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119 个结果
  • 简介:Regionaldevelopmentisthetrendforfutureurbanization,andtheurbancircleisahighlyefficienteconomicspatialpatternofregionaldevelopment.Thisstudyselectsstatisticaldataofurbanareapopulation,GDP,andtheoutputvalueoftertiaryindustryforsevencitiesinChina-Jinan,Zibo,Tai’an,Laiwu,Dezhou,Liaocheng,andBinzhou-intheShandongprovincialcapitalurbancirclefrom2005to2009.ItusestheprinciplesandZipfmodel,rank-sizerule,andLotkalogarithmicmodeltoanalyzeandstudythehierarchicalstructureofthemetropolitansystemandeconomicdevelopmentoftheShandongprovincialcapitalurbancircle.Basedontheaboveresearch,thispaperprovidesreferencesfordecisionmakingonenhancementofthemetropolitansystemstructure,improvementincorecityprimacyindex,theoptimaladjustmentofindustrialstructureandtheoptimalallocationofessentialresources.

  • 标签: HIERARCHICAL structure economic development METROPOLITAN system
  • 简介:China'scapitalmarketisahotissueinthenewyear.ThebeststrategytodeveloptheChinesecapitalmarketinthecoming15to20yearswasdiscussedintheChinaCapitalMarketForum,whichwasheldinChinaatRenminUniversityonJanuary13.Governmentofficials,scholars,andentrepreneurscommentedthatby2020,theChinesecapitalmarketwilldevelopintooneofthebestcapitalmarketsintheworld,notonlyintermsofsize,butalsoassetquality,liquidityanddynamictrade.Isthisarealisticgoal?Whatstepsshouldwetaketopursuethistarget?Withthesequestionsinmind,aftertheforum,China'sForeignTradeinterviewedProf.WuXiaoqiu,VicePresidentofRenminUniversityofChina,andtheDirectoroftheFinance&SecuritiesInstituteofRenminUniversity.Editor

  • 标签: 中国 资本市场 贸易经济 人民币
  • 简介:很少有人注意到,迈克尔·戴尔与银湖资本对戴尔公司250亿美元收购案的幕后操刀者,是戴尔的家族办公室MSDCapital。由两位金融界“蓝血贵族”执掌的MSDCapital,15年来对戴尔的家族资产进行集中管理和优化配置,其运作不仅熨平了由于戴尔公司业绩波动可能造成的戴尔家族财富涨跌,并将一部分利润贡献为家族基金会的经费,还帮助戴尔完成了私有化的资金与交易伙伴安排,成为家族背后忠实而强大的后盾。

  • 标签: 戴尔公司 CAPITAL 私有化 办公室 家族 优化配置
  • 简介:privatizations have significantly increased market liquidity. And also privatization takes a potential role global capital market development. A. The Rise of Capital Market-Based Finance Capital market-based finance has in fact been increasing in importance,and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M&

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  • 简介:Basedontheconceptofproductivecapitalstock,thispaperestimatedcapitalinputbythreeassettypesofChina’s36serviceindustriesin2003–2015,andcomparedwiththeresultsofwealthcapitalstock.Thisstudyfoundthatthewealthcapitalstockmethodunderestimatestheactualcapitalinputineachsectorinvaryingdegrees,anditmayinterferencetheaccuracyofproductivityevaluationinsectors.Accordingtothenewestimationresultsofcapitalinput,thispaperfurtherappliedfourstagesbootstrap-DEAmethodtoestimateindustrialproductivity,andcalculateditsconfidenceintervals.Thisstudyfoundthat,theyearsofeducationandtheaveragewagehaveasignificantpositiveimpactontheproductivityofserviceindustries;theproductiveserviceshaveashortboardeffectinthewholeserviceindustry.

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  • 简介:J.M. ,A.P.,W.J. 

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  • 简介:在瓷器革新驱动的发展策略下面,风险资本在城市的凝块集成和合作革新成为了一个重要驱动力。这份报纸使用社会网络分析为时期2005-2015在Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei城市的凝块分析风险资本的空间与时间的差别。一个严肃模型和面板数据回归模型被用来在这个区域在风险资本在空间与时间的差别上揭示影响因素。这研究发现在在北京的风险资本网络有某个轮转的变化和不平的区别--Tianjin-Hebei城市的凝块以全部的投资,并且风险资本(北京,Shijiazhuang和Tangshan)的三个中心在包围城市上有stimulatory效果;在城市之间的风险资本的流动显示某些联网规则,而是他们是慢的发展并且强烈向心;在信息基础结构开发和经济开发和风险资本投资的层次之间有强壮的积极关联;并且有相对不发达的金融环境和服务工业的地方不太能使用革新和entrepreneurship的水果并且吸引资金。这研究能在在中国与最好的革新能力造世界级的超级城市的凝块里为Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei城市的凝块充当一本参考书。

  • 标签: 风险资本 超级城市 影响因素 信息基础结构 网络分析 回归模型
  • 简介:and the total capitalization of the US market increased almost nine-fold (from $ 1.9 trillion to $ 16.6 trillion) over the same period.c. The Dramatic Growth in Securities Issuance Volume Since 1990 Another way of measuring the rise of capital markets is to examine whether their share of annual corporate financing activity has grown relative to that of other sources of funding. Security offerings by US issuers accounted for two-thirds of the global total throughout 1990-1999,before more than doubling to $ 1.22 trillion in 1999--rivaling the US total. The global value of M&,this was a period of very rapid growth in the capitalization of markets in every country except Japan. Total world market capitalization increased over ten-fold (to $ 35.0 trillion) between 1983 and 1999

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  • 简介:and banks and is usually arranged by issuing houses and merchant banks. Stock exchanges are also part of the capital market in that they provide a market for the shares and loan stocks that represent the capital once it has been raised. It is the presence and sophistication of their capital markets that distinguishes the industrial countries from the developing countries,in both developed and developing countries over the past decade. And also capital markets are in fact winning the present and seem likely to dominate the future of corporate finance in developed and developing countries alike.a. The Stable Role of Commercial Banking in Modern Economies Ordinary "relationship banking" appears to be (at best) holding its own as a source of corporate financing around the world,Section 1 shows why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decades. Section 2 talks about the continuance of the growth throughout the 2000s.Body1. Why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decadesIn recent decades

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  • 简介:" Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 5(2),A Survey of International Banking."Gibbon," Privatisation International 123

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  • 简介:today's China takes a serious position in world's economy. Its innovation and opening policy make china keep achieving high GDP growth rate. This drives the global capital market keep growing. Summary and ConclusionsThis essay examines the impact of share issue privatizations (SIPs) on the growth of world capital markets (especially stock markets). I begin by documenting the increasing importance of capital markets,in corporate financial systems around the world. I then show that privatization programs-- particularly those involving public share offerings--have had a dramatic impact both on the development of non-US stock markets and on the participation of individual and institutional investors in those stock markets.This has told the reason of the fast growth of global capital market. And then I succinctly indicated the continuance of the rapid growth,a series of share issue privatizations can indeed promote the growth of global capital market

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