinese symbols has it’s particular connotation. (由此可见,作为中国符号之一的汉服,有它独特的内涵。)

  According to the legend, the Chinese clothing is made by the yellow emperor which aimed to form the perfect robe system, used to rule people.( 传说中国最早的服饰是由黄帝制成,是为了形成完备的礼服体系由此来统治人民。) When you first meet with HanFu, you will deeply be attracted to it’s exquisive embroidery and dying art.(当你最初遇见汉服时,你将会被它精美的刺绣和织染艺术所深深吸引) Then Chinese aesthetics floats gently, approaching your heart. (中国美学缓缓浮现,靠近你的心) And through the window of aesthetics, you will see the touching scenery---the beauty of compromise. (透过美学的窗户,你将会看到中庸之美的动人景色)

   Colors of HanFu are coordinated with nature. (汉服的颜色与自然相协调) Due the admiration of nature, our ancestors set the system of “YinYang and Five elements” (中国古人由于对自然的崇拜,构建起阴阳五行的思想) “Five elements” is seen as the fundamentals of universe,including metal, wood, water, fire and earth. (“五行”包括金木水火土,它们被视作构成宇宙的物质基础) “Five” means five seasons--- Spring, Summer,Autumn,Winter and The first two months of Summer.(“五”指春,夏,秋,冬,季夏五季。) “YinYang and Five elements” theory aroused people’s reflection to Heaven,earth,god,man and instrument then produced “Colors of Five elements”:cyan, red , yellow, white and black,forming the basic color of HanFu.(阴阳五行思想引发了人们对天,地,神,人,器等各类物质的对应,从而产生了“五行色”:青,赤,黄,白,黑,这也构成了汉服的基础色) In other words, the color of HanFu is coordinated with the natural variation.(换言之,汉服的颜色是与自然变化相协调的) As early as the Western Han Dynasty,emperor adopted the color of the four seasons to conform nature,making “Four time clothes”.(早在西汉时期,帝王顺应四季而采用四季之色,形成“四时衣”) In the eastern Han Dynasty,people emulated theory of “Five elements”revised to “Five time” to correspond “Five colors” of “Five elements” (到了东汉,施法五行思想,改为“五时”对应“五行”的五色) Its specific application was reflected in garments.(它独特的应用体现在古代的朝服上) For example, there were specific stipulations on colors of court garments in the Han Dynasty,( 例如,汉代朝服的颜色有具体的规定) officers had to wear garments according to the “Five time” periods (官员一年四季需披五时朝服) ,cyan garments in Spring, red in the first two months of Summer, white in Autumn and black in Winter.(即春季用青色,夏季用红色,季夏用黄色,秋季用白色,冬季用黑色)

HanFu followed “Five elements” system until Ming Dynasty which embodied HuaXia nationality’s good qualities of conforming to Heaven and respecting nature.(汉服遵循五行五色体系一直延用到明代,体现了华夏民族顺应天道,施法自然的优秀品质)

  HanFu is the symbol of courtesy.(汉服是礼的代表) As it is known to all, people lived in a rigid hierarchy society in ancient China.(众所周知,古时候的人们生活在一个等级制度森严的社会) So courtesy, as a tool, was used to keep social order and ensure interests of nobility.(所以礼是用来维持社会秩序和确保贵族利益的工具) We can obviously find the shadow of courtesy through the corner of HanFu’s robe.(所以我们在汉服的衣襟上能明显地看到礼的影子) In ancient times,when people wore clothes, they usually wrapped the right side over before the left,(在古代,当人们穿衣服时,他们总习惯将左衣襟压右片衣襟) then they found a frenulum to fix the clothes just below the right axilla.(然后他们找出系带由系带固定在衣身右侧腋下) The reason why people focused on the orientation is the tradition of respecting the right and lowering the left.(人们如此注重方向的原因是一直以来尊右卑左 的传统) In addition to this, HanFu has 7 outstanding features which help people further understand courtesy. (除此之外,汉服还有7个显著特点,这些特点能帮助人们更深入理解礼的含义) :1. Wearers must expose underpants’ collar form, as the collar was big and curving.(穿外衣时,由于领大且弯曲,穿衣时必须暴露中衣的领型)

              2.Clothes must use white cloth as lining.(穿衣必用白色面料做里)

              3.The width of sleeves was 0.4 meters.(袖宽为一尺二寸)

              4.The blouse had no sleeves.(衫无袖)

              5.Wearers of fur clothes should have the fur facing outside.(穿皮毛服装时裘毛朝外)

              6.Waistband was very exquisite. Belt hook was made of gold in various lively and interesting animal figures.(腰带极为考究,所用带钩制成各种兽形,形象十分生动有趣)

              7.The male kept the habitude of wearing sabres without blades for decoration only.(男子保持带刀习俗,但所配之刀有形无刃,因此失去了实际价值,主要是显示妆容)

Nowadays, we don’t need them at all but the spirit of courtesy still plays an important role in regulating people’s behaviour.(现如今,我们不再需要它了,但它其中的精神内涵礼仍对规范人们行为起着巨大作用)

  HanFu is the significant embodiment of “Heaven and Man”.(汉服是“天人合一”的重要体现) Judging from the construction, HanFu takes The Yi(shirt) and chang( skirt) as the principle to convey the beauty of integration of nature and humans. (从服饰结构上来说,汉服以深衣制为原则,传递了人与自然相适应的美)From the view of Shen Yi, a type of Han Chinese clothing, it’s wide sleeves implies the idea of heaven harmony.(从深衣,一种中国服饰的角度来看,它的袖口宽大,象征着天道圆融)And a straight line through the clothes can be seen as human integrity. (深衣背后有一条直缝贯通上下,象征人道正直)Besides, our ancestors used 12 pieces of cloth to make hems in order to correspond 12 months (除此之外, 我们的祖先用12 幅布帛制作下摆与一年的12 个月份相对应)and also demanded the hems to flust with the floor to represent the meaning of balance and harmony. (并要求衣摆与地面平齐代表着权衡的意思)

  Clothing is the spirit of the age,ethnic.( 服饰是时代精神,民族的反映)As Chinese traditional costume---HanFu,(作为中国的传统服饰---汉服)rather than merely a piece of cloth,(它不仅仅是一块布)it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestors.(更是我们可以追溯到祖先的根源)That’s the tie that helps bind us other members of the same clan,( 是将我们与同族其他成员联系在一起的纽带)and the confidence most people hope to live for.( 是大多数人希望为之而活的尊严)