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63 个结果
  • 简介:Background:Evidencesupportstheuseofexerciseforchroniclowbackpain(CLBP);however,adherenceisoftenpoorduetoongoingpain.Auricularacupunctureisaformofpainreliefinvolvingthestimulationofpointsontheouterearcorrespondingwithspecificbodyparts.Itmaybeausefuladjunct

  • 标签: 中医 针灸 CLBP 临床
  • 简介:Awayofresolvingspreadingcodemismatchesinblindmultiuserdetectionwithaparticleswarmoptimization(PSO)approachisproposed.IthasbeenshownthatthePSOalgorithmincorporatingthelinearsystemofthedecorrelatingdetector,whichistermedasdecorrelatingPSO(DPSO),cansignificantlyimprovethebiterrorrate(BER)andthesystemcapacity.Asthecodemismatchoccurs,theoutputBERperformanceisvulnerabletodegradationforDPSO.Withablinddecorrelatingscheme,theproposedblindDPSO(BDPSO)offersmorerobustcapabilitiesoverexistingDPSOundercodemismatchscenarios.

  • 标签: 解相关检测器 粒子群算法 不匹配 扩频码 PSO算法 BER性能
  • 简介:本文提出一种交互参考方法,用于半盲情况下非线性时间序列的分析,这时描述该序列的动力学方程形式已知而相应的参数未知.通常是分别完成的噪声抑制和参数估计这2个任务在这里被组合在一起迭代完成.由于2个处理模块间的积极相互作用,该方法可获得更好的性能.以前的一些分析方法可以看作是这一处理框架的特例.将其用于含噪声混沌时间序列的分析,实验结果表明了该方法对性能的显著改善.

  • 标签: 非线性时间序列分析 噪声抑制 参数估计 交互参考
  • 简介:Anovelrotationalinvariancetechniqueforblindestimatesofdirectionofarrival(I)OA)andDopplerfrequencywithunknownarraymanifoldduetoarraysensoruncertaintiesisproposed,takingDopplerfrequencydifferencebetweenasuccessivepulsesasrotationalparameter.Theeffectivenessofthenewmethodisconfirmedbycomputersimulation.Comparedwiththeexisting2-DDOA-frequeucyestimatetechniques,thecomputationloadoftheproposedmethodcanbesavedgreatly.

  • 标签: DOA-Doppler frequency estimate HIGH-RESOLUTION array processing
  • 简介:这篇文章基于新组限制建议改进概括方面脑叶canceller(GSC)接收装置结构,它是合适的消除多重存取的干扰(MAI),在直接顺序的代码部门的内部标志的干扰(ISI)多重存取(DS/CDMA)downlink多用户系统。新组限制被推出构造组窗帘适应多用户察觉者。分析显示在新限制下面的改进GSC不仅保留压制ISI并且取消从成功的有用信息为需要的用户咬了的MAI,而且罐头摘录的性质。模拟证明改进GSC过滤器能高效地取消MAI无线隧道长度是否短或长,并且比其它完成更好的性能,比较了过滤器。

  • 标签: 多用户系统 信道检测 多径 多用户检测器 旁瓣对消器 符号间干扰
  • 简介:MostoftheblindOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM)CarrierFrequencyOffset(CFO)estimatorsnecessitatelargenumberofsamplestoensuretheestimationaccuracy.However,thenumberofsamplescannotbeselectedtoolargebecauseofthecarrieroffsetdrift.Inthisletter,anewclosedformalgorithmforblindOFDMCFOestimationinfrequency-selectivechannelisproposed.Thismethodutilizesthepropagatorobtainedfromdatamatrixandthediagonalloadingtechnique,thusithasbetterperformanceevenonlyusingoneortwoOFDMblocks.Furthermore,therangeoftheCFOestimationwhichcanbehandledisoveralltransmissionspectral.Simulationresultsconfirmitseffectiveness.

  • 标签: 正交频分复用 OFDM 载波频率 传播函数
  • 简介:Usingthehypothesisthatdatatransmittedbydifferentusersarestatisticallyindependentofeachother,thispaperproposesafixed-pointblindadaptivemultiuserdetectionalgorithmforTime-Hopping(TH)ImpulseRadio(IR)UltraWideBand(UWB)systemsinmultipathchannel,whichisbasedonIndependentComponentAnalysis(ICA)idea.Theproposedalgorithmemploysmaximizingnegentropycriteriontoseparatethedatapacketsofdifferentusers.Thentheusercharacteristicse-quencesareutilizedtoidentifythedatapacketorderofthedesireduser.Thisalgorithmonlyneedsthedesireduser’scharacteristicsequenceinsteadofchannelinformation,powerinformationandtime-hopingcodeofanyuser.Duetousinghypothesisofstatisticalindependenceamongusers,theproposedalgorithmhastheoutstandingBitErrorRate(BER)performanceandtheexcellentabilityofnear-farresistance.SimulationresultsdemonstratethatthisalgorithmhastheperformanceclosetothatofMaximum-Likelihood(ML)algorithmandisasuboptimumblindadaptivemultiuserdetectionalgorithmofexcellentnear-farresistanceandlowcomplexity.

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  • 简介:Inthispaperthesolar-blindultraviolet(UV)lightisusedascommunicationmediumforwirelesssensornetworks(WSNs).ThreetypesofsinglescatteringUVcommunicationmodelsareintroducedandadirectionalfloodingmodelisproposed,whicharebasedonthedirectionalityoftheUVcommunicationandthetraditionalfloodingroutingmodel.Thedelay,delayjitter,throughputandenergyconsumptionofthethreetypesofcommunicationsofthenewmodelaresimulatedandcompared.Theresultsindicatethattheproposeddirectionalfloodingmodelcaneffectivelyavoidtheunidirectionalityandtheblindnessofthetraditionalfloodingbroadcastmessages.Theenergyconsumptionofnodesinthenetworkisreducedandthelifecycleofthenetworkisextended.

  • 标签: 无线传感器网络 太阳紫外线 网络路由算法 洪水演进 紫外光通信 延迟抖动
  • 简介:Developingalow-cost,room-temperatureoperatedandcomplementarymetal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS)compatiblevisible-blindshort-wavelengthinfrared(SWIR)siliconphotodetectorisofinterestforsecurity,telecommunications,andenvironmentalsensing.Here,wepresentasilver-supersaturatedsilicon(Si:Ag)-basedphotodetectorthatexhibitsavisible-blindandhighlyenhancedsub-bandgapphotoresponse.Thevisible-blindresponseiscausedbythestrongsurface-recombination-inducedquenchingofchargecollectionforshort-wavelengthexcitation,andtheenhancedsub-bandgapresponseisattributedtothedeep-levelelectrontraps-inducedband-bendingandtwo-stagecarrierexcitation.TheresponsivityoftheSi:Agphotodetectorreaches504mA·W-1at1310nmand65mA·W-1at1550nmunder-3Vbias,whichstandsonthestageasthehighestlevelinthehyperdopedsilicondevicespreviouslyreported.Thehighperformanceandmechanismunderstandingclearlydemonstratethatthehyperdopedsiliconshowsgreatpotentialforuseinopticalinterconnectandpower-monitoringapplications.

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  • 简介:僵硬声学的散布由的部件的分离在水下目标在获得如此的目标的结构的特征是必要的。克服看起来有一样的僵硬结构的问题光谱在时间领域的结构,时间频率窗帘来源分离(BSS)能与图象形态学在联合被使用分开不同目标的僵硬散布部件。基于一个热点模型,有时间频率分发的目标的僵硬散布结构的分离被推出。用一个词法过滤器,在Wigner-Ville分布(WVD)的不同特征观察到术语能被简化移开任何跨术语的干扰单个汽车术语和十字。由选择术语表明的汽车的时间和频率点,BSS的精确性能被改进。试验性的模拟被使用了,与在播送信号,相对振幅和时间延期参数的脉搏宽度的变化,以便分析这个新方法的可行性。模拟结果证明新方法不仅能分开僵硬散布当有弹性的散布并且僵硬散布时,部件,而且罐头也分开部件同时存在。试验性的结果证实新方法能在分开僵硬散布结构被使用在水下目标。

  • 标签: 刚性结构 盲源分离 时频分析 声散射 水下目标 形态特征
  • 简介:到还原剂隧道噪音,褪色,并且内部用户的干扰有效地在有多用户的混乱通讯系统,一个盲目隧道均等算法基于双unscentedKalman,过滤器算法被建议。假设多输入多产量(MIMO)的系数隧道能被一个autoregressive模型,描述二个分开的州空间的代表被用于信号和系数。然后,二个unscentedKalman过滤器被用来同时估计混乱信号和隧道系数。模拟结果显示算法罐头有效地追踪以快集中速度在混乱MIMO通讯系统使隧道褪色的多路径的系数。

  • 标签: UNSCENTED卡尔曼滤波 混沌通信系统 多输入多输出 均衡算法 盲信道 卡尔曼滤波算法
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To compare the effects between carbetocin and oxytocin on reducing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) after vaginal delivery in high risk pregnant women.Methods:A prospective double-blinded randomized study was conducted in the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital from March to May 2018. Women at or beyond 28 gestational weeks, cephalic presentation, 18-45 years old, and with at least one risk factor for PPH, were enrolled. Using a computer-generated randomization sequence, women were randomized to carbetocin group or oxytocin group which receive 100 μg intravenous infusion carbetocin or 10 IU intravenous infusion of oxytocin after anterior shoulder and before placental delivery. The primary outcome was the incidence of blood loss ≥500 mL within 24 hours postpartum. The secondary outcomes were amount of total blood loss, blood loss within 2 hours after delivery, the rate of blood loss ≥ 1 000 mL postpartum, need for a second-line uterotonics and interventions, blood transfusion, difference between hemoglobin before and 48 hours after delivery, adverse maternal events attributed to the trial medication. Hemodynamic status (blood pressure and pulse) was measured at 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes after delivery.Results:A total of 314 and 310 participants constituted the carbetocin and oxytocin groups, respectively. The baseline characteristics were comparable between the groups. The carbetocin group had similar rates of PPH (blood loss ≥500 mL) and rates of ≥1 000 mL PPH, (29.6% vs. 26.8%, P= 0.48) and (3.2% vs. 3.5%, P= 0.83), to the oxytocin group. The average amount of bleeding was (422.9 ± 241.4) mL in carbetocin group and (406.0 ± 257.5) mL in oxytocin group, which was no statistically significant difference (P= 0.40). Either the amount of blood loss within 2 hours ((55.5 ± 33.9) mL vs. (59.9 ± 48.7) mL) was no statistically significant difference (P= 0.19). The need for therapeutic uterotonics was 23.9% in carbetocin group and 23.5% in oxytocin group, which was also no statistically difference (P= 0.93). The rate of blood transfusion (P= 0.62) and hemoglobin change (P= 0.07) were not differ between the carbetocin and oxytocin groups. However, the rate of manually removing placenta was significantly different between two groups regarding the need for manually remove of placenta because of uterine bleeding in the third stage of labor (4 cases in carbetocin group vs. 13 cases in oxygen group), especially in those after oxytocin-induced or augmented labor (relative risk:3.39, 95% confidence interval: 1.09-10.52). After delivery, the blood pressure in the carbetocin group tend to be lower than that in the oxytocin group (P > 0.05), especially at 30 minutes postpartum (P < 0.05), while pulse tend to be simultaneously higher (P > 0.05).Conclusion:Among women with high risk of PPH, intravenous carbetocin infusion did not better than oxytocin in the prevention of blood loss ≥500 mL after vaginal delivery.

  • 标签: Postpartum hemorrhage Carbetocin Manually remove of placenta Oxytocin Uterotonics agent Vaginal delivery
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Clinical observational studies revealed that 99Tc-methylene diphosphonate (99Tc-MDP) could reduce joint pain and swollenness in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. This multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy study aimed to evaluate the effects of 99Tc-MDP plus methotrexate (MTX) vs. MTX alone or 99Tc-MDP alone on disease activity and structural damage in MTX-naïve Chinese patients with moderate to severe RA.Methods:Eligible patients with moderate to severely active RA were randomized to receive 99Tc-MDP plus MTX (n = 59) vs. MTX (n = 59) alone or 99Tc-MDP (n = 59) alone for 48 weeks from six study sites across four provinces in China. The primary outcomes were the American College of Rheumatology 20% improvement (ACR20) response rates at week 24 and changes in modified total Sharp score at week 48.Results:At week 24, the proportion of participants achieving ACR20 was significantly higher in the MTX+ 99Tc-MDP combination group (69.5%) than that in the MTX group (50.8%) or 99Tc-MDP group (47.5%) (P = 0.03 for MTX+ 99Tc-MDP vs. MTX, and MTX+ 99Tc-MDP vs.99Tc-MDP, respectively). The participants in the MTX+ 99Tc-MDP group and the 99Tc-MDP group had significantly less important radiographic progression than the participants in the MTX group over the 48 weeks (MTX + 99Tc-MDP vs. MTX: P = 0.03, 99Tc-MDP vs. MTX: P = 0.03, respectively). There was no significant difference in terms of adverse events (AEs) among the groups. No serious AEs were observed.Conclusions:This study demonstrated that the combination of 99Tc-MDP with MTX inhibited structural damage and improved disease activity in RA patients compared with MTX and 99Tc-MDP monotherapies, without increasing the rate of AEs. Additional clinical studies of 99Tc-MDP therapy in patients with RA are warranted.Trial Registration:Chictr.org, ChiCTR-IPR-14005684; http://www.chictr.org.cn/showproj.aspx?proj=10088.

  • 标签: Rheumatoid arthritis Methotrexate 99Tc-MDP Efficacy Safety
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Benvitimod cream, a novel synthetic small molecule, was effective in treating mild-to-moderate plaque psoriasis. We conducted a phase III clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of benvitimod cream in patients with mild-to-moderate plaque psoriasis.Methods:We randomly assigned 686 patients (2:1:1) to receive 1% benvitimod cream, 0.005% calcipotriol ointment or placebo twice a day for 12 weeks. The primary efficacy end points were the percentage of patients with a 75% or greater reduction from baseline in the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI 75) score and with a score of 0 or 1 in static physician’s global assessment (sPGA) at week 12.Results:The results showed that 50.4% of patients in the benvitimod group achieved PASI 75, which was significantly higher than that in the calcipotriol (38.5%, P < 0.05) and placebo (13.9%, P < 0.05) groups. The proportion of patients achieving an sPGA score 0 or 1 was 66.3% in the benvitimod group and 63.9% in the calcipotriol group, which were both significantly higher than that in the placebo group (34%, P < 0.05). In the long-term follow-up study, 50.8% of patients experienced recurrence. After retreatment with 1% benvitimod, 73.3% of patients achieved an sPGA score of 0 or 1 again at week 52. Adverse events included application site irritation, follicular papules, and contact dermatitis. No systemic adverse reactions were reported.Conclusion:During this 12-week study, benvitimod cream was demonstrated with high effectiveness and safety in patients with mild-to-moderate plaque psoriasis.Trial Registration:Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR), ChiCTR-TRC-13003259; http://www.chictr.org.cn/showprojen. aspx?proj=6300.

  • 标签: Psoriasis Benvitimod Immune modulator Drug discovery 3 5-dihydroxy-4-isopropylstilbene
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The Shexiang Baoxin Pill (MUSKARDIA) has been used for treating coronary artery disease (CAD) and angina for more than 30 years in China. Nevertheless, methodologically sound trials on the use of MUSKARDIA in CAD patients are scarce. The aim of the study is to determine the effects of MUSKARDIA as an add-on to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with stable CAD.Methods:A total of 2674 participants with stable CAD from 97 hospitals in China were randomized 1:1 to a MUSKARDIA or placebo group for 24 months. Both groups received OMT according to local tertiary hospital protocols. The primary outcome was the occurrence of a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE), defined as a composite of cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), or non-fatal stroke. Secondary outcomes included all-cause mortality, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina or heart failure, peripheral revascularization, angina stability and angina frequency.Results:In all, 99.7% of the patients were treated with aspirin and 93.0% with statin. After 2 years of treatment, the occurrence of MACEs was reduced by 26.9% in the MUSKARDIA group (MUSKARDIA: 1.9% vs. placebo: 2.6%; odds ratio = 0.80; 95% confidence interval: 0.45-1.07; P = 0.2869). Angina frequency was significantly reduced in the MUSKARDIA group at 18 months (P = 0.0362). Other secondary endpoints were similar between the two groups. The rates of adverse events were also similar between the two groups (MUSKARDIA: 17.7% vs. placebo: 17.4%, P = 0.8785).Conclusions:As an add-on to OMT, MUSKARDIA is safe and significantly reduces angina frequency in patients with stable CAD. Moreover, the use of MUSKARDIA is associated with a trend toward reduced MACEs in patients with stable CAD. The results suggest that MUSKARDIA can be used to manage patients with CAD.Trial registration:chictr.org.cn, No. ChiCTR-TRC-12003513

  • 标签: MUSKARDIA Stable coronary artery disease Angina Major adverse cardiovascular event
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