Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.Section B(2a-2e)---基于大单元教学背景下的课程设计

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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.Section B(2a-2e)---基于大单元教学背景下的课程设计


陕西省西安市碑林区西工大附中分校 710072

  1. Analysis of the teaching material

Unit3 which is in Grade Eight of“Go for it”. It talks about personal traits and how to compare people. It not only continues the use of adjectives and adverbs, but also lays the foundation for learning the superlatives in Unit4, serving as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

  1. Analysis of the students

The topic is close to students’ daily life, so they are interested. And Ss have learned to describe people’s appearance in Grade Seven, so they have lots of things to say and are willing to say.

 Ss during this period are suffering from psychological changes because they lack life experience. Therefore, teachers should strengthen the training of sentence patterns and try to involve them in teaching activities to offer more opportunities to help them speak English and reduce their fear. Through cooperative learning among students, their learning difficulty is reduced and they can experience the joy of success. 

3.Teaching objectives

Linguistic ability: Be able to master the vocabulary and useful expressions required by the curriculum standards.

Thinking ability: Cultivate students’ reading comprehension ability and enhance their ability to form the right values on choosing friends.

Learning ability: To understand the passages and learn to use comparative forms to compare friends.

Cultural awareness:To understand the views of Chinese and foreign teenagers towards friendship.

4.  Key points:

  1. Master the key words, phrases, and sentence structures of this lesson.

2. Guide students to read articles about making friends, understand different viewpoints in the article, and complete the tasks required by the article.

3. How to read the passage by using the correct reading skills .

Difficult points:

Be able to correctly discuss and describe friends in English and use the comparative to write a passage about people’s appearance and personalities.

5. Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching method;

Situational teaching method;

Language teaching imitation demonstration method;

Communicative teaching method.

Learning methods:

Reading skills (skimming, scanning) ;

Independent learning and group cooperative learning;

Learning in the situation;

Thinking in the question;

Input in listening and reading;

Output in speaking and writing.

  1. Teaching Procedures

Step1. Warming up

Teacher’s activities

  1. Read a poem ,highlight the first letter of each sentence . Let them guess who he is.
  2. Encourage Ss to say the poem about friends and friendship in Chinese.

Students’ activities

  1. He is the friend.
  2. Say as more poems about friends as possible.


1.It is designed to hold a suspense at the beginning of the class to attract students’ attention, and guide them quickly adjust to having classes.

2.Meet the requirements of cultural awareness in the New Curriculum Standard. The integration between different subjects helps to develop traditional Chinese culture.

3. Ss take an active part in class regardless of their English levels.

4. Finally, it lays the foundation for writing a poem about friends during the post reading .

Step2. Lead in

Teacher’s activities

Ask students to talk about three questions:

1. Do you have a friend?

2. Is he different from you or the same as you ?

3. Why do you choose a friend like him?

Students’ activities

  1. Answer the questions and think about their friends and them .
  2. Try to listen to other students and get the main idea.


The topic is close to students’ daily life, so Ss have lots of things to say. It is straightforward to get to the theme. It is aimed to enhance the enthusiasm of students, and encourage them to take an active part in class.

Step3. Fast reading

Teacher’s activities

We live in a society, and we need to make contact with others. If we have no friends, we may feel lonely,isolated and left out.Everyone needs friends, including the three people in our book on P21.

1.Guide Ss to come to the 3 passages on P21.Here are three questions for Ss.

Q1. What are the names of these three students?What are their friend’s names ?

Q2. What is each person’s opinions of their friends?

Q3. Do they have the same way or different ways to make friends?

2.Underline the comparative words and phrases in the passages.

3. Have a competition: Which group can do the best?

4. Check with each other and then show their answers.

Students’ activities

Task1.Read and match.

Task2.Skim the article and match each person with their opinions.

Task3.According to their opinions, answer if friends should be the same or different ?


Task1.Reading Tips: English names start with uppercase letters, so just let students focus on words containing uppercase letters. There is no need to read word by word. Teach them how to get the correct information in the shortest time.

    Task2. Then, let them find their friends’ names. After that, guide Ss to catch the main idea of each paragraph. As we all know, it’s usually the first or the last sentence.

Task3.Since Ss have got the main idea of each paragraph, it’s easy for them to answer the question in 2b.

Step4. Careful reading

Teacher’s activities

  1. Independent thinking: What are their ways to make friends

Guide Ss to read the passage and get the detail information.

P1 is teaching through comparison;

P2 is teaching by Mathematical thoughts, such as set,union, intersection comparison and so on ;

P3 is teaching through the mind map.

2. Group work: Require students to think and communicate, helps students form their own opinions in a reasonable way.

3. Discussion between the teacher and students: Based on their feedback and group responses, the teacher gives further questions to let them have a deep understanding of the passage, for example:Q1:What does“a good friend is like a mirror” mean? (√) Check the right meaning.

() 1.A good friend likes a mirror.

() 2.A good friend is as bright as a mirror.

() 3.A good friend is the same as the writer.

() 4.A good friend looks the same as the writer.

Q2:What can Larry and Huang Lei help each other?

Q3:What does“reach for your hand”and“touch your heart”mean? Read the 3rd passage carefully and put the examples into the right box.

A. When Mary broke her arm Carol made her laugh and feel better.

B. Mary can talk about and share everything with Carol.

C. Carol cares about Mary.

D. Carol always listens to Mary.

Students’ activities

  1. Students think independently and finish P1,P2 and P3.
  2. Ss group communicate and share their ideas.

3.Ask each group representative to speak and summarize the points discovered by the group members during the discussion. Organize students to conduct self-evaluation and mutual evaluation, and the teacher gives the feedback.


Enable students to understand the main meaning and details of the passages, so make it possible for students to have a better understanding of the content.

Step5. Post reading

Teacher’s activities

Task1. Work on 2c. Are the questions true or false?

Task2. Guide Ss to retell the whole passage through the mind map which is given.

Task3.Work on 2d. How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article?

Task4. Think about what is more important to friendship and make a five-line poem for your best friend.


1. She is ________ than me.

2. But we both________________.

3. Our friendship is like________.


5.Thank you for being my friend.

Task5. language points

Students’ activities

Task1.Read the passage again and finish 2c.

Task2.Ss retell the passage with the help of T, then they can try it by themselves. After that, they can show in class.

Task3.Encourage Ss to read and talk in pairs

Task4.Guide Ss make a five-line poem for their best friend.

Task5.Translate the phrases.


Task1: Use different methods to read three pieces of articles extensively, so students can understand the main idea and structure of the article, laying the foundation for language output  in the following text.

Task2:After doing so much practice, Ss can retell the whole passage. Through retelling, they may strengthen their memory , and it also lays a foundation for their writing in the next part.

Task3: Students learn to summarize and compare knowledge with themselves, deepening their understanding of the article.

Task4: Students can apply their knowledge and learn how to transfer it, while also improving their writing abilities

Task5: Language points are a kind of traditional teaching way, but it is a more effective and quicker way to grasp the knowledge. Because it saves much time in class. Output is very important in class.

Step6. Summary

Teacher’s activities

T lists the importance of friends. People need friends, so do our countries. For example,During the China-central Asia Summit, Xi said that the key to successful cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries is the mutual respect.

Asks Ss to discuss the following questions about how to make friends and what is true friend.

Ss discuss the questions given, then come to the conclusion of their own.

From the thought of the questions, the Ss can sum up their own opinions about friends.

Students’ activities

Ss will discuss in groups, and after the exchange, the teacher will provide the feedback.

Organize students to conduct self-evaluation and mutual evaluation, and teachers to provide feedback.

Lead students to establish right values for making friends.

Ss make a summary of the true friends.


  Help Ss establish right values on friends and life.

  1. Homework

Homework should not only meet the requirements of the “New Curriculum Standard”, but also meet the needs of  “Double Reduction Policy”.

Level 1. Try to retell the the 3 passages in your exercise book.

Level 2. Write a short passage about your best friend to state out the differences and similarities between you two and what you can learn from him or her.

8 .特色学习资源分析

1根据课标的要求,对文章进行整合。以学生为中心,从实际出发,调动学生的学习主动性和积极性。如在讲解3篇文章时,根据文章不同分别采取了不同的方法:如对比法Jeff Green & Yuan Li,数学的集合、并集和交集(Huang Lei & Larry)和思维导图(Mary Smith & Carol),方法新颖多样,符合学生的认知水平。包括后面复述的过程中使用思维导图,图片比文字更直观,使学生产生兴趣。


3、讲解力求创新,融合了不同学科的特点,如在开始导入的过程中,呈现了一首英语诗,鼓励学生说汉语诗,体会句子之美和朋友的重要性。最后又在Post reading过程,让学生自己写一首关于朋友的英语诗,语言得到了积累和输出。同时做到学科的融合和知识的迁移与运用。



①Friends are like books--you don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good.

②It is not necessary to be the same.

③Friends should bring out the best in each other.

A true friend reaches for your hand and touch your heart .