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147 个结果
  • 简介:

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  • 作者: Sonam Norbu Teacher Lobesa Lower Secondary School Punakha Bhutan
  • 学科: 文化科学 > 教育学
  • 创建时间:2021-03-22
  • 出处:《Contemporary Education and Teaching Research》 2020年第2期
  • 机构:Abstract:Childhood obesity has become a growing issue in Bhutan and it poses impending challenges. There are lots of preventable diseases and negative social impacts associated with obesity. Bhutan has no structured intervention in place and the increase in sedentary behavior is escalating the global epidemic. Incorporating physical activities in the school routine can bring positive outcomes since there is strong relationship amongst obesity, sedentariness and physical activity. This paper discovers that children are motivated to be obese because schools and communities do not provide platforms for children to be active. Schools need to provide a platform for children to be active and after school hours can be the best period. Hence, the paper argues and concludes that a School-based Structured Active After School Program (SASP) can reduce obesity and regulate sedentary behavior of Bhutanese children.
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  • 简介:摘要:Problem - Based Learning教学法简称“PBL”,是基于问题的教学方法,以问导思,激发学生积极性和探究性。本文分析Problem - Based Learning教学法在高中英语听说训练中的实际运用,希望可以提出有效见解。

  • 标签: Problem - Based Learning教学法 高中英语听说训练 实际运用
  • 简介: 摘要:园艺业作为创汇农业的重要组成部分,对综合型人才的需求与日俱增。特别是在乡村振兴战略背景下,园艺产业的发展对于园艺专业的综合型,创新能力强的专业人才的需求更为突出。因此,如何能充分用好本科教学阶段的四年,对于园艺专业学生而言重中之重。作为专业教师,如何充分利用课堂,结合产业发展和需求,调整课程内容和教学模式是改善目前园艺专业教学过程中的重中之重。本文以西部高校典型代表青海大学园艺专业系列课程中综合性强,挑战度高的《园艺植物综合实验》课程为本底,探讨了基于项目驱动的教学方式的引入的必要性和重要性,并提出了针对西部涉农高校综合性课程的一种教学改革模式。

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