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500 个结果
  • 简介:FEBRUARY,2016RegulationsConcerningMenstrualPainLeaveaStepintheRightDirectionWomeninAnhuiProvincecantake1-2daysoffwhensufferingmenstrualpainsolongastheyprovideamedicalcertificate,accordingtothelatestlaborregulationsestablishedbytheAnhuiprovincialgovernment.Anhuiisnottheonlyprovincetotakethisstance.Otherregions,suchasJiangsuProvinceandGuangdongProvince,arealso

  • 简介:Lungcancerisacommonmalignanttumor,whichhasahighincidenceandmortalityrate.Therefore,itisnecessarytoseekanewmethodforthediagnosis,especiallytheearlydiagnosisoflungcancer.Thedevelopmentofmolecularbiologymakesthegenediagnosisoflungcancerpossible.PCR-SSCP...

  • 标签: 贺龙
  • 简介:【摘要】组件产品对可靠性要求越来越高,气密性封装作为提高产品可靠性的重要手段,被越来越广泛地应用。激光封焊是将两种材料通过高能激光束迅速熔化,形成气密性焊缝。本文研究了5A02铝合金和4047铝合金的激光焊接工艺,选用合理的参数,使产品气密性符合GJB548B-2005标准。

  • 标签: 激光焊接 气密性 5A02铝合金 4047铝合金 微波组件
  • 简介:中国国际专业音响·灯光·乐器及技术展览会从2015年起分两个时段举办,其中一个时段为乐器展,行业内习惯称之为北京乐器展。2016年北京乐器展定于5月25~28日在北京中国国际展览中心(老馆)举办。

  • 标签: 乐器 北京 中国国际展览中心 技术展览会 时段
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The eosinophilic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is known to be more sensitive to corticosteroid. The sputum microbiome has been shown to affect COPD prognosis, but its role in acute exacerbations of eosinophilic COPD is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the dynamic changes of the airway microbiome in patients with acute exacerbations of eosinophilic COPD.Methods:Fifty-seven patients with acute exacerbations of COPD from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University between June 2017 and June 2018 were divided into two groups. Patients with eosinophils ≥300 cells/μL in the peripheral venous blood were assigned to the eosinophilic group (Eos) and the rest to the non-eosinophilic group (Noneos). All patients received similar treatment including inhaled budesonide according to the guidelines. The induced sputum microbiome was analyzed on the 1st and 7th day of treatment using the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) method. The levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were measured in the plasma and the sensitivity to corticosteroids was determined in isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Quantitative data were compared between the two groups using the independent samples t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical data were evaluated using Chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test.Results:Twenty-six patients were classified into Eos group and 31 patients were classified into Noneos group. Prior to treatment, the alpha diversity (Shannon index) (2.65 ± 0.63 vs. 2.56 ± 0.54, t = 0.328, P = 0.747) and the structure of the sputum microbiome were similar in the Eos group and the Noneos group. After 7 days of treatment, alpha diversity increased in both groups, while the microbiome richness (Ace index) was significantly lower in the Eos group (561.87 ± 109.13 vs. 767.88 ± 148.48, t = -3.535, P = 0.002). At the same time, IL-6 (12.09 ± 2.85 pg/mL vs. 15.54 ± 2.45 pg/mL, t = -4.913, P < 0.001) and IL-8 (63.64 ± 21.69 pg/mL vs. 78.97 ± 17.13 pg/mL, t = -2.981, P = 0.004) decreased more significantly in the Eos group, and the percentages of inhibition of IL-8 at dexamethasone concentrations 10-8 to 10-6 mol/L were significantly higher in the Eos group than those in the Noneos group (all P < 0.05).Conclusions:The induced sputum microbiome richness decreased more significantly following treatment in the Eos patients compared to the Noneos patients. The lower plasma inflammatory factor levels and the higher percentage of inhibition of IL-8 might be due to higher corticosteroid sensitivity in Eos patients.

  • 标签: Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Sputum Microbiome Eosinophilic Corticosteroid Interleukin-8 inhibition
  • 简介:~~

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  • 作者: 程菡李香顺迟力勇王孝甲马东传
  • 学科: 文化科学 >
  • 创建时间:2008-09-19
  • 出处:《科学技术创新》 2008年第9期
  • 机构:摘要:九稻58号是吉林市农业科学院水稻研究所通过品种间有性杂交,通过早代米质与抗性同步跟踪鉴定,系谱法选育而成的水稻新品种,具有优质、高产、抗病、抗逆性强、适应性广的特性。吉林省试区平均产量比对照吉玉粳增产5.2%,大面积生产的平均产量为每公顷9500~10000kg,在生产上有广阔的推广价值。
  • 简介:1.对比写生画和被写生物,可发现被写生物左下角少了两个水果。而女画家倒下时,手上还拿着画笔、调色板,她绝不可能在作画途中自己拿走水果。由此可断定,是有人在女画家倒下后,才离开房间的。2.保险推销员有其真实联系信息的名片留在了现场,因此可以排除其嫌疑;从案发现场看,牛奶已被死者喝光,当天的报纸已被翻看过,如果是送奶工或送报员作案,他们不会在现场耽搁那么长时间才下手,

  • 标签: 案发现场 保险推销员 女画家 参考答案 写生画 联系信息
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  • 简介:1.曲水流觞的风俗源于哪个节日?2.米制最早是哪个国家以法律形式公布的?参加本期征答的读者,请在信封面上书写正确答案,贴足邮资,写清通信地址、姓名和邮政编码,于2016年6月1日前(以当地邮戳为准)寄本刊“读刊活动组”。

  • 标签: 法律形式 邮政编码 邮资 邮戳
  • 简介:先讲一个笑话:一位数学家厌倦了书卷生活,于是加入了消防队训练。几个月后考核的时候,队长带他到一栋堆满易燃物的房子前问:“如果这里起火,你该怎么办?”数学家答道:“找到最近的消防栓,全力救火。”“很好,如果你看到这样一栋房子,但是没起火,你该做什么?”数学家想了想答道:“我会放火把它烧着,这样就化为一个已知的问题了。”

  • 标签: 机器 数学家 消防队 易燃物 消防栓 起火