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118 个结果
  • 简介:有模块化的形式,嘲笑theta功能和Rogers-Ramanujan类型身份的许多有趣的连接在更小的整数比更大的被加数更经常作为被加数在被重复的分区的考虑产生。特别地,这个概念导致Rogers-Selberg身份的新解释,外墙是模量9身份。

  • 标签: 分区 弹性模量 模形式
  • 简介:时空单极方程是在到ℝ2,1的ℝ2,2的anti-self-dualYang工厂方程的减小。这个方程是一个非线性的波浪方程,并且能被编码为宽松的对。相等的宽松的对被奶妈和Terng使用与连续散布数据构造单极,然后方程能被散布数据线性化,允许一个使用散布方法解决有很快腐烂的Cauchy问题的逆小起始的数据。在这篇论文,我们使用holomorphic捆的术语和某些地图的transversality,由起始的数据的parametrized,多达计量转变给更起始的数据,我们能与使用散布方法解决单极方程的Cauchy问题。

  • 标签: 单极式 非线性波动方程 Cauchy问题 LAX对 逆散射 线性方程
  • 简介:转眼之间,上海通用的别克品牌接连推出了4款搭载涡轮增压发动机的新车。尽管我坚持认为,对于这几款新车的热销,涡轮增压发动机的作用远不如动感时髦的外形来得重要,但1.6T和2.0T两款涡轮增压发动机也的确可圈可点。

  • 标签: 涡轮增压发动机 自然吸气发动机 升功率 家族 品牌 通用
  • 简介:InductivetypescanbeformulatedbyincorporatingtheideaofinitialT-algebra.TheinterpretationofaninductivetypeofthiskindboilsdowntofindingouttheinitialT-algebradefinedbytheinductivetype.Inthispapertheissueinthesemanticdomainofomegasetsisexamined.Basedonthesemanticresults,anewclassofinductivetypes,thatoflocalinductivetypes,isproposed.

  • 标签: T-代数 类理论 ω-集 算法
  • 简介:THEINITIALFLOWSTATEOFABROKENDAMChenYao-song;JiangTao(PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,P.R.China)Abstract:Thispaperutilizesthema...

  • 标签: SIMILARITY broken DAM TRANSIENT wave.
  • 简介:Initial Ground State for QMD CalculationsInitialGroundStateforQMDCalculations¥WeiZhiyongandZhuYongtaiInusingQMDforlowenergyco...

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  • 标签: imperfection. UNIVERSAL unfolding. eigenvalue. BIFURCATION
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Nail psoriasis has a profound negative influence on quality of life and has a more closely relationship with psoriatic arthritis. However, patients with nail changes only were often overlooked with the diagnosis of psoriasis. It is necessary to pay more attention to nail psoriatic changes.Herein, we report a 24-year-old male patient with nail changes as the initial sign of psoriasis who was finally diagnosed with nail psoriasis.Case presentation:The nails presented with white streaks, deformations, and had been missed for 8 months. Physical examination further revealed one erythematous scaly plaque on the buttock, anusand scalp respectively with positive Auspitz sign. Combined with the negative fungal microscopic, dermoscopic results and pathological results, the diagnosis of nail psoriasis was made. Oralacitretin (30 mg/day) and topical calcipotriene liniment was prescribed for 3 months followed with etanercept (50 mg once per week), and the nail symptoms were well controlled.Discussion:Nail psoriasis is usually noticed after the occurrence of skin lesions, but may occur simultaneously with or before skin psoriasis. Occasionally, nail involvement is the only manifestation of psoriasis. Nail lesions maybe one of the strongest clinical predictors of psoriatic and it has a profound negative influence on quality of life, so that timely recognition and proper treatment are improtant.Conclusion:Nail psoriasis can cause substantial physical and psychological impairment. However, nail involvement is an often overlooked feature of psoriasis. More attention should be paid to nail psoriatic changes and the administration of appropriate treatment.

  • 标签: nail psoriasis initial presentation biologic agents case report
  • 简介:Thefar-fieldnoiseradiatedfrommixinglayersisdeterminedbythenear-fieldflowdynamicswhichissensitivetotheinitialperturbationofinstabilityintroducedphysicallyornumerically.Thisstudyfocusesontheeffectsofthephasedelayintwoinitialperturbations,oneatthefundamentalwavenumberandtheotheratitssubharmonicbothcalculatedfromlinearinstabilityanalysis,onthesoundgenerationinmixinglayers.Whendifferentphasedelaysφ_1changingfromzeroto2πisappliedonthefundamentalmode,weobservedifferentvortexmergingprocesses(e.g.vortexpairingortearing).Thestrongnonlinearinteractioninthemergingprocessgeneratesmostofthenoisefrommixinglayers.Thereshowsapatterninaperiodof2πfortheresponseoffar-fieldsoundtothechangeofφ_1.Similareffectsonthedynamicsandacousticscanbeachievedbyaddingdifferentphasedelaysφ_2tothesubharmonicmodeinstead,however,theresponserepeatsinaperiodofonlyπforφ_2.Theeffectsofthecombinationofdifferentphasedelaystootherparameters,includingtheamplitudeandwavenumberforeachperturbations,arealsoinvestigated.Alltheresultsindicateacriticalroleofnonlinearityinthesoundgenerationmechanismofmixinglayers.

  • 标签: 初始扰动 混合层 噪音 非线性相互作用 线性稳定性分析 血流动力学
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  • 简介:在这份报纸,在2005年7月9-10日期间发生在Huaihe河盆的重降雨进程被新一代学习数字天气预言模型系统--葡萄,从模型的预言上的不同起始的领域效果的看法。几个数字实验与起始的条件和T213L31和NCEP期末考试分析分别地提供的侧面的边界领域被进行。包括结果上的三维的变化吸收的效果,葡萄产生到不同起始的条件的预言产品的敏感被讨论。在分析二块起始的地和四模仿的结果之间的差别以后,到降水预报上的起始的地和他们的影响的模型的memonic能力被调查。分析证明亚synoptic的明显的差别在T213和NCEP起始的领域之间可伸缩,它导致相应不同模拟结果,并且差别不消失,集成跑。它是否有数据吸收,也为一样的起始的地显示出那,它仅仅显然影响葡萄模型结果在起始24h。然后,差别减少。另外,大雨的地点和紧张由葡萄预报模型进一步离事实,而是大奔流的雨的预报区域很亲密从事实有一些差别。当它有吸收,9-12-,12-24-,和0-24-h降水时,没有吸收,为一样的起始的地,模型的预报比那些好。都,这些建议葡萄数字预言的能力取决于不同的起始的地和侧面的边界条件到某程度,并且起始的地的差别将决定葡萄的差别模仿了结果。[出版摘要]

  • 标签: 天气预报 数值预报 三维可变同化 初始场
  • 简介:InthispaperwegivetheexistenceofmildsolutionsforsemilinearCauchyproblemsu′(t)=Au(t)+f(t,u(t)),t∈I,a.e.withnonlocalinitialconditionu(0)=g(u)+u_0whenthemapglosescompactnessinBanachspaces.

  • 标签: 非局部条件 紧半群 温和解 存在性
  • 简介:AbstractImportance:There is a high incidence of iron deficiency in children worldwide. Notably, however, while iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, little is known about the prevalence and different types of iron deficiency in neuroblastoma patients.Objective:The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of iron deficiency in patients newly diagnosed with neuroblastoma.Methods:A total of 195 newly diagnosed neuroblastoma patients from November 2015 to January 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. The survival analysis was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method.Results:Of the 195 neuroblastoma patients included in the study, 121 (62.1%) had iron deficiency, 55 (28.2%) had absolute iron deficiency, and 66 (33.9%) had functional iron deficiency. Being aged ≥ 18 months, tumor originating in the abdomen, International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging System M, high-risk neuroblastoma, lactate dehydrogenase ≥ 1500 U/L, neuron-specific enolase ≥ 100 U/L, unfavorable histologic category, MYCN amplification, chromosome 1p loss, and bone marrow metastasis were associated with significantly higher rates of functional iron deficiency (P < 0.05).Interpretation:Functional iron deficiency at the time of initial neuroblastoma diagnosis predicted lower event-free survival. Long-term effects of iron supplementation in neuroblastoma patients with different types of iron deficiency need to be further studied.

  • 标签: Iron deficiency Neuroblastoma Event-free survival
  • 简介:Inthispaperweconsiderthefollowingproblemui=△u^m+bi(u^n)xLetu=u(x,t)beacontinuousweaksolutionoftheequationinR^N×(0,T)forsomeT>0.Thenweconclude;CorrespondingtouthereisauniquenonnegativeBorelmeasurevonR^Nwhichistheinitialtraceofu;thereistheglobalinequalityofHarnacktypeforu;theinitialtracevmustbelongtoacertaingrowthclass;consequently,bycombiningtheresultsmentionedaboveau-niquenessconclusionisestablished.

  • 标签: 渗流方程 初始迹 对流项
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Malignant syphilis (MS) is a rare and severe variant of secondary syphilis that is frequently associated with HIV infection. The clinical impact of HIV and syphilis co-infection is bidirectional, and the presence of MS is associated with acute HIV infection. Clinically, MS is characterized by nodular and ulcerative lesions affecting the trunk and extremities, which are covered with thick crusts. The treatment of choice for MS remains benzathine penicillin G. Herein, we report a case in which MS was the initial presentation of HIV infection.Case presentation:A 35-year-old male patient came with the chief complaint of extensive erythematous nodular rash for the past one month, with notable ulceration on some lesions with annular configuration along with fever and malaise. Based on the abovementioned clinical, laboratory, and histopathologic findings, the patient was diagnosed with MS and HIV. The diagnosis was established based on histopathological examination and syphilis serological testing.Discussion:Cutaneous disorders are a frequent presenting feature of HIV infection. The clinical manifestations of syphilis in immunosuppressed patients are often severe and/or atypical. The patient was then treated with weekly intramuscular administration of 2.4 million units of benzathine penicillin G for 3 weeks and achieved rapid and significant clinical improvement, with no Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.Conclusion:Co-infection with syphilis and HIV alters the course of both diseases, and most HIV-infected patients with syphilis have typical disease manifestations associated with decreased CD4+ T-cell counts.

  • 标签: malignant syphilis human immunodeficiency virus infection case report