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重庆市礼嘉中学校 401122



Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up& Leading-in(3 mins)



Activity1. Get the Ss. to know about Natural Disasters using the mind-map.

Summarize several kinds of Natural Disasters .

Activity 2:Watching a short video

Ask the Ss. watch a short video about Earthquake. Meanwhile, T tells the Ss. to pay more attention to the key words on the screen(to show the following ten words).

Step2 Presentation(7mins)

Activity 3:After watching the video about , the T will get the Ss. to talk about some earthquakes in China.

  1. Do you know any earthquakes happened in China?

Eg: A terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28th, 1976.

on May 12,2008 Wenchuan Earthquake / on April 14,2010Yushu Earthquake/

on June 17,2019 Changning Earthquake

2) Describe what happened during the earthquake.

An earthquake broke out on May 12,2008.

A terrible earthquake happened in Kongding on Nov.22, 2014.

An earthquake broke out in Changning county on June 17, 2019.

Activity 41)Describe what happened during the earthquake according to the pictures on the screen to present the ten key words as follows .

The buildings fell down .(倒塌)/ Roads might crack.(开 裂)

Buildings cracked and burst./Soft wood houses damaged easily.

Everywhere they looked nearly everything was completely destroyed.

A man was trapped in ruins , waiting for help.

Many people were killed or injured./ The city was/lay in ruins (废墟).

People were buried in the bricks./The soldiers rescued the injured people.

2) Read the new words after the recording and then read them out together.

Activity5 Match the words in ColumnA with the definitions in ColumnB.


A          B

①.trap     a. to cause physical harm to a thing or to a part of your body

②.be in ruins b. to hurt yourself or someone else

③.bury c. to damage sth. so badly that it no longer exists or

cannot be used or repaired

④.injure d. to be severely damaged or destroyed

⑤.destroy e. to break down /to come open or fly suddenly

⑥.burst f. to keep sb. in a dangerous place or bad situation

⑦.rescue g.to put sb./sth.under the ground

⑧.damage h. to save sb. or sth. from a situation of danger or harm

(Key: f d g b c e h a )

Activity6: Play the Missing --Word game(to review the new words and

be familiar with them)


  1. 1. bury

  1. be buried in

Step3 Language points(Discuss and practise)(13mins)


  1. 埋头于;专心于

  1. bury oneself in ...

①. Because he was buried in his books, he didn't know it was raining outside.(状语从句)

②. Burying himself in his books,he was not aware it was raining outside.(现在分词短语作状语)


  1. be lost in be devoted to be absorbed in focus /concentrate on

③. Buried in his books,he was not aware t was raining outside.(过去分词短语作状语)



Eg: Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.

3.burst vi.: to come open or fly suddenly burst--burst--brust

  1. n. a burst of ...一阵....../burst into+ n./burst out + doing……

Eg: He burst into laughter.(= He burst out laughing.)他突然大哭起来。

He burst into tears.(= He burst out crying.)

4. injure vt.损害 n. injury adj.受伤的 the injured

He was slightly ________in the car accident./ He got ___________in the fighting.

5. ruin n.&vt. in ruins : severely damaged or destroyed

The village _____in ruins after the war.

An earthquake left the whole town_________.His career (事业)is__________.


. ruin n.&vt;

. destroy vt. destruction .n .destructive adj.

.damage n.&vt. do damage to +n/pron= do +n/pron+damage

Eg.:He ruined his girl friend’s hopes.

The World Trade Center was completely destroyed by fire on Sept.11,2001.

My car was badly damaged in the a car crash, but luckily it was repaired .

Step4 Self-assessment(20mins)

Activity7(Exercise2 ):



  1. You are required to fill the blanks inpidually;

  2. Check the answers to the questions together(Every group will get one point if your partner answers it correctly.)

①.Two thirds of the people died or were injured(受伤)in the earthquake. 

②.The earthquake was so severe that most of the houses in the small village were completely destroyed(破坏).

③.The whole city lay in ruins after the earthquake. 

④.The building was now buried(掩埋) under two meters of soil.

⑤. Both men were trapped(trap) inside the the building and died.

⑥. The lifeboat rescued(rescue) eight people from the sinking ship last night.

⑦. Too much drinking will do damage(伤害) to your health; you should take the doctor’s advice.

⑧. When he was told the sad news, he burst out (突然爆发...) crying.

  1. Review the ten words with the mind-map again.



Activity8(Ex3): Writing


1).You are required to fill in the blanks in groups;

2).Check the answers to the questions together(Every group will get one point if your partner answers it correctly.)

A. 单句翻译(Translation)(4mins):

① .在2008年5月12日,一次强烈的地震在四川汶川爆发。

May12,2008, broke out in Wenchuan , Sichuan.


When I the bad news, I can’t help_______________________.

③. 在那时,许多房屋都损坏。

At that , a great number of houses were .

④. 甚至许多建筑物都彻底摧毁了。

Even a lot of buildings were completely .


, some people were killed or .

⑥. 士兵和志愿者们匆忙赶去救援那些受伤的人,他们被困在废墟中。 Soldiers and some volunteers hurried to people who were .

(Key: ① . On May 12,2008, a strong earthquake broke out Wenchuan county.
②. When I heard the bad news, I can’t help bursting into tears.
③. At that moment, a great number of houses were damaged.
④. A lot of buildings were completely destroyed.
⑤. Unluckily, some people were killed or buried in ruins.

⑥. Soldiers and some volunteers hurried to rescue the injured people who were trapped in the damaged places.)





The Ss. are required to write it inpidually with the given time; then,every group chooses the best one to share with the whole class.If he or she volunteers to share it, the group will get one point.

  1. Get the Ss. to finish the short passage within 6-7 mins to practice their speed and handwriting.

  2. Show Time)Require them to share their writings voluntarily(2-3groups).

T:With the help of our motherland, the people in Wenchuan now are living a happy life. Therefore, don’t be afraid !Our motherland always stays with us.

Step5 Homework

1).Review and remember the ten new words and useful expressions carefully,

2). Discuss and correct your writing again and hand it in to the teacher.

Step6 The Design of the Bb

Unit 4 Earthquakes

G1 Words and Expressions

G2 earthquake

G3 destroy

G4 damage

Activity10Reflection 课堂学习反思评价表(Tick √)

Items For Reflection


Partly Agree


Have I known the ten words?

Have I grasped the usages of the ten words in GroupB?

Can I spell them correctly in English in the exercises ?

Was I active in group work?

What will I still need to do if an earthquake happens in the future?
