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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractTransoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach (TOETVA) is a recently described surgical technique where the thyroid and central neck can be accessed without a cutaneous incision. To date nearly 700 cases have been described within the English literature demonstrating the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of the technique. As more institutions begin to adopt the surgical approach, it is important that surgeons pay close attention to appropriate patient selection and surgical optimization to prevent experience-related complications. A valuable tool to facilitate these considerations is the utilization of surgeon-performed ultrasonography (US). While the merits of surgeon-performed US are well-documented within head & neck endocrine surgery as a whole, its value may be of even greater importance when implementing a novel surgical technique such as TOETVA. Here we highlight and summarize the role of surgeon-performed US within head & neck endocrine surgery, focusing on how it may influence patient selection and surgical planning with TOETVA.

  • 标签: Transoral thyroidectomy Remote-access thyroidectomy Surgeon-performed ultrasound
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To investigate the accuracy and efficiency of bedside ultrasonography application performed by certified sonographer in emergency patients with blunt abdominal trauma.Methods:The study was carried out from 2017 to 2019. Findings in operations or on computed tomography (CT) were used as references to evaluate the accuracy of bedside abdominal ultrasonography. The time needed for bedside abdominal ultrasonography or CT examination was collected separately to evaluate the efficiency of bedside abdominal ultrasonography application.Results:Bedside abdominal ultrasonography was performed in 106 patients with blunt abdominal trauma, of which 71 critical patients received surgery. The overall diagnostic accordance rate was 88.68%. The diagnostic accordance rate for liver injury, spleen injury, kidney injury, gut perforation, retroperitoneal hematoma and multiple abdominal organ injury were 100%, 94.73%, 94.12%, 20.00%, 100% and 81.48%, respectively. Among the 71 critical patients, the diagnostic accordance rate was 94.37%, in which the diagnostic accordance rate for liver injury, spleen injury, kidney injury, gut perforation and multiple abdominal organ injury were 100%, 100%, 100%, 20.00% and 100%. The mean time for imaging examination of bedside abdominal ultrasonography was longer than that for CT scan (4.45 ± 1.63 vs. 2.38 ± 1.19) min; however, the mean waiting time before examination (7.37 ± 2.01 vs. 16.42 ± 6.37) min, the time to make a diagnostic report (6.42 ± 3.35 vs. 36.26 ± 13.33) min, and the overall time (17.24 ± 2.33 vs. 55.06 ± 6.96) min were shorter for bedside abdominal ultrasonography than for CT scan.Conclusion:Bedside ultrasonography application provides both efficiency and reliability for the assessment of blunt abdominal trauma. Especially for patients with free peritoneal effusion and critical patients, bedside ultrasonography has been proved obvious advantageous. However, for negative bedside ultrasonography patients with blunt abdominal trauma, we recommend further abdominal CT scan or serial ultrasonography scans subsequently.

  • 标签: Bedside abdominal ultrasonography Tomography X-ray computed Blunt abdominal trauma Early diagnosis
  • 简介:做物流,必谈服务,而服务则是对物流作业质量的一种承诺。承诺的表象可以是像人猿泰山那样把胸脯拍得梆梆响,也可以像黑老大那样紧咬着后槽牙并掷地有声.甚至还可以轻描淡写地说“没问题.包在兄弟身上了!”而服务的实质,则是要板眼地做事情。要板眼地做事情,是要花钱的,光花了钱还不够服务还要用心。

  • 标签: 服务质量 作业质量 物流行业 经营模式 客户需求
  • 简介:<正>《散文海外版》自1993年元旦创刊,至2009年7月,出版已经整整100期了。为了铭记我们这一本纯文学杂志的历史印迹,我们精心选编了这套《百期精华》。所谓"100100100篇",即是100期中100位名家的100篇散文力作。

  • 标签: 文学杂志 历史印迹 一本 优惠价格
  • 简介:在很多人眼中钱即意味着财富,钱多的是富翁,钱少的是穷人,钱最少的就是乞丐了。似乎已经忘记了财富还有精神上的。年底结账,爸爸收进一张假的100块,虽然上面也有毛主席的头

  • 标签: 财富 毛主席 犯罪感 假币 情景 结账
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  • 简介:把一个评上了“搞笑诺贝尔”奖的奇葩实验持续近1个世纪,并且还打算继续再做100年的,恐怕只有一根筋的昆士兰大学。该校做的沥青滴漏实验,是目前世界上持续时间最长的实验,自1927年开始。

  • 标签: 昆士兰 实验 大学 持续时间 诺贝尔
  • 简介:Vor 100 JahrenErsteOlympischeSpielederNeuzeitfandenstattInAthenfandenvom6.bis15.April1896mit311Teilnehmernaus13Landerndieerst...

  • 标签: 古希腊 古典 挖掘
  • 简介:Vor100Jahren一百年前,即1895年,奥地利精神病科医生SigmundFreud(1856-1939)和生理学家JosefBreuer(1842-1925)将他们的共同研究成果《歇斯底里研究)公布于世,从而开创了“无意识”研究。为使读者对F...

  • 标签: 歇斯底里 精神病科 研究成果 无意识 心理分析 医生
  • 简介:请在空格内分别填入数字1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9,使两道等式成立。试试看,你能填出来吗?注意,每个数字只能使用一次哦!

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  • 简介:Vor100JahrenntgenentdeckteneuesStrahlenInderNachtvom8.zum9.November1895entdecktederPhysikprofessorWilhelmConradRontgen(27.3.1...

  • 标签: 面向公众 阴极射线 波长单位 解剖学家 医学诊断 波射线
  • 简介:<正>加利娅·阿尼西莫娃幼师毕业后被分配到“光明路”国营农场。那是个荒无人烟的地区,没人争着到那里去。确切说,根本就没有人愿意离开城市:有3个姑娘出了嫁,4个姑娘找到了工作,还有一位姑娘的行为简直与共青团员的称号背道而驰,干起了出售格瓦斯的营生。这些找到工作的恰好都是出身于农村的人,而加利娅是个城里人,正是这个加利娅表现出了觉悟。一个人具备什么,

  • 标签: 数学教师 国营农场 共青团员 格瓦斯 普拉斯 孔德
  • 简介:看到这个题目,你可能会问,世界上没有十全十美的人,但是,我怎么会是100%的呢?别急,往下看就知道了。10%的相貌说到相貌,那我简直就是一个“丑八怪”。一双小眼睛,草眼皮,肉眼泡,甚至鼻子也毫不留情地塌了下去。

  • 标签: 小学生 作文 语文学习 阅读知识
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