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500 个结果
  • 简介:<正>第三个星期:经过延续两个星期的练习当前,训练者曾经关于训练举措有一定的理解和熟悉。在这个礼拜里会改动一些原有方案中的训练举措,使训练者掌握更多的训练举措,练就愈加片面均衡的体型。本周开端肌肉的力量和心肺功用都有所进步了,还是要提示一下大家,别忘了文章扫尾提到的不要随便添加训练负荷。同时这周开端延迟性疼痛症状也会

  • 标签: 健美运动 三个星期 训练负荷 延迟性 篮球运动 有氧运动
  • 简介:Q:我最近身体比较虚弱,想去抓两副中药来补补。请问夏天吃中药有什么讲究吗?A:夏天进补中药是有一定禁忌的。1、中药不宜过度温热。温热药用来治疗寒症,夏季大量使用常会出现发热、出血、疮疡等病变。即使必须使用,也只能减少剂量.缩短疗程。2、不宜过度发汗。夏季人体易出汗,此时再服大量发汗药,势必大汗淋漓,导致体内水分失衡,甚至出现休克等危重症候。3、不宜过度滋补。滋补药不易吸收,只有消化功能完善的人才能使用,否则会出现腹胀、不思饮食等现象。而人在夏季,胃肠功能低,故不宜使用,再忌过度滋补。

  • 标签: 养生 滋补药 缩短疗程 大汗淋漓 水分失衡 消化功能
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  • 简介:AlthoughanassociationbetweenthegroupAbetahemolyticstreptococcusandrheumaticfeverhasbeenrecognizedformorethanhalfacentury,manyimportantissuesaboutthisrelationshipremainincompletelydefined.Theinitiatingpharyngealthroatinfectionand

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Fever is the most common chief complaint of emergency patients. Early identification of patients at an increasing risk of death may avert adverse outcomes. The aim of this study was to establish an early prediction model of fatal adverse prognosis of fever patients by extracting key indicators using big data technology.Methods:A retrospective study of patients’ data was conducted using the Emergency Rescue Database of Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital. Patients were divided into the fatal adverse prognosis group and the good prognosis group. The commonly used clinical indicators were compared. Recursive feature elimination method was used to determine the optimal number of the included variables. In the training model, logistic regression, random forest, adaboost, and bagging were selected. We also collected the emergency room data from December 2018 to December 2019 with the same inclusion and exclusion criterion. The performance of the model was evaluated by accuracy, F1-score, precision, sensitivity, and the areas under receiver operator characteristic curves (ROC-AUC).Results:The accuracy of logistic regression, decision tree, adaboost and bagging was 0.951, 0.928, 0.924, and 0.924, F1-scores were 0.938, 0.933, 0.930, and 0.930, the precision was 0.943, 0.938, 0.937, and 0.937, ROC-AUC were 0.808, 0.738, 0.736, and 0.885, respectively. ROC-AUC of ten-fold cross-validation in logistic and bagging models were 0.80 and 0.87, respectively. The top six coefficients and odds ratio (OR) values of the variables in the logistic regression were cardiac troponin T (CTnT) (coefficient = 0.346, OR = 1.413), temperature (T) (coefficient = 0.235, OR = 1.265), respiratory rate (RR) (coefficient= –0.206, OR = 0.814), serum kalium (K) (coefficient = 0.137, OR = 1.146), pulse oxygen saturation (SPO2) (coefficient = –0.101, OR = 0.904), and albumin (ALB) (coefficient = –0.043, OR = 0.958). The weights of the top six variables in the bagging model were: CTnT, RR, lactate dehydrogenase, serum amylase, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure.Conclusions:The main clinical indicators of concern included CTnT, RR, SPO2, T, ALB, and K. The bagging model and logistic regression model had better diagnostic performance comprehesively. Those may be conducive to the early identification of critical patients with fever by physicians.

  • 标签: Fever Infection Machine learning Prognosis
  • 简介:TheZ10andZ37strainsofhemorrhagicfeverwithrenalsyndrome(HFRS)virusandtheMongoliangerbil(Merionsunguiculatus)kidneycellswereusedtopreparetheinactivatedbivalentvaccine.AphaseⅡclinicaltrialuseofthisvaccinewasmadein750Chinesevolunteers.Theresultsshowedthatthesidereactionratewas2.5%andthesero-conversionrateofneutralizingantibodiesagainstHantaanandSeoulvirusesintheinoculatedvolunteerswere87.6%and96.3%respectively.

  • 标签: 肾出血热综合症 疫苗接种 小鼠 动物实验 免疫学
  • 简介:Q:运动“时间”和“频率”与健身效果有直接关系吗?A:运动贵在坚持,无论春夏秋冬都应坚持运动,不能采用“三天打鱼,两天晒网”的运动方式。运动生理学研究表明,运动时间和运动频率与锻炼效果有着直接关系,有规律、长期运动的人才能达到锻炼的目的。不规律、短期运动的人的身体所制造的氧自由基比规律、长期运动的人多,而氧自由基性质活泼,

  • 标签: 运动养生 锻炼效果 运动频率 长期运动 氧自由基 运动生理学
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  • 简介:1病例资料患者女,35岁,G7P1,2004年剖宫产1女,健康,既往史无特殊。末次月经:2015年11月10日。孕24周,因B超发现胎儿异常到本中心就诊。唐氏筛查高风险,18-三体风险值1∶107。停经23周外院B超提示"胎儿双侧肾盂临界性增宽,8.6/7.2mm";停经24周B超显示"胎儿室间隔缺损,升主动脉稍狭窄,左肾盂稍宽";

  • 标签: 胎儿异常 产前诊断 唐氏筛查 室间隔缺损 q23.3-q25 临界性
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  • 作者: 雷珂 张颖 孙颖 袁少勇
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华儿科杂志》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:青岛大学附属医院儿童医学中心儿科研究所 266003 ,青岛大学附属医院儿童医学中心神经内分泌儿科 266003 ,青岛大学附属中心医院眼科 266042 ,青岛大学附属中心医院神经外科 266042
  • 简介:摘要1例8岁11月龄男性患儿,智力低下,语言落后,1岁9月龄癫痫首次发作,4岁诊断为儿童孤独症,体格检查有特殊面容,视频脑电图示广泛性棘慢波发放。染色体微阵列检测到8q22.2q22.3区域约2.34 Mb片段微缺失,8q22.2q22.3微缺失的病例非常罕见。

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The transmission and fatal risk of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS), an emerging infectious disease first discovered in China in 2009, still needed further quantification. This research aimed to analyze the SFTS clusters and assess the transmission and mortality risk for SFTS.Methods:Both epidemiological investigation and case reports regarding SFTS clusters in China during 2011-2021 were obtained from the Public Health Emergency Information Management System of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Information System. The transmission risk was evaluated by using the secondary attack rate (SAR) and relative risk (RR). Mortality risk factors were analyzed using a logistic regression model.Results:There were 35 SFTS clusters during 2011-2021 involving 118 patients with a fatality rate of 22.0%. The number of clusters annually increased seasonally from April to September. The clusters mainly occurred in Anhui (16 clusters) and Shandong provinces (8 clusters). The SAR through contact with blood or bloody fluids was much higher than that through contact with non-bloody fluids (50.6% vs 3.0%; χ2 = 210.97, P < 0.05), with an RR of 16.61 [95% confidence interval (CI): 10.23-26.97]. There was a statistically significant difference in the SAR between exposure to the blood of a deceased person during burial preparation and exposure to the living patients’ blood (66.7% vs 34.5%; χ2= 6.40, P < 0.05), with an RR of 1.93 (95% CI: 1.11-3.37). The mortality risk factors were a long interval from onset to diagnosis [odds ratio (OR)= 1.385), 95% CI: 1.083-1.772, P= 0.009) and advanced age (OR: 1.095, 95% CI: 1.031-1.163, P= 0.01).Conclusions:The SFTS clusters showed a high mortality rate and resulted in a high SAR. Contact with a bleeding corpse was associated with a higher infection risk, compared with contacting the blood from living patients. It is important to promote early detection and appropriate case management of patients with SFTS, as well as improved handling of their corpses, to prevent further transmission and mortality.

  • 标签: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome Cluster Human-to-human transmission Transmission risk Secondary attack rate Blood contact Relative risk Epidemiological characteristics Mortality China
  • 简介:“NoticeaboutEnhancingSupervisionandAdministrationofAntibioticSailsinRetailDrugStoresforImprovingProperUse”issuedbyChinesegovernmentwouldbeimplementedon1^stJuly,thenceantibioticswouldbesoldonlywhenprescriptionsprescribedbydoctorsareavailable.Thispieceofnewsiscitedfromtheeditor'sremarksofanationalnewspaperHealthDaily(健康日报)datedJune14,2004.Foralongperiod

  • 标签: 针刺疗法 炎症 发烧 实验方法 抗生素 处方
  • 简介:所谓骨盆矫正是指什么呢?通过刺激骨盆周围的肌肉来调整肌肉和关节平衡的一种手术。所谓骨盆矫正,通常会觉得是按压骨骼发出咯咯声,但是整形外科医生、脊椎推拿疗法医生日本竹谷内医院(东京都中央区)的竹谷内康修院长说『矫正骨盆的手法主要作用对象不是骨骼和关节而是肌肉』。

  • 标签: 骨盆矫正 健康 外科医生 推拿疗法 肌肉 中央区
  • 简介:Q:乙肝疫苗接种程序如何?A:乙型肝炎疫苗全程免疫共需接种3针,免疫程序为0、1、6个月,即出生后24小时内接种首针乙肝疫苗,1个月和6个月接种第2及第3针乙肝疫苗。乙肝疫苗首针及时接种和全程接种是保证乙肝疫苗保护效果的关键。首针乙肝疫苗要求在出生后24小时内接种,且越早越好。

  • 标签: 乙肝疫苗 接种程序 乙型肝炎疫苗 首针及时接种 全程免疫 免疫程序