Unit 5 Helping our parents

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Unit 5 Helping our parents



Teaching aims and learning objectives

1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词parent, sweep the floor, wash the dishes, make the bed

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What are you doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答

3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。


Teaching points and difficulties



Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greeting & Warming up


.导入课题:At weekends, my parents are usually busy. So, my sister and I often help them do some housework.

  1. 呈现家人周末活动动态视频,引导学生学习带有ing的短语。

What are they doing?

3、let’s play a game

S1: DO the action.


Group①: Ask “what is he/she doing?”

Group②: He/she is doing…

Step 2 Presentation


Watch the cartoon.

Let’s match.

出示一张Mike 图片:

T:I have a good friend.

He is mike.

What are Mike’s family doing now?(麦克的一家正在干什么)

Task 2:

Let’s read after Mike


1. 跟读录音,学生提出问题:


3. 回答老师提出的问题


T: Do you have any other questions about Mike’s family?

What day is it today?

What is Mike’s mother cooking?

Q1: How many people are there in Mike’s family?

Q2: What do you think of Helen and Mike?

Q3: Should we help our parents? Why?

Task 3:

  1. Read passage 2&3(自读课文)

  2. Answer the questions.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Reading time.(选择小组喜欢的阅读方式进行朗读并其他组给予评价)

619ee99615119_html_7d25b4e114d1358a.png 2. Retell the story.


  1. Explore.

T: Pay attention to the two pictures.

“who is missing?”

S: The dog “Ben”.

T: Any one?

S: Mike’s father.

  1. Expand your imagination.

T:Where is Mike’s father?

What is he doing now?

S:Maybe he is…(小组讨论,交换想法)

  1. Summary.(What do you learn from this class?这堂课你学到了什么?)


what is he/she doing?

He/she is doing…

cleaning the car

cooking breakfast

washing clothes

sweeping the floor

making the bed

  1. Writing.

What are they doing now?(写作及点评)


Step5 Homework

1.Read Grammar time 3 times.

2. Write a short play about helping parents or teacher.