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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Imprecise interpretation of coronary angiograms was reported and resulted in inappropriate revascularization. Synergy Between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) score is a comprehensive system to evaluate the complexity of the overall lesions. We hypothesized that a real-time SYNTAX score feedback from image analysts may rectify the mis-estimation and improve revascularization appropriateness in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD).Methods:In this single-center, historical control study, patients with stable CAD with coronary lesion stenosis ≥50% were consecutively recruited. During the control period, SYNTAX scores were calculated by treating cardiologists. During the intervention period, SYNTAX scores were calculated by image analysts immediately after coronary angiography and were provided to cardiologists in real-time to aid decision-making. The primary outcome was revascularization deemed inappropriate by Chinese appropriate use criteria for coronary revascularization.Results:A total of 3245 patients were enrolled and assigned to the control group (08/2016-03/2017, n = 1525) or the intervention group (03/2017-09/2017, n= 1720). For SYNTAX score tertiles, 17.9% patients were overestimated and 4.3% were underestimated by cardiologists in the control group. After adjustment, inappropriate revascularization significantly decreased in the intervention group compared with the control group (adjusted odds ratio [OR]: 0.83; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.73-0.95; P = 0.007). Both inappropriate percutaneous coronary intervention (adjusted OR: 0.82; 95% CI: 0.74-0.92; P < 0.001) and percutaneous coronary intervention utilization (adjusted OR: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.79-0.98; P = 0.016) decreased significantly in the intervention group. There was no significant difference in 1-year adverse cardiac events between the control group and the intervention group.Conclusions:Real-time SYNTAX score feedback significantly reduced inappropriate coronary revascularization in stable patients with CAD.Clinical trial registration:Nos. NCT03068858 and NCT02880605; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov.

  • 标签: Real-time SYNTAX score Coronary revascularization Appropriate use criteria Quality improvement
  • 简介:ObjectivesToassesstheefficiencyandsafetyofdual-wireballoonangioplastysidebranchcombinedstentingthemainbranchinthetreatmentofcoronarybifurcationlesions.MethodsThisstudyincludedthirty-sixpatientswith41coronarybifurcationlesions.Selectivedual-wireballoonangioplastywasperformedinsidebranchand/orinmainbranch,andimplantationofstentswasperformedinmainbranchonly.Clinicaloutcomeandmajoradversecardiaceventswereobservedin-hospitalandfollow-up.ResultsSuccessrateofsidebranchdilatationbeforemainbranchstentingwas100%;mainbranchdirectstentingperformedin4cases;successmainbranchdilatationperformedintheother37cases;kissingtechniquewasperformedsuccessfullyin5cases,whichsidebranchwasjailedaftermainbranchstentingwithTIMIgrade0-2flow.NoQ-wavemyocardialinfarction,acuterevascularizationanddeathoccurredduringin-hospital.Clinicalfollow-upwasavailableinallpatients.NoQ-wavemyocardialinfarction,revascularizationanddeathoccurred,anginapectorisrecurredinthreepatients,releasedbystrengthendrugtreatment.ConclusionsDual-wireballoonangioplastysidebranchcombinedstentingthemainbranchissimple,safeandeffectiveforthetreatmentofcoronarybifurcationlesions.

  • 简介:Toevaluatetheeffectofatrovastatintherapyonborderlinevulnerablelesionsinpatientswithacutecoronarysyndrome(ACS).MethodsPatientswithACSunderwentcoronaryangiography(CAG)andintravascularultrasound(IVUS)investigation.Patientswithculpritvulnerableborderlinelesionswereenrolled.Nocoronaryinter-ventionwasperformedontheselesions.Allthepatientsreceivedatrovastatintherapyfor12monthsandunderwentclin-icalfollow-upalongwithIVUSfollow-up.Crosssectionarea(CSA)ofthetargetedlesion,CSAofthereferencearter-ies(extraelasticmembrane),minimallumenCSA,andplaqueareaweremeasuredatbaselineandfollow-ups.Ad-verseeventsincludedrecurrentangina,recurrentmyocardialinfarction,revascularizationanddeath.ResultsNoad-verseeventswasreportedduringfollow-upperiod.Comparedwithbaselinedata,thelevelofApoBdecreasedsignifi-cantlyattheendofthestudy(0.589±0.136g/Lvs0.681±0.132g/L,P=0.03).Boththepercentdiametersteno-sisandthepercentareastenosisdetectedbyCAGdisplayedminimalchange((62.50±10.21)%vs(54.79±12.35)%,P=0.48and(58.61±8.36)%vs(48.18+10.56)%,P=0.78).DetectedbyIVUS,theminimallu-minalCSAofthetargetedlesionincreasedsignificantly(6.32±2.42mm2vs5.63±2.51mm2,P<0.01),theplaqueareaandCSAstenosisdecreased(7.70±2.19mm2vs8.17±2.55mm2,P<0.05and56.94±8.47%vs61.4±110.34%,P<0.01).Atotalof25softplaques(50%)transformedintofibrousplaque.ConclusionsAtro-vastatintherapystabilizesborderlinevulnerableplaqueandreversesatherosclerosisprogressioninpatientswithACS.

  • 标签: INTRAVASCULAR ultrasound evaluation STATIN treatment acute
  • 简介:Denovosequencingisoneofthemostpromisingproteomicstechniquesforidentificationofproteinposttranslationmodifications(PTMs)instudyingproteinregulationsandfunctions.WehavedevelopedacomputertoolPRIMEforidentificationofbandyionsintandemmassspectra,akeychallengingproblemindenovosequencing.PRIMEutilizesafeaturethationsofthesameanddifferenttypesfollowdifferentmass-differencedistributionstoseparatebfromyionscorrectly.Wehaveformulatedtheproblemasagraphpartitionproblem.Alinearinteger-programmingalgorithmhasbeenimplementedtosolvethegraphpartitionproblemrigorouslyandefficiently.TheperformanceofPRIMEhasbeendemonstratedonalargeamountofsimulatedtandemmassspectraderivedfromYeastgenomeanditspowerofdetectingPTMshasbeentestedon216simulatedphosphopeptides.

  • 标签: 计算机 PRIME PTMS 光谱扫描系统 人工分析扫描系统
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Coronary atherosclerotic plaque could go through rapid progression and induce adverse cardiac events. This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of smoking status on clinical outcomes of coronary non-target lesions.Methods:Consecutive patients with coronary heart disease who underwent two serial coronary angiographies were included. All coronary non-target lesions were recorded at first coronary angiography and analyzed using quantitative coronary angiography at both procedures. Patients were grouped into non-smokers, quitters, and smokers according to their smoking status. Clinical outcomes including rapid lesion progression, lesion re-vascularization, and myocardial infarction were recorded at second coronary angiography. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was used to investigate the association between smoking status and clinical outcomes.Results:A total of 1255 patients and 1670 lesions were included. Smokers were younger and more likely to be male compared with non-smokers. Increase in percent diameter stenosis was significantly lower (2.7 [0.6, 7.1]% vs. 3.5 [0.9, 8.9]%) and 3.4 [1.1, 7.7]%, P= 0.020) in quitters than those in smokers and non-smokers. Quitters tended to have a decreased incidence of rapid lesions progression (15.8% [76/482] vs. 21.6% [74/342] and 20.6% [89/431], P= 0.062), lesion re-vascularization (13.1% [63/482] vs. 15.5% [53/432] and 15.5% [67/431], P= 0.448), lesion-related myocardial infarction (0.8% [4/482] vs. 2.6% [9/342] and 1.4% [6/431], P= 0.110) and all-cause myocardial infarction (1.9% [9/482] vs. 4.1% [14/342] and 2.3% [10/431], P= 0.128) compared with smokers and non-smokers. In multivariable analysis, smoking status was not an independent predictor for rapid lesion progression, lesion re-vascularization, and lesion-related myocardial infarction except that a higher risk of all-cause myocardial infarction was observed in smokers than non-smokers (hazards ratio: 3.00, 95% confidence interval: 1.04-8.62, P= 0.042).Conclusion:Smoking cessation mitigates the increase in percent diameter stenosis of coronary non-target lesions, meanwhile, smokers are associated with increased risk for all-cause myocardial infarction compared with non-smokers.

  • 标签: Smoking status Coronary non-target lesion Rapid progression Re-vascularization Myocardial infarction
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Drug-coated balloons (DCBs) have emerged as potential alternatives to drug-eluting stents in specific lesion subsets for de novo coronary lesions. Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) is a method based on the three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography and contrast flow velocity during coronary angiography (CAG), obviating the need for an invasive fractional flow reserve procedural. This study aimed to assess the serial angiographic changes of de novo lesions post-DCB therapy and further explore the cut-off values of lesion and vessel QFR, which predict vessel restenosis (diameter stenosis [DS] ≥50%) at mid-term follow-up.Methods:The data of patients who underwent DCB therapy between January 2014 and December 2019 from the multicenter hospital were retrospectively collected for QFR analysis. From their QFR performances, which were analyzed by CAG images at follow-up, we divided them into two groups: group A, showing target vessel DS ≥50%, and group B, showing target vessel DS <50%. The median follow-up time was 287 days in group A and 227 days in group B. We compared the clinical characteristics, parameters during DCB therapy, and QFR performances, which were analyzed by CAG images between the two groups, in need to explore the cut-off value of lesion/vessel QFR which can predict vessel restenosis. Student’s t test was used for the comparison of normally distributed continuous data, Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the evaluation of QFR performance which can predict vessel restenosis (DS ≥50%) at mid-term follow-up using the area under the curve (AUC).Results:A total of 112 patients with 112 target vessels were enrolled in this study. Group A had 41 patients, while group B had 71. Vessel QFR and lesion QFR were lower in group A than in group B post-DCB therapy, and the cut-off values of lesion QFR and vessel QFR in the ROC analysis to predict target vessel DS ≥50% post-DCB therapy were 0.905 (AUC, 0.741 [95% confidence interval, CI: 0.645, 0.837]; sensitivity, 0.817; specificity, 0.561; P < 0.001) and 0.890 (AUC, 0.796 [95% CI: 0.709, 0.882]; sensitivity, 0.746; specificity, 0.780; P < 0.001).Conclusions:The cut-off values of lesion QFR and vessel QFR can assist in predicting the angiographic changes post-DCB therapy. When lesion/vessel QFR values are <0.905/0.890 post-DCB therapy, a higher risk of vessel restenosis is potentially predicted at follow-up.

  • 标签: Quantitative flow ratio Drug-coated balloons De novo coronary lesions Cut-off value Receiver operating characteristic curves
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  • 简介:ObjectivesToevaluatetheeffectivenessoffirebirdstentforthetreatmentofcoronarydenovolesioncomparedwithcypherstent.MethodsNinety-oneconsecutivepatientswith156lesionswhounderwentcoronarycypher(n=68lesions)andfirebird(n=88lesions)implantation,quantitativecoronaryangiography(QCA)wasperformedatthetimeofstentimplantationandsubsequentlyat8monthspost-stenting.Smallvesseldiseasewasdefinedas≤2.5mmofreferencevesseldiametermeasuredbyQCA.Majoradversecardiacevents(MACE)includingdeath,thrombosis,nonfatalmyocardialinfarctionandtargetlesionrevascularization(TLR)werecomparedbetweenthetwogroups.ResultsBaselineclinicalcharacteristicsandangiographicparametersweresimilarbetweenthetwogroups.Seven-monthangiographicfollow-up,thelatelosswasnotdifferentbetweenthetwogroups(0.14±0.38mmvs0.13±0.17mm,P>0.05).Similarly,overallthrombosisrateweresimilarinbothgroups(1.5%vs1.1%,P>0.05).However,in-stentrestenosisaswellasin-segmentrestenosisrateweresignificantlyhigherincyphergroupthanthatinfirebirdgroup(4.4%vs0%and19.1%vs3.4%,P=0.047andP=0.001respectively).TLRwasalsohigherinthecyphergroup(10.3%vs2.3%,P=0.033)comparedwithfirebirdgroup.ConclusionsInthissmallsamplesize,non-randomizedstudy,thedataindicatedthatimplantationoffirebirdstentforthetreatmentofsmallcoronarylesionshowedmorefavorableresultsinrespectiveofrestenosiscomparedwithcypherstentimplantation.Amulti-center,large-samplesize,randomizedstudy,therefore,maybewarranted.

  • 标签: DRUG-ELUTING STENT Coronary artery disease ANGIOGRAPHY
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Although de novo stage IV breast cancer is so far incurable, it has entered an era of individualized treatment and chronic disease management. Based on systemic treatment, whether the surgical resection of primary or metastatic foci of de novo stage IV breast cancer can bring survival benefits is currently controversial. We aimed to explore the clinicopathological factors and current status of the management of de novo stage IV breast cancer in China to provide a reference for clinical decisions.Methods:Based on the assistance of Chinese Society of Breast Surgery, a retrospective study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer in 33 centers from January 2017 to December 2018. The relationship between basic characteristic (age, menstrual status, family history, reproductive history, pathological type, estrogen receptor [ER] status, progesterone receptor [PR] status, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 [HER2] status, Ki-67 percentage, and molecular subtype), and metastasis sites (lung metastasis, liver metastasis, and bone metastasis) was examined by Pearson Chi-square tests.Results:A total of 468 patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer were enrolled. The median age of the enrolled patients was 51.5 years. The most common pathological type of primary lesion was invasive carcinoma (97.1%). Luminal A, luminal B, HER2 overexpressing, and triple-negative subtypes accounted for 14.3%, 51.8%, 22.1%, and 11.8% of all cases, respectively. Age, PR status, and HER2 status were correlated with lung metastasis (χ2= 6.576, 4.117, and 8.643 and P = 0.037, 0.043, and 0.003, respectively). Pathological type, ER status, PR status, and molecular subtype were correlated with bone metastasis (χ2 = 5.117, 37.511, 5.224, and 11.603 and P = 0.024, <0.001, 0.022, and 0.009, respectively). Age, PR status, HER2 status, Ki-67 percentage, and molecular subtype were correlated with liver metastasis (χ2= 11.153, 13.378, 10.692, 21.206, and 17.684 and P= 0.004, <0.001, 0.001, <0.001, and 0.001, respectively). Combined treatment with paclitaxel and anthracycline was the most common first-line chemotherapy regimen for patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer (51.7%). Overall, 91.5% of patients used paclitaxel-containing regimens. Moreover, 59.3% of hormone receptor-positive patients underwent endocrine therapy.Conclusions:In 2018, 1.07% of patients from all studied centers were diagnosed with de novo stage IV breast cancer. This study indicated that 95.1% of patients received systemic therapy and 54.2% of patients underwent surgical removal of the primary lesion in China.

  • 标签: De novo stage IV breast cancer Metastatic site Systemic therapy Multicenter investigation Chinese Society of Breast Surgery
  • 简介:TheeffectsofSO2,SO3ondenovosynthesisofpolychlorinateddibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs)anddibenzofurans(PCDFs)werestudiedusingmodelflyashesincorporatingcopperoxideandactivatedcarbon.ItwasfoundthattheinhibitiveeffectofSO2onPCDD/FsformationissimilartothatofSO3.Toinvestigatetheinhibitionmechanism,CuSO4formationsfrombothCuOandCuCl2wereexamined.TheabilityofSO3toconvertCuCl2andCuOonasilicasupportintosulfateismuchstrongerthanthatofSO2.However,replacingsilicabyactivatedcarbonleadstoamuchhighconversionofCuCl2toCuSO4inthepresenceofSO2.ThepromotionbyactivatedcarbonisexplainedbythereductionofCuCl2toCu2Cl2andtheeventualconversionofCu2Cl2intoCuSO4isthemaininhibitionmechanismofSO2ondenovosynthesisofPCDD/Fs.

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions remains challenging; a simple strategy has been preferred as of late, but the disadvantage is ostium stenosis or even occlusion of the side branch (SB). Only a few single-center studies investigating the combination of a drug-eluting stent in the main branch followed by a drug-eluting balloon in the SB have been reported. This prospective, multicenter, randomized study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of a paclitaxel-eluting balloon (PEB) compared with regular balloon angioplasty (BA) in the treatment of non-left main coronary artery bifurcation lesions.Methods:Between December 2014 and November 2015, a total of 222 consecutive patients with bifurcation lesions were enrolled in this study at ten Chinese centers. Patients were randomly allocated at a 1:1 ratio to a PEB group (n = 113) and a BA group (n = 109). The primary efficacy endpoint was angiographic target lesion stenosis at 9 months. Secondary efficacy and safety endpoints included target lesion revascularization, target vessel revascularization, target lesion failure, major adverse cardiac and cerebral events (MACCEs), all-cause death, cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, and thrombosis in target lesions. The main analyses performed in this clinical trial included case shedding analysis, base-value equilibrium analysis, effectiveness analysis, and safety analysis. SAS version 9.4 was used for the statistical analyses.Results:At the 9-month angiographic follow-up, the difference in the primary efficacy endpoint of target lesion stenosis between the PEB (28.7% ± 18.7%) and BA groups (40.0% ± 19.0%) was -11.3% (95% confidence interval: -16.3% to -6.3%, Psuperiority <0.0001) in the intention-to-treat analysis, and similar results were recorded in the per-protocol analysis, demonstrating the superiority of PEB to BA. Late lumen loss was significantly lower in the PEB group than in the BA group (-0.06 ± 0.32 vs. 0.18 ± 0.34 mm, P < 0.0001). For intention-to-treat, there were no significant differences between PEB and BA in the 9-month percentages of MACCEs (0.9% vs. 3.7%, P = 0.16) or non-fatal myocardial infarctions (0 vs. 0.9%, P = 0.49). There were no clinical events of target lesion revascularization, target vessel revascularization, target lesion failure, all-cause death, cardiac death or target lesion thrombosis in either group.Conclusions:In de novo non-left main coronary artery bifurcations treated with provisional T stenting, SB dilation with the PEB group demonstrated better angiographic results than treatment with regular BA at the 9-month follow-up in terms of reduced target lesion stenosis.Trial registration:ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02325817; https://clinicaltrials.gov

  • 标签: Coronary bifurcation lesions Drug-eluting balloon Target lesion stenosis Late lumen loss
  • 作者: Sun Qiqing Guo Jun Hao Chanjuan Guo Ruolan Hu Xuyun Chen Yuanying Yang Weili Li Wei Feng Yingjun
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《儿科学研究(英文)》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:Department of Cardiology, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University, Henan Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou, China,Beijing Key Laboratory for Genetics of Birth Defects, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute; MOE Key Laboratory of Major Diseases in Children; Genetics and Birth Defects Control Center, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health, Beijing, China; Henan Key Laboratory of Pediatric Inherited & Metabolic Diseases, Henan Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou, China,Henan Key Laboratory of Pediatric Inherited & Metabolic Diseases, Henan Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou, China
  • 简介:AbstractImportance:Pathogenic variants in the RBM20 gene are associated with aggressive dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Recently, RBM20 was found to be associated with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC). Thus far, only five families with LVNC have been reported to carry variants in RBM20. It remains unknown whether the variants in RBM20 associated with DCM can also cause LVNC.Objective:To elucidate the causative RBM20 variant in two unrelated patients with both LVNC and DCM, and to identify the clinical characteristics associated with variants in RBM20.Methods:Trio whole-exome sequencing (WES) was performed. Variants were filtered and classified in accordance with the guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG).Results:We identified two distinct de novo variants in RBM20 (one per patient) in these two patients with LVNC. Both variants have been reported in patients with DCM, without the LVNC phenotype. Patient 1 was an 11-year-old girl who had DCM, LVNC, and heart failure; the ratio of noncompacted-to-compacted myocardium was 2.7:1. A de novo heterozygous variant c.1907G>A (p.Arg636His) in exon 9 was identified in this patient. Patient 2 was a 13-year-old boy who had clinical phenotypes identical to those of Patient 1; the ratio of noncompacted-to-compacted myocardium was 3.2:1 in this patient. WES revealed a de novo heterozygous variant c.1909A>G (p.Ser637Gly) in exon 9. Both variants were previously characterized as pathogenic, and our study classified them as pathogenic variants based on the ACMG guidelines.Interpretation:We found that two patients with LVNC had variants in RBM20. Our results extended the clinical spectrum of the two RBM20 variants and illustrated that the same variant in RBM20 can cause DCM, with or without the LVNC phenotype.

  • 标签: Left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy RNA-binding motif protein 20 Trio whole-exome sequencing
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Andersson lesions (ALs) are not uncommon in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Plain radiography (PR) is widely used for the diagnosis of ALs. However, in our practice, there were some ALs in AS patients that could not be detected on plain radiographs. This study aimed to propose the concept of occult ALs and evaluate the prevalence and radiographic characteristics of the occult ALs in AS patients.Methods:A total of 496 consecutive AS patients were admitted in the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University between April 2003 and November 2019 and they were retrospectively reviewed. The AS patients with ALs who met the following criteria were included for the investigation of occult ALs: (1) with pre-operative plain radiographs of the whole-spine and (2) availability of pre-operative computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the whole-spine. The occult ALs were defined as the ALs which were undetectable on plain radiographs but could be detected by CT and/or MRI. The extensive ALs involved the whole discovertebral junction or manifested as destructive lesions throughout the vertebral body. Independent-samples t test was used to compare the age between the patients with only occult ALs and those with only detectable ALs. Chi-square or Fisher exact test was applied to compare the types, distribution, and radiographic characteristics between detectable and occult ALs as appropriate.Results:Ninety-two AS patients with a mean age of 44.4 ± 10.1 years were included for the investigation of occult ALs. Twenty-three patients had occult ALs and the incidence was 25% (23/92). Fifteen extensive ALs were occult, and the proportion of extensive ALs was significantly higher in detectable ALs (97% vs. 44%, χ2 = 43.66, P < 0.001). As assessed by PR, the proportions of osteolytic destruction with reactive sclerosis (0 vs. 100%, χ2 = 111.00, P < 0.001), angular kyphosis of the affected discovertebral units or vertebral body (0 vs. 22%, χ2 = 8.86, P = 0.003), formation of an osseous bridge at the intervertebral space adjacent to ALs caused by the ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament (38% vs. 86%, χ2 = 25.91, P < 0.001), and an abnormal height of the affected intervertebral space were all significantly lower in occult ALs (9% vs. 84%, χ2 = 60.41, P < 0.001).Conclusions:Occult ALs presented with more subtle radiographic changes. Occult ALs should not be neglected, especially in the case of extensive occult ALs, because the stability of the spine might be severely impaired by these lesions.

  • 标签: Ankylosing spondylitis Andersson lesions Occult Radiographic characteristics
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  • 简介:Objective:Toexploretheeffectofmorphologicalchangesinthedevelopmentofcondylomaacuminatum(CA)MaterialsandMethods:LesionsinfivepatientswithCAwereobserved.Results:Uponelectronmicroscopy,themostcharacteristicfeatureofthelesionsimportantfordiagnosis,wasthepresenceofdistinctperinuclearvacuolizations,orso-calledkoilocytes,amongsomeepithelialcells.Thesecellspossessedhyperchromaticnuclei,swollenmitochondria,dilatedendoplasmicreticulumanddissolvedglycogen.Therewereinterchromatingranulesandperichromatingranulesinsomenuclei.Moreoversomevirusparticleswerealsoseeninthenucleiofsomeinfectedcells.Conclusions:Theultrastructuralfindingsmaybeusedtohistopathologicallyexplainthepathogenesisandmechanismofthisdisease,anditishelpfulfordiagnosisofCA.

  • 标签: 观察报告 超微结构 尖锐湿疣 CA 上皮细胞
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Thermal ablation of thyroid nodules is new modality for the management of the benign and malign lesions. This minimally invasive treatment is performed as an outpatient, local anesthetic, single professional procedure that can treat neoplastic lesions without removing normal thyroid tissue and thus avoiding hypothyroidism.Method:A comprehensive review of the most relevant literature regarding the thermal ablation of benign and malign nodules was performed in order to currently define its role on the management of the nodular thyroid disease. The data was divided into benign and malign literature.Results:The benign nodules can be effectively treated by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) but some limitation exists regarding the nodule’s size but not nodules characteristics. The RFA of primary malign tumors of the thyroid recently demonstrated positive and safe long-term follow-up and encouraged additional investigation and possibly a definitive role in the management of these low risk nodules.Conclusion:RFA is a safe, cost-effective minimally invasive procedure that avoids thyroid tissue removal while destroying neoplastic one thus, preventing hypothyroidism.

  • 标签: Radiofrequency Ablation Thyroid Nodules Minimally invasive
  • 简介:Duodenalpolypsorlesionsareuncommonlyfoundonupperendoscopy.Duodenallesionscanbecategorizedassubepithelialormucosally-based,andthetypeoflesionoftendictatesthework-upandpossibletherapeuticoptions.Subepitheliallesionsthatcanariseintheduodenumincludelipomas,gastrointestinalstromaltumors,andcarcinoids.Endoscopicultrasonographywithfineneedleaspirationisusefulinthecharacterizationanddiagnosisofsubepitheliallesions.Duodenalgastrointestinalstromaltumorsandlargeormultifocalcarcinoidsarebestmanagedbysurgicalresection.Brunner'sglandtumors,solitaryPeutz-Jegherspolyps,andnon-ampullaryandampullaryadenomasaremucosally-basedduodenallesions,whichcanrequireremovalandaretypicallyamenabletoendoscopicresection.Severalanatomiccharacteristicsoftheduodenummakeendoscopicresectionofduodenallesionschallenging.However,advancedendoscopictechniquesexistthatenabletheresectionoflargemucosally-basedduodenallesions.Endoscopicpapillectomyisnotwithoutrisk,butthisprocedurecaneffectivelyresectampullaryadenomasandallowspatientstoavoidsurgery,whichtypicallyinvolvespancreaticoduodenectomy.Endoscopicmucosalresectionanditsvariations(suchascap-assisted,cap-band-assisted,andunderwatertechniques)enablethesafeandeffectiveresectionofmostduodenaladenomas.Endoscopicsubmucosaldissectionispossiblebutverydifficulttosafelyperformintheduodenum.

  • 标签: DUODENUM POLYP Subepithelial Lesion AMPULLA Adenoma
  • 简介:AbstractPediatric skull base lesions are complex and challenging disorders. Safe and comprehensive management of this diverse group of disorders requires the expertise of an experienced multidisciplinary skull base team. Adult endoscopic skull base surgery has evolved due to technologic and surgical advancements, multidisciplinary team approaches, and continued innovation. Similar principles continue to advance the care delivered to the pediatric population. The approach and management of these lesions varies considerably based on tumor anatomy, pathology, and surgical goals. An understanding of the nuances of skull base reconstruction unique to the pediatric population is critical for successful outcomes.

  • 标签: Pediatrics Endoscopic sinus surgery Endoscopic skull base surgery Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma Meningoencephalocele Pituitary adenoma Craniopharyngioma Clival chordoma Chondrosarcoma
  • 简介:Coronaryarterybypassgrafting(CABG)isenteringaneweraasminimallyinvasivetechniques,off-pumpsurgeryandtotal'arterialrevascularizationhavefotmdrolesinthesurgicaltreatmentofpatientswithcoronaryarterydisease.Thecontinueddevelopmentofthetechniquesofpercutaneouscoronaryintervention(PCI)isalsohavinganimpactonthetypeofpatientreferredforCABG.

  • 标签: 冠状动脉旁路移植术 介入治疗 冠心病 外科治疗 适应症 手术风险