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500 个结果
  • 作者: Bonnet Emmanuel Fournet Florence Benmarhnia Tarik Ouedraogo Samiratou Dabiré Roch Ridde Valéry
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《贫困所致传染病(英文)》 2020年第03期
  • 机构:Résiliences, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, 32 Avenue Henri Varagnat, 93140 Bondy, France,Infectious Diseases and Vectors Ecology, Genetics, Evolution and Control (MIVEGEC), French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, 911 Avenue Agropolis, BP 64501, 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5, France,University of California, San Diego, CA, USA,University of Montreal Public Health Research Institute, Montreal, Canada,Institute for Health Science Research, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso,Population and Development Center (CEPED), French National, Research Institute for Sustainable Development, Université Paris Sorbonne, 45, rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris, France
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Several studies highlighted the impact of community-based interventions whose purpose was to reduce the vectors’ breeding sites. These strategies are particularly interesting in low-and-middle-income countries which may find it difficult to sustainably assume the cost of insecticide-based interventions. In this case study we determine the spatial distribution of a community-based intervention for dengue vector control using different entomological indices. The objective was to evaluate locally where the intervention was most effective, using spatial analysis methods that are too often neglected in impact assessments.Methods:Two neighbourhoods, Tampouy and Juvenat in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, were chosen among five after a survey was conducted, as part of an assessment related to the burden of dengue. As part of the community-based intervention conducted in Tampouy between August and early October 2016, an entomological survey was implemented in two phases. The first phase consisted of a baseline entomological characterization of potential breeding sites in the neighbourhood of Tampouy as well as in Juvenat, the control area. This phase was conducted in October 2015 at the end of the rainy season. The mosquito breeding sites were screened in randomly selected houses: 206 in Tampouy and 203 in Juvenat. A second phase took place after the intervention, in October 2016. The mosquito breeding sites were investigated in the same yards as during the baseline phase. We performed several entomological analyses to measure site productivity as well as before and after analysis using multilevel linear regression. We used Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISAs) to analyse spatial concentrations of larvae.Results:After the intervention, it is noted that LISAs at Tampouy reveal few aggregates of all types and the suppression of those existing before the intervention. The analysis therefore reveals that the intervention made it possible to reduce the number of concentration areas of high and low values of pupae.Conclusions:The contribution of spatial methods for assessing community-based intervention are relevant for monitoring at local levels as a complement to epidemiological analyses conducted within neighbourhoods. They are useful, therefore, not only for assessment but also for establishing interventions. This study shows that spatial analyses also have their place in population health intervention research.

  • 标签: Vector-borne diseases Spatial analysis Community-based intervention
  • 简介:Foryearssufferingfromhypertension,Mrs.Zhang,nowinher60s,isafrequentvisitortoBeijingDewaiCommunityHospitalinherneighborhood.'Ifeeltoopainstakingtogotoa'bighos-pital,''shesays.'Busesarealwaysovercrowdedandslow,notsuitableforpeoplelikeme.Besides,community-basedmedicalinstitutionschargelessfortreatmentofthesamediseases.'InChina,a'bighospital'isamedicalinstitutionlargeinsizeandfullyequipped,inmanycasesstaffedbysomeofthemostreputedmedicalexpertslocallyornationwide.Meanwhile,community-basedhospitalsandclinicsareoftenreferredtoas'smallhospitals.'

  • 标签: 医疗服务 中国 社区医院 医院管理
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:In recent years, visual quality has been extensively investigated in various conditions. In this community-based population study, we analyzed the effects of aging, refraction, and Lens Opacification Classification System III (LOCSIII) score on retinal imaging quality in healthy Chinese adults.Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted on sub-group subjects from The Handan Eye Study between October 2012 and January 2013. Healthy subjects over 30-years-old with logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) less than 0 were included. Retinal image quality was measured by optical quality analysis system (OQAS) and recorded as modulation transfer function cutoff frequency (MTFcutoff), OQAS value (OV) 100%, OV20%, OV9%, Strehl ratio (SR), and objective scatter index (OSI). The correlation between age, spherical equivalent refraction (SE), LOCSIII score, and optical quality parameters were investigated by multivariate analysis.Results:Among 1108 verified subjects, 690 subjects (1380 eyes) met the inclusion criteria. Their age ranged from 30 to 76 years, SE ranged from -4.75 to 2.75 D. They were divided into five age groups (30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and ≥70 years) for further analysis. After multivariate analysis by mixed-effect linear model, SR (t = -3.03, P = 0.002), OV20% (t = -2.39, P = 0.017), and OV9% (t = -3.16, P = 0.001) significantly decreased with the increasing age, whereas logMAR BCVA (t = 4.42, P < 0.001) and OSI (t = 4.46, P < 0.001) significantly increased with age. As SE increased, SR (t = 2.74, P = 0.01), OV20% (t = 2.31, P = 0.02), and OV9% (t = 2.79, P = 0.005) significantly elevated, and OSI (t = -3.38, P < 0.001) significantly decreased. With the increase in cortical opacity score, all optical quality parameters except for SR significantly decreased, including MTFcutoff (t = -2.78, P = 0.01), OV100% (t = -2.78, P = 0.005), OV20% (t = -2.60, P = 0.009), and OV9% (t = -2.05, P = 0.04). As posterior sub capsular opacity score increased, MTFcutoff (t = -2.40, P = 0.02) and OV100% (t = -2.40, P = 0.01) significantly decreased, while OSI (t = 7.56, P < 0.001) significantly increased.Conclusions:In healthy Chinese adult population, optical quality-related parameters significantly decrease with the increasing age, and OSI significantly increases with age. In normal BCVA subjects, optical quality is significantly impacted by cortical and posterior sub capsular opacity rather than by nuclear opacity.

  • 标签: Cross-sectional study Prospective study Vision Aging Refractive errors Cataract
  • 简介:Introduction:Congestiveheartfailure(CHF)accountsforover$32billioninhealthcarecostsperyearandisattheepicenterofhealthcarereform.CHFremainsamajorcauseofhospitalizations.Itisknownandhasbeenreportedthatmisseddiagnosisofandmissedopportunitiestotreatheartfailureareassociatedwithhighermortalityandmorbidity.CHFdiseasemanagementprogramshaveemergedasapotentialsolutiontotheCHFepidemic.TheparadoxremainsthatCHFdiseasemanagementprogramsstillclusterintertiaryhospitalsystems.Theimpactofheartfailurespecialistsandspecialtyteamsincommunityhealthsystemsislesswellunderstood.CurrentlytherearenotenoughCHF-trainedteamsinthecommunitysettingtoaddressthisunmethealthneed.Methods:WeexploredtheimpactofCHFclinicsinacommunity-basedhospitalsystemonreadmissionrates,mortality,andsymptomaticrelief.Atotalof384patientswereenrolledintheclinicbetween2012and2015.Datacollectedincludedage,sex,typeofheartfailure,NewYorkHeartAssociationclass,ejectionfraction,serumcreatinineandbrainnatriureticpeptidevalues,andreadmissionandmortalityrateswithin30days,3months,6months,and1year.WealsocomparedreadmissionratesbetweenpatientswhowerefollowedupintheCHFclinicversusthosewhowerenotseenintheCHFclinic.Results:AstatisticallysignificantdifferencewasdemonstratedinreadmissionratesbetweenpatientswhowerefollowedupintheCHFclinicversusthosewhodidnotvisittheCHFclinicforupto1yearoffollow-up.Conclusion:CHFcommunityhospitalclinicsthatusearapidandfrequentfollow-upformatwithCHF-trainedteamseffectivelyreducerehospitalizationratesupto1year.

  • 标签: CONGESTIVE heart failure COMMUNITY-BASED hospital system
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:A significant decline in malaria burden was documented in previously high burden African countries. Even though the global decline in malaria burden is significant, about 95% of it was typically found in 29 African countries and the decline was affected by COVID-19 in 2020. The considerable reduction in malaria incidence was noted due to effective prevention and treatment efforts, and rapid changes in living conditions. The relationship between the occurrence of asymptomatic malaria infection and household living conditions is well unstudied. This study aimed to determine the association between household living conditions and the occurrence of asymptomatic malaria in the lowlands of Ethiopia.Methods:A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from January to March 2021 in twelve villages of Gambella, Southern Nation Nationalities and People Region and Afar in Ethiopia. A total of 1366 households were randomly selected, interviewed, and tested for malaria by rapid diagnostic test and blood film microscopic examination. Multiple logistic regression model was used to determine the independent association between living conditions and asymptomatic malaria infection.Results:The prevalence of asymptomatic malaria infection among individuals living in dwellings built with traditional floor/wall/roof ranges from 8.1% to 8.4% while it ranges from 2.0% to 4.6% among those living in modern floor/wall/roof houses. Dwellings built with traditional wall materials (P= 0.050), spending nights with cattle in the same house (P < 0.001), and availability of kitchen in the main house with no partition (P= 0.004) were significantly associated with asymptomatic malaria infection.Conclusions:Asymptomatic malaria infection was 4.3 times higher among occupants residing in dwellings built with traditional wall materials; 5.6 times higher among households spending nights with cattle in the same house, and 2.3 times higher among households with kitchen in the main house with no partition. Therefore, policies and strategies on malaria elimination need to address or target improvements of the above listed living conditions for the community. A multi sectoral action is required to use these social determinants as a vector control strategic addition; and malaria elimination programs are expected to coordinate the implementation.

  • 标签: Occurrence Asymptomatic Malaria Households Wall Prevalence Mosquito And livestock
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Chagas disease is a parasitic disease endemic to Latin America, but it has become a disease of global concern due to migration flows. Asymptomatic carriers may host the parasite for years, without knowing they are infected. The aim of this study is to assess prevalence of Chagas disease and evaluate the participants’ level of knowledge between Latin American migrants attending a community-based screening campaign.Methods:Three community-based campaigns were performed in Alicante (Spain) in 2016, 2017 and 2018, including educational chats and blood tests for Trypanosoma cruzi serology. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing knowledge about the mechanisms of transmission, disease presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. People seropositive for T. cruzi underwent diagnostic confirmation by two different tests. Results were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression and expressed as adjusted odds ratios (aORs), adjusting for age, sex, and time in Spain.Results:A total of 596 participants were included in the study; 17% were aged under 18 years. Prevalence in adults was 11% [54/496; 95% confidence interval (CI): 8.3-14.5%] versus 0% among children. All but one case were in Bolivians. Diagnosis was independently associated with having been born in Bolivia (aOR: 102, 95% CI: 13-781) and a primary school-level education (aOR: 2.40, 95% CI: 1.14-5.06). Of 54 people diagnosed with Chagas disease (most of whom were asymptomatic), 42 (77.7%) returned to the clinic at least once, and 24 (44.4%) received treatment. Multivariable analysis showed that coming from Argentina (aOR: 13, 95% CI: 1.61-1188) or Bolivia (aOR: 1.90, 95% CI: 1.19-3.39) and having received information about Chagas disease in Spain (aOR: 4.63, 95% CI: 2.54-8.97) were associated with a good level of knowledge on the disease. Having primary level studies (aOR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.34-0.98) and coming from Ecuador (aOR: 4.63, 95% CI: 2.52-847) were independently associated with a lower level of knowledge.Conclusions:Community-based interventions are a good strategy for diagnosing neglected diseases such as Chagas disease in non-endemic countries and for identifying and treating infected, asymptomatic individuals.

  • 标签: Chagas disease Trypanosoma cruzi Knowledge Community-based intervention Migrant Early diagnosis Screening
  • 简介:Duetothecapabilityofreflectingsocialperceptiononsemanticofresources,folksonomyhasbeenproposedtoimprovethesociallearningforeducationandscholarresearching.However,itsactualimpactissignificantlyinfluencedbythesemanticambiguityproblemoftags.So,inthispaper,weproposedanovelwayofdetectinghomonyms,oneofthemainsourcesoftag’ssemanticambiguityproblem,innoisyfolksonomies.Thestudyisbasedontwohypotheses:1)Usershavingdifferentintereststendtohavedifferentunderstandingofthesametag.2)Usershavingsimilarinteresttendtohavecommonunderstandingofthesametag.Therefore,wefirstlydiscoverusercommunitiesaccordingtousers’interests.Then,tagcontextsarediscoveredinsubsetsoffolksonomyonthebasisofusercommunities.Theexperimentalresultsshowthatourmethodiseffectiveandoutperformthemethodfindingtagcontextsusingalltagsinfolksonomywithoverlappingclusteringalgorithmespeciallywhenvarioususershavingdifferentinterestsarecontainedbythefolksonomy.

  • 标签: Community detection FOLKSONOMY semantic ambiguity HOMONYM
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:COVID-19 can lead to increased psychological symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety among patients with COVID-19. Based on the previous mindfulness-based interventions proved to be effective, this protocol reports a design of a randomized controlled trial aiming to explore the efficacy and possible mechanism of a mindful living with challenge (MLWC) intervention developed for COVID-19 survivors in alleviating their psychological problems caused by both the disease and the pandemic.Methods:In April 2021, more than 1600 eligible participants from Hubei Province of China will be assigned 1:1 to an online MLWC intervention group or a waitlist control group. All participants will be asked to complete online questionnaires at baseline, post-program, and 3-month follow-up. The differences of mental health status (e.g. PTSD) and physical symptoms including fatigue and sleeplessness between the COVID-19 survivors who receiving the online MLWC intervention and the control group will be assessed. In addition, the possible mediators and moderators of the link between the MLWC intervention and target outcomes will be evaluated by related verified scales, such as the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire. Data will be analyzed based on an intention-to-treat approach, and SPSS software will be used to perform statistical analysis.Discussion:The efficacy and potential mechanism of MLWC intervention in improving the quality of life and psychological status of COVID-19 survivors in China are expected to be reported. Findings from this study will shed light on a novel and feasible model in improving the psychological well-being of people during such public health emergencies.Trial registrationChinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR), ChiCTR2000037524; Registered on August 29, 2020, http://www.chictr.org.cn/showproj.aspx?proj=60034.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Internet Mindfulness-based intervention Mental health Randomized controlled trial China
  • 简介:瞄准:比nonsteroidal评估风险因素其它反煽动性的药为在一张西洋化的人口的结肠的憩室的流血。方法:140个病人,在一个社区为征兆的憩室的疾病对待基于的医院,被包括。(21%)三十有憩室的流血的符号。colonoscopy的年龄,性,和结果被收集并且与有非为征兆的憩室形成放血的一组病人相比。记录为comorbidities被考察,例如肥胖,白酒消费,吸烟习惯和新陈代谢的疾病。特殊强调被放在动脉的高血压,心血管的事件,糖尿病mellitus,hyperuricemia和hypercholesterinemia上。结果:与非关于性比率(男性/女性的9/21对47/63)和憩室的本地化为征兆的憩室形成放血有憩室的出血和那些的病人之间没有差别。流血病人在尊重不同变老(73.4+/-9.9对67。8+/-13.0,P<0.013)。重要差别关于hyperuricemia的存在在两个组之间被发现并且类固醇和nonsteroidal使用反煽动性的药。有新陈代谢的疾病也是的三伴随物的病人作为在流血的风险识别了。向前逐步的逻辑回归分析表明类固醇,hyperuricemia和钙隧道的使用作为流血的独立风险因素堵住ers。结论:在nonsteroidal旁边反煽动性的类固醇药使用,反高血压的药和伴随物动脉硬化的疾病是为结肠的憩室的出血的风险因素。我们的结果作为流血的来源支持一个改变的动脉硬化的容器的假设。

  • 标签: 肠疾病 肠梗阻 动脉硬化 胃出血 医院
  • 简介:Inthispaper,weproposealocalfuzzymethodbasedontheideaof"p-strong"communitytodetectthedisjointandoverlappingcommunitiesinnetworks.Inthemethod,arefinedagglomerationruleisdesignedforagglomeratingnodesintolocalcommunities,andtheoverlappingnodesaredetectedbasedontheideaofmakingeachcommunitystrong.Weproposeacontributioncoefficientbvcitomeasurethecontributionofanoverlappingnodetoeachofitsbelongingcommunities,andthefuzzycoefficientsoftheoverlappingnodecanbeobtainedbynormalizingthebvcitoallitsbelongingcommunities.Therunningtimeofourmethodisanalyzedandvarieslinearlywithnetworksize.Weinvestigateourmethodonthecomputergeneratednetworksandrealnetworks.Thetestingresultsindicatethattheaccuracyofourmethodindetectingdisjointcommunitiesishigherthanthoseoftheexistinglocalmethodsandourmethodisefficientfordetectingtheoverlappingnodeswithfuzzycoefficients.Furthermore,thelocaloptimizingschemeusedinourmethodallowsustopartlysolvetheresolutionproblemoftheglobalmodularity.

  • 标签: 检测网络 模糊方法 社区 模糊系数 计算机网络 网络规模
  • 简介:CoptischinensisisamedicinalherbusedintraditionalChinesemedicine.ThisresearchfeaturesacasestudyinShizhuCounty,China.ParticipatoryRuralAppraisal(PRA)isusedasthemaintoolfordatacollection.ThestudydemonstratesthatthecurrentmethodofCoptisplantingleadstoforestdestruction.Evenwithreforestationmeasures,itleadstothelossofbiodiversityintheforest.ItalsoshowsthatfarmerscannotgetsatisfactoryeconomicreturnsfromCoptisplanting,asthereturnisunstableandunpredictable.OnealternativetothecurrentCoptisplantingmodeistoincorporateitintotheagroforestrysystem.WatershieldplantingalsoservesasagoodalternativetoCoptisplantingitself.Improvedmethodsofmanagement,post-harvestprocessing,andmarketingofCoptisarealsoproposedandanalyzed.Theintendedcontributionofthispapertothetheoreticaldebateofsustainabilityshallbetheprovisionofanexampleshowinghowagriculturalproductionaffectsforestconservation.Italsopresentsredressablemeasurestothenegativeconsequences.Besides,onealternativelivelihoodpathwayfortheruralcommunityinthiscasestudyissuggested.

  • 标签: 种植方法 农村社区 石柱县 黄连 中国 参与式农村评估
  • 简介:由认为城市的下水道网络的流动控制最小化抽水站的电消费,为精力积蓄的分解协作策略在这篇论文基于网络社区分割被开发。描绘城市的下水道网络的稳态流的一个数学模型首先被构造,由有作为限制捕获的结构交通能力的一套代数学的方程组成。因为下水道网络没一般来说有明显的自然层次结构,识别聚类的组是很困难的。通过计算每个边的between海角的一条快网络部门途径成功地被使用与任意的配置识别这些组和一个下水道网络然后能被分解成子网。由集成子网的联合限制,原来的问题根据网络分解被分开成N优化潜水艇问题。每个潜水艇问题局部地被解决,潜水艇问题的答案被协调形成一个适当全球答案。最后,到一个指定大规模下水道网络的一个应用程序也被调查表明建议算法的有效性。

  • 标签: 城市环境 污水处理 管道网络 人工神经网络 控制理论