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255 个结果
  • 简介:<正>MygirlfriendiscalledMizokamiKeiko.YoumayguessbyhernamethatshemustbeJapanese.Youareright.KeikoandherfamilyliveinOsaka,andIgottoknowherinBeijingtendaysbeforetheSpringFestivalof2001.Regardlessofthefactthatourloveaffairshouldbepurelyamatterbetweenthetwoofus,quiteafewfriendsofmineask:Howdidthetwoofyougettogether?

  • 标签: GUESS friends Japanese purely MY MISS
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  • 简介:9月,我们迎来了一位可爱的英语老师一刘丹老师,我们都叫她MissLiu.

  • 标签: 英语老师 刘丹
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  • 作者: Zheng Thomas Q. Yang Hui-Xia
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《母胎医学杂志(英文)》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center, Guangdong 510623, China; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maricopa Integrated Health System/District Medical Group, Phoenix AZ 85008, USA; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix AZ 85008, USA,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China
  • 简介:AbstractThe obstetric issues and management styles in China are different from that in Western countries. Chinese medical education, residency training, obstetric care structure, and management of common obstetric complications are briefly reviewed and compared to the United States. Maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) is rapidly developing in China, but the development of MFM may not follow the same trajectory as in the West. Understanding the difference between China and the West may facilitate communication and foster mutual development.

  • 标签: Education Internship and residency Maternal fetal medicine Medical Obstetric care Prenatal care
  • 简介:在英语中,Mr,Mrs,Ms和Miss均可用作称呼名词.但所指对象不同,用法也不一样。

  • 标签: MR MRS MS MISS 用法 初一
  • 简介:称呼语是言语交际中用得最广泛最频繁的词语,具有鲜明的社会性(祝畹瑾,1992:145)。称呼语的选择不仅受场合的限制,对话双方的身份、社会地位、人际关系对称呼语的选择也有极大影响。Hudson说,对英语使用者来说,姓名称呼是社会关系最明确的语言标志(Hudson,1980:122)。在现代汉语中,这句话也完全可以成立。'Miss'和'小姐'分别是英语和汉语中适用未婚女性的称谓,长期

  • 标签: 未婚女性 称呼语 社会地位 社会语用学 婚姻状况 社会关系
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Nearly 300 children and 20 mothers die from preventable causes daily, in Uganda. Communities often identify and introduce pragmatic and lasting solutions to such challenging health problems. However, little is known of these solutions beyond their immediate surroundings. If local and pragmatic innovations were scaled-up, they could contribute to better health outcomes for larger populations. In 2017 an open call was made for local examples of community-based solutions that contribute to improving maternal and child health in Uganda. In this article, we describe three top innovative community-based solutions and their contributions to maternal health.Main text:In this study, all innovations were implemented by non-government entities. Two case studies highlight the importance of bringing reproductive health and maternal delivery services closer to populations, through providing accessible shelters and maternity waiting homes in isolated areas. The third case study focuses on bringing obstetric imaging services to lower level rural health facilities, which usually do not provide this service, through task-shifting certain sonography services to midwives. Various health system and policy relevant lessons are highlighted.Conclusions:The described case studies show how delays in access to health care by pregnant women in rural communities can be systematically removed, to improve pregnancy and delivery outcomes. Emphasis should be put on identification, capacity building and research to support the scale up of these community-based health solutions.

  • 标签: Community-based solutions Maternal and child health Social innovations Social innovations in health Innovations in maternal and child health Case study research Uganda
  • 简介:AbstractIt shows that detrimental exposures and conditions in mothers can lead to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes in offspring. This can lead to a vicious cycle of metabolic dysfunction, where rising rates of obesity, pre-diabetes, and diabetes in individuals of reproductive age, propagating risks to subsequent generations. It is well established that regular exercise has important health benefits for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Recently, increasing studies aim to examine the effects of maternal exercise on metabolic health in offspring. This review aims to demonstrate the evidence linking maternal exercise during critical periods of development and its implications for glucose metabolism in offspring, including intervention timing, sexual dimorphism, different exercise type, and intensity. Then we further examine the potential role of epigenetic modifications in this process.

  • 标签: Epigenetics Maternal exercise Metabolic health Offspring
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  • 简介:AbstractGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a well-established risk factor for fetal macrosomia. A significant number of patients with GDM also suffer from obesity, a factor associated with fetal macrosomia. An important question is whether GDM is independently associated with fetal macrosomia, or whether this relationship is merely the result of maternal obesity acting as a confounder. In this review of the literature, we attempt to further elucidate the relationship between GDM, maternal obesity, and fetal macrosomia.

  • 标签: Fetal macrosomia Gestational diabetes Maternal obesity Maternal weight gain Pre-pregnancy weight