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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要纯电动客车车身骨架结构是不同于传统的客车的,但是不能忽视的问题就是,我国很多的国产纯电动客车车身,是建立在改装传统客车车身基础之上进行发展得到的。鉴于此种情况,对于车身的机构上,依然具有部分是需要进行积极改善的。对于纯电动客车车身骨架实施科学合理的分析,并且采取模态分析举措,经获得到客车车身骨架结构的前六阶模态、振型图,对于电动客车车身骨架进行判断低阶模态频率能否在一种合理的状态中,是一种重要的模态分析途径。

  • 标签: 城市客车 车身骨架 模态分析
  • 简介:星期五,科学老师要我们扎一个正方体的骨架,说到星期一时.比一比谁的骨架承重量大。

  • 标签: 骨架 星期一 正方体 老师
  • 简介:Bean.和.Beansprout要去海滨度假,但是他们遇到交通堵塞了。你能帮他们找到出去的路吗?每个交通标志只能经过一次哦!

  • 标签: 中等教育 英语教学 课外教材 游戏
  • 简介:Everydaywealluseroads.Wewalkonthem.Wewalkeitheralongthepavement(人行道)oracrosstheroad.Ifwearecareless,wecancauseaccidents.Accidentsoftenhappenwhenpeoplearecrossingtheroad.Hereissomeadvice.

  • 标签: 初中 学习辅导 英语 阅读理解 参考答案
  • 简介:OntheRoadinBritainAtravellerfromtheMiddleKingdomfindssolaceintheEnglishcountrysideanddiscoversacountrythatbooksandnovelsnever...

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Bean和Beansprout要专海滨度假,但是他们遇到交通堵塞了。你能帮他们找到出去的路吗?每个交通标志只能经过一次哦!

  • 标签: 中学 英语教学 智力题 学习方法
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:这篇论文基于骨骼划分为道路密度分析建议一个算法。道路密度在宏水平关于全面道路分发提供公制、统计的信息。道路密度的存在大小基于格子方法,分数维的几何学和网孔密度被考察,并且为基于骨骼划分计算道路密度的一个新方法被建议。实验基于骨骼划分说明那道路密度可以揭示全面道路分发。建议测量进一步在1:50k规模在1:10k规模和他们的概括版本对道路地图被测试。由在不同密度间隔以内比较删除百分比,道路密度阀值能被发现,它在归纳期间为进一步的操作显示需要。建议道路密度可以被用来检验道路归纳的质量,到探索道路网络的变化通过时间、空间变化,并且它也在城市的计划,交通和房地产评估实践有未来用法。

  • 标签: 公路密度 骨架 分析基 密度测量 网格密度 密度分析
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:AgoldByzantinecoinoftheAnastasiusIera(491-518)wasunearthedlastOctoberfromaNorthernWeiDynasty(386-534)tombinLuoyang,HenanProvince.ThefindcausednoparticularstirinChina’snumismaticcircles,however.OverrecentdecadesPersianandRomangoldcoinshaveoccasionallycometolightinhistoricalsitesalongtheancientSilkRoad.

  • 标签: 丝绸之路 历史 钱币
  • 简介:OneofthethreethingsIcannotresist~1lovingistherhythmofsongs.NowIhavetorephrase~2it.WhatIcannotresististherhythmicsongsplayedinrunningvehicles.Thiswinterbreak,IwenttoCaliforniatovisitsomeofmyfriends.Trying

  • 标签: 课外阅读 初中英语 阅读训练 优秀文章
  • 简介:这地毯血腥了点,其实它很有爱心。由于出品方是设计了树枝U盘(WoodenUSBStick)的荷兰StudioOOOMS,我很相信OOOMS这次又是在发挥对自然的热爱——地毯上那只血肉模糊的狐狸,是设定为被飞驰的汽车谋杀而死。那么你不妨将这地毯送给你粗心大意而又迷恋疾速驾驶的朋友,提示他以后通过野生动物栖息地的时候,将车速放慢些,眼睛睁大些。当然,如果他听取了意见,你也不必反对他拿狐狸尸体的那部分当做枕头,躺在这地毯上打盹。2009年春季上市,纯手工,纯羊毛制造。尺寸:165×240cm/65×94.5inch

  • 标签: 地毯 野生动物 栖息地 设计 汽车 荷兰
  • 简介:N:懒惰的小狐狸成天想不劳而获,饿了就去偷别人的东西吃,所以小动物们都不喜欢它。有一天它又饿了……

  • 标签: 小学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:The increasing number of deaths due to road traffic accidents (RTAs) has attracted global attention. However, the influence of road types is rarely considered in the study of RTAs. This study evaluates the influence of different road types in RTAs in northern Guizhou to provide a basis for the formulation of evidence-based policies and measures.Methods:We obtained the data from the Zunyi Traffic Management Data Platform for the years 2009-2018. The mortality rates of RTAs were calculated. Descriptive methods and Chi-square tests were used to analyze the characteristics of road traffic collisions on different road types. We also examined the associations between the mortality rate per 10,000 vehicles and the growth of per capital gross domestic product (GDP) with Spearman's rank correlation analysis. According to the passing volume and the infrastructure, we defined different types of roads, like administrative road, functional road, general urban road and urban expressway.Results:In 2012, the traffic mortality rate of administrative roads was 8.9 per 100,000 people, and the mortality rate of functional roads was 7.4 per 100,000 people, which decreased in 2018 to 6.1 deaths per 100,000 people and 5.2 deaths per 100,000 people, respectively. The mortality rate per 10,000 vehicles reached the highest level in 2011 (28.8 per 10,000 vehicles and 22.5 per 10,000 vehicles on administrative and functional roads, respectively). The death rate of county roads was the highest among administrative roads (χ2= 17.389, p < 0.05) and that of fourth-class roads was the highest among functional roads (χ2= 21.785, p < 0.05). The mortality rate per 10,000 vehicles was negatively correlated with per capital GDP.Conclusion:Although our research shows that RTAs in northern Guizhou have steadily declined in recent years, the range of decline is relatively small. Many measures and sustainable efforts are needed to control road traffic death and accelerate the progress in road traffic safety in northern Guizhou.

  • 标签: Road traffic accidence Road types Treatment Injury prevention
  • 简介:不少同学一开始也是雄心勃勃,希望通过自己的努力,在数学上有个大的飞跃,但大部分人过不了多久就放弃了.每到放假或者补课的时候都会抱着从头再来的心态,都是从“集合”开始,一个章节一个章节地过关.即便是学习不好的学生,对于集合这一部分都充满自信,其原因就在于此.这样的学习,与其说是在积聚实力,倒不如说是在积累挫折感.

  • 标签: 骨架 挫折感 集合 学习 章节 同学