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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Various organizations and institutions are involved in road traffic injury (RTI) and crash registration such as police, forensic medicine organization, hospitals and emergency medical services. But there is a substantial uncertainty in interpreting the data, duplicated data collection and missing data in relation to RTI in most systems. This study aims to identify data sources for RTI surveillance in Iran and to explore traffic safety data source domains, data elements and detailed information by each data source.Methods:This is a qualitative study which was conducted in 2017 in Iran. Data were collected employing semi-structured interviews with informants in road safety organizations in relation to traffic safety including Police, Ministry of Health and Medical Education as well as Forensic Medicine Organization and other authorities-in-charge. For completing the preliminary extraction information, the minimum data set was used and compared in each system.Results:Eight different organizations relevant to road traffic safety were identified. The main domain of data provided by each one consists of Emergency Medical System form, Police KAM114 form, Ministry of Transport and Road Administration, Red Crescent Organization/Disaster Management Information System, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Forensic Medicine Organization, Insurance Company and Ministry of Justice. Each system has its own database, based upon its scope and mainly at crash and post-crash status and little on pre-crash circumstance.Conclusion:All current registry systems are not surveillance systems for RTI prevention. Huge data have been collected in various registry systems in Iran, but most of the collected variables are duplicated in each system. On the other hand, some variables like alcohol and substance abuse, child seat belt, helmet use in relation to RTI prevention are missed in all systems. Accordingly, it is a critical need to integrate and establish a comprehensive surveillance system, with focus on the goal of each system and collection of minimum data in each organization, which currently is underway.

  • 标签: Accidents traffic Integrated surveillance system Prevention and control
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To determine anatomic relationships and variation of the round window membrane to bony surgical landmarks on computed tomography.Study design:Retrospective imaging review.Methods:100 temporal bone images were evaluated. Direct measurements were obtained for membrane position. Vector distances and angulation from umbo and bony annulus were calculated from image viewer software coordinates.Results:The angle of round window membrane at junction with cochlear basal turn was (42.1 ± 8.6)°. The membrane’s position relative to plane of the facial nerve through facial recess was (14.7 ± 5.2)° posterior from a reference line drawn through facial recess to carotid canal. Regarding transtympanic drug delivery, the round window membrane was directed 4.1 mm superiorly from the inferior annulus and 5.4 mm anteriorly from the posterior annulus. The round window membrane on average was angled superiorly from the inferior annulus (77.1 ± 27.9)° and slightly anteriorly from the posterior annulus (19.1 ± 11.1°). The mean distance of round window membrane from umbo was 4 mm and posteriorly rotated 30° clockwise from a perpendicular drawn from umbo to inferior annulus towards posterior annulus. Together, these measurements approximate the round window membrane in the tympanic membrane’s posteroinferior quadrant.Conclusions:These radiologic measurements demonstrate normal variations seen in round window anatomy relative to facial recess approach and bony tympanic annulus, providing a baseline to assess round window insertion for cochlear implantation and outlines anatomic factors affecting transtympanic drug delivery.

  • 标签: Round window Cochlear implantation Transtympanic drug delivery Computed tomography