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  • 简介:ThephotodegradationreactionrateofCHCl3inTiO2particulatesuspensionwasimperovedsignificantlybyHCl-treatment.TheeffectofHCl-treatmentonthephotocatalyticactivityofTiO2wasstrdiedinaPECcellbyusingIntensity-ModulatedPhotocurrentSpectroscopy(IMPS).ThemagntudeofphotocurrentresponseandthecharacteristicfrequenciesoftheupperandlowersemicirclesinthecomplexplaneofIMPSresponsewereanalyzed,andtheccathodicandanodicreactionprocessesofphotogeneratedholesandelectronswerediscussed.Theincreasesinthecathodicandanodicphotocurrentresponseandinthetimeconstantsofbothcathodicandanodicreactionprocessesofphotogeneratedholesandelectronswerediscussed.TheincreasesinthecathodicandanodicphotocurrentresponseandinthetimeconstantsofbothcathodicandanodicreactionprocessesindicatethatHCl-treatmentleadstotheimprovementofthephotocatalyticactivityofTiO2andachangeofthephotocatalytickineticmechanism.

  • 标签: TIO2 IMPS 二氧化钛晶体 三氯甲烷 化学处理 催化剂
  • 简介:目的:观察采用个体化方案治疗周围性面瘫的疗效。方法:治疗组121例患者根据其病情特点采用个体化方案进行针剌治疗,与118例常规针灸治疗者进行对照研究,比较其疗程与疗效的差异。结果:治疗组愈显率为90.9%,对照组愈显率为69.5%,差异有显著性(P〈0.01);两组各疗程愈显率比较,差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论:采用个体化方案治疗周围性面瘫效果明显优于常规针刺方法,且疗程短。

  • 标签: 面神经麻痹 针剌疗法 缪剌 透针
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a rare chronic papulosquamous disease and is often difficult to treat, especially in children. Here we reported a PRP infant successfully treated by cyclosporine A.Case presentation:An 18-month-old infant with severe PRP presented with reddish follicular papules and inflammatory, infiltrated erythema over the whole body. The condition rapidly and completely responded to oral cyclosporine A. Complete clearance of the lesions was achieved within 16 weeks, and no recurrence developed during 6 months of follow-up. During both treatment and follow-up, routine blood parameters, serum creatinine, serum urea nitrogen, liver function, and blood pressure were regularly monitored once a month and remained within the reference ranges. Moreover, the child grew and developed normally and the body weight increased by 3 kg.Discussion:To date, there are not well established protocols for treatment of PRP in children. Cyclosporine A has been demonstrated to be effective treatment in psoriasis in adults and children which do not respond to some other treatments. The rapid onset of action and good efficacy of cyclosporine A were observed in our case, who achieved complete response after 16 weeks of treatment without any side effects.Conclusion:Cyclosporine A might be a safe and effective option for treating severe PRP in children.

  • 标签: pityriasis rubra pilaris cyclosporine A treatment
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  • 简介:AbstractVitiligo, a common skin depigmentation disorder, is the result of complex interactions of genetic, immunological, environmental, and biochemical events. Treatments for vitiligo include drugs, phototherapy, surgical transplantation, and so on. Among them, the efficacy of narrow band-ultraviolet B has been confirmed. By inducing keratinocyte-derived factors and signalings, narrow band-ultraviolet B can trigger and/or promote the mobilization of melanocytes which migrate to lesional epidermis ultimately, leads to the repigmentation of white patches. The mobilization of melanocytes includes stages of activation, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Elucidating processes that enable the specific mobilization of melanocytes and the signaling pathways and factors involved, will help the development of new drugs and methods for the treatment of vitiligo.

  • 标签: vitiligo narrow band-ultraviolet B melanocyte repigmentation
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) has been demonstrated to influence the keloid recurrence rate after surgery and to relieve keloid symptoms and other pathological processes in keloids. To explore the mechanism of the effect of HBOT on keloids, tumor immune gene expression and immune cell infiltration were studied in this work.Methods:From February 2021 to April 2021, HBOT was carried out on keloid patients four times before surgery. Keloid tissue samples were collected and divided into an HBOT group (keloid with HBOT before surgery [HK] group, n = 6) and a non-HBOT group (K group, n = 6). Tumor gene expression was analyzed with an Oncomine Immune Response Research Assay kit. Data were mined with R package. The differentially expressed genes between the groups were compared. Hub genes between the groups were determined and verified with Quantitative Real-time PCR. Immune cell infiltration was analyzed based on CIBERSORT deconvolution algorithm analysis of gene expression and verified with immunohistochemistry (IHC).Results:Inflammatory cell infiltration was reduced in the HK group. There were 178 upregulated genes and 217 downregulated genes. Ten hub genes were identified, including Integrin Subunit Alpha M (ITGAM), interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-2, Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type C (PTPRC), CD86, transforming growth factor (TGF), CD80, CTLA4, and IL-10. CD80, ITGAM, IL-4, and PTPRC with significantly downregulated expression were identified. IL-10 and IL-2 were upregulated in the HK group but without a significant difference. Infiltration differences of CD8 lymphocyte T cells, CD4 lymphocyte T-activated memory cells, and dendritic resting cells were identified with gene CIBERSORT deconvolution algorithm analysis. Infiltration levels of CD4 lymphocyte T cell in the HK group were significantly higher than those of the K group in IHC verification.Conclusion:HBOT affected tumor gene expression and immune cell infiltration in keloids. CD4 lymphocyte T cell, especially activated memory CD4+T, might be the key regulatory immune cell, and its related gene expression needs further study.

  • 标签: Keloid Hyperbaric oxygen treatment Tumor immune gene Immune cell
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  • 简介:AbstractPediatric and adult spinal cord injuries (SCI) are distinct entities. Children and adolescents with SCI must suffer from lifelong disabilities, which is a heavy burden on patients, their families and the society. There are differences in Chinese and foreign literature reports on the incidence, injury mechanism and prognosis of SCI in children and adolescents. In addition to traumatic injuries such as car accidents and falls, the proportion of sports injuries is increasing. The most common sports injury is the backbend during dance practice. Compared with adults, children and adolescents are considered to have a greater potential for neurological improvement. The pathogenesis and treatment of pediatric SCI remains unclear. The mainstream view is that the mechanism of nerve damage in pediatric SCI include flexion, hyperextension, longitudinal distraction and ischemia. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of drugs such as methylprednisolone in the treatment of pediatric SCI and the indications and timing of surgery. In addition, the complications of pediatric SCI are also worthy of attention. New imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging and diffusion tensor tractography may be used for diagnosis and assessment of prognosis. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathogenesis, imaging, clinical characteristics, treatment and complications of SCI in children and adolescents. Although current treatment cannot completely restore neurological function, patient quality of life can be enhanced. Continued developments and advances in the research of SCI may eventually provide a cure for children and adolescents with this kind of injury.

  • 标签: Spinal cord injury Spinal cord injury with no radiographic abnormality Children and adolescents Treatment
  • 简介:AbstractTwin reversed arterial perfusion sequence, a severe and unique complication of monochorionic multiple pregnancy, is characterized by vascular anastomosis and abnormal or absent cardiac development in the twins. This article reviewed its pathogenesis, prenatal ultrasound diagnosis, and management. The pump twin’s chances for survival can be maximized by proper management. The optimal timing of the interventions remains a debate, although the latest studies encourage early intervention, i.e., in the first trimester. The most preferred approach is to interrupt the vascular supply to the acardius, such as through ultrasound-guided laser coagulation and radiofrequency ablation of the intrafetal vessels.

  • 标签: Prenatal diagnosis TRAP sequence Acardiac twin Pump twin Fetal therapy
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  • 简介:摘要BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESpasticity is a common sequala of the upper motor neuron lesions. For instance, it often occurs in the first 4 weeks after stroke and is seen in more than one-third of stroke survivors after 12 months. In recent years, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been recognized as a safe and effective method for reducing muscle spasticity. Possible/relevant mechanisms include nitric oxide production, motor neuron excitability reduction, induction of neuromuscular transmission dysfunction, and direct effects on rheological properties. There are two types of ESWT, focused and radial, with the radial type more commonly applied for treating muscle spasticity. Concerning the optimal location for applying ESWT, the belly muscles and myotendinous junction seem to produce comparable results. The effects of ESWT on spasticity are known to last at least four to six weeks, while some studies report durations of up to 12 weeks. In this review, the authors will focus on the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of ESWT in spasticity, as well as certain technical parameters of ESWT, e.g., the intensity, frequency, location, and number of sessions. The pertinent literature has been reviewed, with an emphasis on post-stroke upper limbs, post-stroke lower limbs, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. In short, while ESWT has positive effects on parameters such as the modified Ashworth scale, mixed results have been reported regarding functional recovery. Of note, as botulinum toxin injection is one of the most popular and effective pharmacological methods for treating spasticity, studies comparing the effects of ESWT and botulinum toxin injections, and studies reporting the results of their combination, are also reviewed in this paper.

  • 标签: eion review
  • 简介:Theeffectofportalveintumorthrombus(PVTT)ontheprognosisofpatientswithhepatocellularcarcinomahasbecomeclearoverthepastseveraldecades.However,identifyingthemechanismsandperformingthediagnosisandtreatmentofPVTTremainchallenging.Therefore,thisstudyaimedtosummarizetheprogressintheseareas.AcomputerizedliteraturesearchinMedlineandEMBASEwasperformedwiththefollowingcombinationsofsearchterms:'hepatocellularcarcinoma'AND'portalveintumorthrombus.'AlthoughseveralsignaltransductionormolecularpathwaysrelatedtoPVTThavebeenidentified,theexactmechanismsofPVTTarestilllargelyunknown.Manybiomarkershavebeenreportedtodetectmicrovascularinvasion,butnonehaveprovedtobeclinicallyusefulbecauseoftheirlowaccuracyrates.SorafenibistheonlyrecommendedtherapeuticstrategyinWesterncountries.However,moretreatmentoptionsarerecommendedinEasterncountries,includingsurgery,radiotherapy(RT),transhepaticarterialchemoembolization(TACE),transarterialradioembolization(TARE),andsorafenib.Therefore,weestablishedastagingsystembasedontheextentofportalveininvasion.Ourstagingsystemeffectivelypredictsthelong-termsurvivalofPVTTpatients.Currently,severalclinicaltrialshadshownthatsurgeryiseffectiveandsafeinsomePVTTpatients.RT,TARE,andTACEcanalsobeperformedsafelyinpatientswithgoodliverfunction.However,onlyafewcomparativeclinicaltrialshadcomparedtheeffectivenessofthesetreatments.Therefore,morerandomizedcontrolledtrialsexaminingtheextentofPVTTshouldbeconductedinthefuture.

  • 标签: 门静脉 肝癌 治疗 MEDLINE 临床试验 随机对照试验
  • 简介:六不同治疗在与变形阉割抵抗的前列腺癌症(mCRPC)指向到病人的阶段III试用表明了改进幸存。为mCRPC的前线的治疗学的选择包括docetaxel,sipuleucel-T,abiraterone和radium-223。Post-docetaxel选择包括cabazitaxel,abiraterone,enzalutamide和radium-223。尽管有最近的年里的许多进步,多是还未知的,争论发生在最佳的治疗选择和序列上。任何一个新代理人都没与对方相比,因此,在今天的实践的医生必须基于非使随机化的比较,毒性考虑和各种各样的假设做选择。Abiraterone现在正在移动直到给最近的规章的赞同的前面线mCRPC空间,enzalutamide将很快列在后面。当时,两个神经质的代理人有更少的毒性与化学疗法的选择和这两个神经质的代理人相比被期望向前在年里在mCRPC病人的一个可观的数字被过去常。很少数据都不为post-abiraterone或post-enzalutamide背景是可得到的。在这评论,当前可得到的定序数据被总结并且解释。生气抵抗是在各种各样的治疗之间的一个潜在的问题,现在是清楚的,特别指向雄激素轴的那些代理人。这评论加亮需要让另外的研究为这些病人优化当前的治疗。

  • 标签: 前列腺癌 转移性 治疗 阉割 激素类药物 交叉耐药性
  • 简介:AIM:Toevaluatetheshort-andlong-termoutcomesofliverresectionforcaudatelobehepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC).METHODS:Weretrospectivelyanalyzed114consecutivepatientswithHCC,originatingfromthecaudatelobe,whounderwentresectionbetweenJanuary2001andJanuary2007.Univariateandmultivariateanalyseswereperformedonseveralclinicopathologicvariablestodeterminethefactorsaffectinglong-termoutcomeandintrahepaticrecurrence.RESULTS:Overallmortalityandmorbiditywere0%and18%,respectively.Afteramedianfollow-upof31mo(interquartilerange,11-66mo),tumorrecurrencehadoccurredin76patients(66.7%).The1-,3-,and5-yeardisease-freesurvivalrateswere65.7%,38.1%,and18.4%,respectively.The1-,3-,and5-yearoverallsurvivalrateswere76.1%,54.7%,and31.8%,respectively.Univariateanalysisshowedthatsubsegmentallocationofthetumor(45.7%vs16.2%,P=0.01),livercirrhosis(12.3%vs47.9%,P=0.03),surgicalmargin(18.5%vs54.6%,P=0.04),vascularinvasion(37.9%vs23.2%,P=0.04)andextendedcaudateresection(42.1%vs15.4%,P=0.04)wererelatedtopoorerlong-termsurvival.Multivariateanalysisshowedthatonlysubsegmentallocationofthetumor,livercirrhosisandsurgicalmarginweresignificantindependentprognosticfactors.CONCLUSION:HepatectomywasaneffectivetreatmentforHCCinthecaudatelobe.Thesubsegmentallocationofthetumor,livercirrhosisandsurgicalmarginaffectedlong-termsurvival.

  • 简介:Wearecurrentlyfacedwithanagingpopulation,whichisrapidlygrowingworldwide.Twothirdsofcanceroccursintheover65-yearagegroup.Societalconceptionsfromthepasthavecreatedageiststereotypes;oldageisassociatedwithfrailtyandtheelderlyareperceivedtobedestinedfordeteriorationandlossofindependence.Cancerwithintheelderlyisalsosubjecttothesestereotypes,withelderlycancerpatientsconsideredbysomenotaslikelytorecoverasyoungerpatientswithcancer.Wesummariseandreviewthecurrentconcernsregardingelderlymanagementandtreatmentsutilisedforthemanagementofoncologicaldiseaseintheelderly,anddiscusstheimpactofunder-treatmentwithinthispopulation.

  • 标签: 肿瘤疾病 老年人 人口老龄化 癌症患者 人群 年龄组
  • 简介:AbstractThe treatments for early-onset scoliosis (EOS) remain great challenges for spine surgeons. This study aimed to comprehensively review the treatments for EOS, especially the advancements made in the last decade. Current studies on EOS were retrieved through a search on PubMed, UpToDate, the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus were reviewed. The most pertinent information related to the current treatments for EOS was collected. The foci of treatments for EOS have included creating a well-developed thoracic cavity, improving lung volume, and improving pulmonary function. Conservative treatments include bracing, casting, halo-gravity traction, and physiotherapy. Serial casting is the most effective conservative treatment for EOS. Surgical treatments mainly include growth-friendly techniques, which are generally classified into three types according to the amount of correction force applied: distraction-based, compression-based, and growth-guided. The distraction-based systems include traditional or conventional growing rods, magnetically controlled growing rods, and vertical expandable prosthesis titanium ribs. The compression-based systems include vertebral body stapling and tethering. The growth-guided systems include the Shilla system and modern Luque trolley. In addition, some newer techniques have emerged in recent years, such as posterior dynamic deformity correction (ApiFix). For EOS patients presenting with sharp deformities in a long, congenital spinal deformity, a hybrid technique, one-stage posterior osteotomy with short segmental fusion and dual growing rods, may be a good choice. Hemivertebra resection is the gold standard for congenital scoliosis caused by single hemivertebra. Although the patient’s growth potential is preserved in growth-friendly surgeries, a high complication rate should be expected, as well as a prolonged treatment duration and additional costs. Knowledge about EOS and its treatment options is rapidly expanding. Conservative treatments have specific limitations. For curves requiring a surgical intervention, surgical techniques may vary depending on the patients’ characteristics, the surgeon’s experience, and the actual state of the country.

  • 标签: Early-onset scoliosis Techniques Conservative treament Hemivertebra resection Fusionless Growth-friendly
  • 简介:DiabetespertainstoXiaokeinTCM.Itisdividedintothreekinds,namely,upperlung,middlestomachandlowerkidney,itstreatmentisalsodividedintomoisteninglung,clearingawaystomach-heatandnourishingthekidneyaccordingly.Buttogettherootofthematter,thetreatmentoflong-durationDMshouldbedominatedbynourishingkidneyandfosteringtheYin.Accordingtothistheory,theXiaoTangYinwasformulated.Ifconsiderationcanbegiventoothersymptomsandflexiblemodificationcanbemade,goodeffectsweregotalways.

  • 标签: 治疗 糖尿病 饮食调理 临床分析
  • 简介:Objective:Toinvestigatetheefficacyofcombina-tionofcircumcisionandmicrowaveongenitalwartsinuncircumcisedmen.Methods:Arandomized,prospectivestudyof109uncircumcisedadultmenwithgenitalwartswascon-ductedinaSTDclinicinZhanjiang,Guangdong.Onegroup(n=54)receivedmicrowavetherapyonly,whiletheothergroup(n=55)wastakenthecombinationofcircumcisionandmicrowavetherapy.Therecurrenceswereobservedattheendofmonths3,6and12,andoperativecomplicationswerealsorecorded.Results:Therewerenosignificantdifferencesinthemeanageanddurationofthediseasebetweentwogroups(P>0.05).Noseriousoperativecomplicationsweredocumented.Therecurrencerateincircumci-sionplusmicrowavegroupwasmarkedlylowerthanthatinmicrowavegroup(12.7%vs29.6%,P<0.05),whilethedifferencesinearlyandlaterecurrencesbetweentwogroupsshowednostatisticalsignificance(P>O.05).Conclusion:Circumcisioncanbesafelyperformedunderlocalanesthesiainanoutpatientsetting.Com-binationofcircumcisionandmicrowavecanproduceexcellenteffectaswellaslesstissuedamage,therefore,itmaybeidealforuncircumcisedpatientswithextensivecondvlomas.

  • 标签: 尖锐湿疣 包皮环切术 微波疗法 临床疗效
  • 简介:先推拿患者肩关节以放松肌肉,松解粘连,然后施关节松动术,治疗了82例肩关节周围炎患者,痊愈50例,显效12例,有效16例,无效4例,总有效率95.1%.

  • 标签: 推拿 肩关节周围炎 针灸