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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractThere are only a few case reports of Q fever caused by Coxiella burnetii in China, despite the nature as a ubiquitous zoonotic disease worldwide. In the northeast part of China, a 52-year-old male presented with fever, cough, shortness of breath, and sputum production, accompanied by headache, dizziness, chill, myalgia, and arthralgia. Chest computed tomography images showed pneumonia accompanied by bilateral scattered infiltrates and localized upper-lobe emphysema. The abnormal liver function was indicated by the increased levels of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Through high-throughput sequencing and molecular detection, Coxiella burnetii was positive in the patient's blood specimens. After treatment with moxifloxacin hydrochloride and vidarabine monophosphate for 12 days, the patient completely recovered. To our knowledge, this was the first reported case of Q fever with pneumonia and hepatitis in this country.

  • 标签: Q fever Coxiella burnetii Pneumonia Hepatitis China
  • 简介:AcuterheumaticfeverisinitiatedbygroupAstreptococcalphar-yngitis.Thisisfollowedbyalatentperiodof2-6weeks,afterwhichtheclinicalsyndromeofacuterheumaticfeverevolves,characterizedbypolyarthritis,carditis,chorea,erythemamarginatumandsubcutaneousnodules.Thesefeaturesmayoccursinglyorinanycombination.

  • 标签: 急性风湿热 链球菌 发病率 流行病学 临床表现 关节炎
  • 简介:2CasesofMediterraneanspottedfeverinFrancewerereportedinthispaper.Bothhadtraveledintheendemicareasbeforeonset.Theirclinicalmanifestationsincludedfever,headache,myalgia,eruptionandblackeschar.SerologictestssuchasWeil-Felixreaction,Indirectimmunoflurescenceandcomplementfixationconfirmedthediagnosis.Thepatientsrecoveredwithoutcomplicationsandweredischargedfromhospitalaftereffectivetreatment.Simultaneously,theepidemiology,clinicaldiagnosis,treatmentandpreventionofthediseasewerereviewedandthepossibilityofthediseasebeingintroducedintothisterritorywasdiscussed.Theauthorheldthatattentionshouldbepaidtotheprophylaxisandtreatmentofthediseaseintheinternationaltravelhealthcare.

  • 简介:AbstractPeriodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is the most common periodic fever condition in children, with most cases appearing by the age of 5. Although PFAPA is generally a self-limited condition, it can have a major impact on a child’s quality of life, as well as that of their family. Recent research has continued to shed light on the genetic and immunologic factors that play a role in the pathogenesis of PFAPA. There also exists significant heterogeneity in treatment strategies, and progress has been made to develop evidence-based management strategies and establish a standard of care. This review will outline current knowledge regarding the pathogenesis of PFAPA, as well as treatment strategies and our clinical experience.

  • 标签: PFAPA Periodic fever Recurrent fever
  • 简介:Inordertoanalyzethenucleoprotein(NP)geneofCrimean-Congohemorrhagicfevervirus(CCHFV),viralRNAwasamplifiedbyRT-PCRbyusingtheproof-readingDNApolymerasetoproducethecompleteNPgene.ThePCRproductwassequenced,analyzedforphylogenesisandclonedintotheexpressionvectorpE132aandtherecombinantplasmidexpressedinE.coilBL-21withhighyield.Theprimarilypurifiedfusedprotein.wasusedtocoatELISAplatesforthedetectantibodies.ItwasfoundthesimilaritiesbetweenNPgeneofBA88166andotherXHFVsinnucleotidelevelandaminoacidcontentswereverysignificant,andtheNPgeneofBA88166encodedanucleoproteinwith482aminoacidandadeducedmolecularweight(MW)of54kDa.Westernblotassayshowedthatthefusionproteinexpressedinbacteriapossessedgoodantigenicity.TheresultswithELISAforthedetectionofthehumanandanimalseracollectedinendemicareaswerefoundtobeingoodaccordancetotheclinicaldiagnosis.ItconcludedthattherelationsofNPgenesofXHFVBA88166andotherXHFVsappearedtobeevolutionallyclose.Themethodologiesestablishedinthisstudywereaccurate,specific,rapidandreproduciblefortheclinicalexaminationsandepidemiologicalsurvey.

  • 标签: 基因表达 诊断 敷贴剂 核蛋白质基因 新疆 病毒性出血热
  • 简介:AbstractSevere fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) was first detected in China in 2009. The incidence of SFTS increases year by year, and there is no effective treatment. Considering that the reported prevalence of SFTSV infection varies from region to region, we aimed to quantitatively evaluate the epidemic characteristics of SFTSV infection in China from 2010 to 2020, including the distribution differences in infectious season, sex, age, occupation, and region. A meta-analysis framework was used to search for the related published data with keywords in electronic databases (CNKI, WanFang, CBM, and PubMed). According to the PRISMA statement, the studies that included SFTS diagnosed in China were analyzed. Furthermore, we used Revman and Stata to merge statistical effects, and used I2 and P-values for heterogeneity test and quality assessment. Eleven studies containing 4,932 cases confirmed by SFTSV infection were included in this meta-analysis. The ratio of male-to-female is 1.04 to 1. Cases were concentrated between 40 and 80 years of age (MD = 92%, 95%CI: 91%-93%). Farmers are at the highest risk of SFTSV infection (MD = 84%, 95%CI: 77%-90%). The risk of infection for consecutive period of April-August was significantly higher than the sum of the remaining months (MD = 82%, 95%CI: 78%-85%). In addition, the patient has an extensive history of exposure, including living in the mountains, exposure to ticks, livestock, mouse and the patient. We came to the conclusion that SFTSV is transmitted primarily through tick bites in China, so middle-aged and older adults living in mountains regions are at the highest risk for SFTSV infection in April through August each year.

  • 标签: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome Epidemiology China Meta-analysis
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:There are many infectious and inflammatory causes for elevated core-body temperatures, though they rarely pass 40 ℃ (104 ℉). The term "quad fever" is used for extreme hyperpyrexia in the setting of acute cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs). The traditional methods of treating hyperpyrexia are often ineffective and reported morbidity and mortality rates approach 100%. This study aims to identify the incidence of elevated temperatures in SCIs at our institution and assess the effectiveness of using a non-invasive dry water temperature management system as a treatment modality with mortality.Methods:A retrospective analysis of acute SCI patients requiring surgical intensive care unit admission who experienced fevers ≥ 40 ℃ (104 ℉) were compared to patients with maximum temperatures < 40 ℃. Patients ≥18 years old who sustained an acute traumatic SCI were included in this study. Patients who expired in the emergency department; had a SCI without radiologic abnormality; had neuropraxia; were admitted to any location other than the surgical intensive care unit; or had positive blood cultures were excluded. SAS 9.4 was used to conduct statistical analysis.Results:Over the 9-year study period, 35 patients were admitted to the surgical intensive care unit with a verified SCI. Seven patients experienced maximum temperatures of ≥ 40 ℃. Six of those patients were treated with the dry water temperature management system with an overall mortality of 57.1% in this subgroup. The mortality rate for the 28 patients who experienced a maximum temperature of ≤ 40 ℃ was 21.4% (p = 0.16).Conclusion:The diagnosis of quad fever should be considered in patients with cervical SCI in the presence of hyperthermia. In this study, there was no significant difference in mortality between quad fever patients treated with a dry water temperature management system versus SCI patients without quad fever. The early use of a dry water temperature management system appears to decrease the mortality rate of quad fever.

  • 标签: Spinal cord injuries Fever Quadriplegia Therapeutic hypothermia
  • 简介:<正>Q:请问瘦人想练得壮些,吃东西注意些什么?A:蛋白质是肌肉增长最重要的营养源,健美训练者蛋白质的摄人应以非脂或低脂食品为主,如脱脂牛奶、蛋清、鱼、去皮家禽、牛排等,瘦人可以适当的增加高热量的碳水化合物和脂肪的摄入。只有摄入的能量大于消耗的能量,人才能变壮。因此,消瘦者的膳食调配一定要合理、多样,不可偏食。平时除食用富含动物性蛋白质的肉、蛋、禽类等,碳水化合物也是重要部分,还要适当多吃一些豆制品及赤豆、百合、蔬菜、瓜果等。蛋白质,碳水化合物,脂肪三种主要营养素的比例应为:40%:40%:20%只要饮食营养全面,利于消化吸收,再加上适当的健美锻炼,就能在较短时间内变得健壮起来。

  • 标签: 健美训练 动物性蛋白质 主要营养素 饮食营养 消瘦者 脱脂牛奶
  • 简介:思源:我今年30岁了,还没有真正谈过一场恋爱。对于与异性交往,我似乎有点卡在瓶颈了。家人一直逼婚,真不知道该怎么办。

  • 标签: 美容 化妆品 皮肤护理 品牌
  • 简介:Q:什么是慢性胃炎?A:指不同病因引起的胃粘膜慢性炎症,即胃粘膜出现充血、水肿、炎性细胞浸润以及腺体萎缩。慢性胃炎不是我们平时意义上的炎症(即出现红、肿、热、痛、发烧),也不是胃的外表面有问题,而是胃的最里面一层即胃粘膜的炎症性病变。它是一个病理学概念,严格地讲应该称之为“慢性胃粘膜炎症”。

  • 标签: 慢性胃炎 保健知识 治疗方法 预防措施
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  • 简介:AbstractAfrican swine fever virus (ASFV) is the causative agent of African swine fever, a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease of pigs, which has resulted in great economic losses to the global pork industry, especially in Asia. ASFV particles are comprised of multiple layers encompassing the genomic DNA. Though the capsid structure has been determined, very little is known about the structure of the core shell. The precursor polyprotein pp62 is the structural component of the core shell that gives rise to the p35 and p15 proteins. Herein, we describe the crystal structure of p15 at a resolution of 2.2 Å. The structure of p15 exhibits as a trimeric conformation that is mainly mediated by intermolecular disulfide bonds and supported by multiple hydrogen bond interactions. The button conformation on the surface of adjacent molecules may also play a role in trimeric formation of the ASFV p15. The center of the p15 trimer exhibits opposite electrostatic characteristics on each side. These findings benefit our understanding of ASFV core shell assembly and will aid in the design of antiviral drugs and vaccines.

  • 标签: African swine fever virus (ASFV) p15 Crystal structure Trimer
  • 简介:Flaviviruses包括约70个密切相关的RNA病毒。这些包括几忍受蚊子的病原体,例如黄发烧病毒(YFV),登革热病毒(DENV),和日本脑炎病毒(JEV),它能引起重要人的疾病并且因此具有大医药重要性。对YFV和JEV的疫苗为decades;在人成功地被使用了;然而,一支DENV疫苗的发展遇到了可观的障碍。这里,我们考察疫苗对YFV得到提供一些卓见进一支保护的DENV疫苗的发展的保护的有免疫力的回答。

  • 标签: 乙脑疫苗 登革热 热病 RNA病毒 应用 日本脑炎病毒
  • 简介:<正>中国健美先生王树立四届中国健美锦标赛冠军四届中国健美锦标赛最佳表演金奖汉城亚州健美锦标赛第三名中国体育行业职业技能鉴定考评员

  • 标签: 体育行业 健美训练 王树立 考评员 Q&A 肌肉内
  • 简介:Q如何检视自已有没有肝胆结石?A肝脏因为本身没有神经末梢系统,对于早期病变缺乏疼痛知觉而表现的浑然不觉。胆囊因位于肝脏下缘,所以有些疾病在早期是感受不到症状的。

  • 标签: 肝胆结石 胆固醇 肝脏病变 胆汁淤滞 无症状 上腹部
  • 简介:<正>您好,请问我14岁,身高164厘米,体重55公斤,腰围61厘米。开始要减脂能不能早餐2个蒸鸡蛋,2片全麦面包,250毫升低脂豆奶,5颗杏仁。午餐4片全麦面包,晚餐150-200克土豆,200克西兰花和100克牛柳。还会喝绿茶,因为6月上期说过食粗粮会导致青少年发育不良。我这样吃不知道会不会造成发育不良。谢谢!

  • 标签: 全麦面包 发育不良 健美运动员 肌肉群 不知道 饮食习惯
  • 简介:Q:水对人体为什么那么重要?A:水对人体十分重要,无论是营养素的消化、吸收、运输和代谢,还是废物的排出,或是生理功能及体温的调节等等,都离不开水。如果没有水,新陈代谢活动就不能进行。水占人体体重的70%,没有水,生命将终止。

  • 标签: 饮水 代谢活动 生理功能 人体体重 营养素
  • 简介:Q我是名公司的前台,每天都要带妆上班,我比较喜欢稍显浓重的妆容。可是一到夏天,我就很容易莫名其妙的在嘴唇附近红肿胀痒,眼睛也会不知原因的红痒不舒服。我去医院检查,也没有查出过敏源。同事说我这可能跟化妆有关,我想了解下,夏天化妆真的容易引起过敏的症状吗?

  • 标签: 养生 医院检查 过敏源 夏天 化妆