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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要目的认知我国COVID-19疫情发展规律,分全国、湖北省、中国其他地区(以下简称"湖北域外地区")三类疫情发展趋势进行预测。方法使用传染病动力学中的分块房室模型对现有数据进行拟合并估计参数,用定参后的模型对未来疫情发展进行模拟。结果湖北省与湖北域外地区模型拟合参数及在不同人群中的转移模式具有一定地理差异性,湖北域外地区显示出更好的态势。预测湖北省和湖北域外地区现有确诊病例降至0人的时间分别为2020年5月和2020年4月。结论预测疫情可于2020年5月下旬结束,充足的医疗资源投入和对疑似人群进行更加全面和准确的排查,对控制疫情具有重要作用。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 疫情预测 疫情分析
  • 简介:摘要目的探究肛拭子阳性患者临床特征及其价值。方法选取104例COVID-19确诊患者,在入院时采集咽拭子、痰液、血液和肛拭子检测2019-nCoV核酸;依据不同标本核酸阴阳性分组比较临床特征和血液学指标;选取15例肛拭子核酸阳性患者追踪分析其不同标本核酸转阴时间。结果与肛拭子阴性患者相比,阳性患者具有较低的淋巴细胞(LYM)和较高的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)及超敏C反应蛋白(HsCRP),且重症比例更高。咽拭子阳性患者HsCRP、IL-6和重症比例亦显著高于阴性患者。痰液阴阳性患者间血液学指标和重症比例差异无统计学意义。血液阳性比例仅为1.92%,但均为重症患者;痰液阳性率最高为46.15%。咽拭子和肛拭子均阳性患者LYM显著下降,而HsCRP、IL-6和危重比例均显著增高。追踪结果显示肛拭子和痰液转阴时间较长,警惕痰液复阳现象。结论肛拭子阳性患者具有更低的LYM和更高的炎症水平及重症比例,提示其可能成为预测重症发生的因素。且转阴时间长于咽拭子,联合咽拭子和肛拭子检测有助于预测重症发生。

  • 标签: 2019-nCoV COVID-19 肛拭子 咽拭子 痰液 核酸检测
  • 简介:摘要:目的:为了提高样本采集质量,提高工作效率,提升 COVID-19康观人员的满意度,减少防护用品的消耗,降低院内感染发生风险,我院组建样本采集队承担隔离区全部样本的采集任务。方法:组建由 13名护士、 2名指导专家组成的样本采集队,全员经传染病及医院感染管理相关知识及 COVID-19诊疗指南,咽拭子,肛拭子采集操作规范等培训合格,制定规范的操作流程后于 3月 2日开展临床工作。 结果: 2020 年 02 月 26 日至 3 月 31 日,共采集鼻咽拭子、肛拭子、血液样本 1369份(其中鼻咽拭子 609份、肛拭子 599份、血液标本 161份),对比组建采样队前后两组( 3月 1日前、 3月 2日后)采样样本阳性率分别为咽拭子 2.44%、 7.39%,肛拭子 0、 2.3%,总样本阳性率 1.3%、 4.86%,提示采样队采样阳性率远远高于病区护士组;两组采样发生缺陷、错误比较分别为 2.60%、 0.7%,提示病区护士组远远高于采样组, 2组均未发生采样遗漏、样本泄漏、样本质量不合格及样本丢失等不良事件;我们也对两组防护用品的消耗量进行了对比, P 0.0005,具有极显著统计学意义;采样队成员零感染;观察人员入住期间整体满意度 97%。结论:组建采样队的工作模式在 COVID-19出院后集中隔离观察区的运用卓有成效,有临床推广价值。

  • 标签: COVID-19 康复隔离医学观察 样本采集 临床实践
  • 简介:摘要新型冠状病毒造成的2019冠状病毒性疾病(COVID-19)是目前中国乃至全球的临床关注焦点。世界卫生组织及国家卫健委均发布了关于COVID-19诊疗的临时指南和诊疗方案,这些综合性指导文件为一线临床工作制定了基本规范。然而心血管外科疾病有其特殊病理生理特点,尤其是心血管急危重症常须急诊手术治疗,亟需制定相应管理策略。自2020年1月16日至2月12日,武汉协和医院心血管外科共完成各类心血管急危重症急诊手术15例,其中明确排除COVID-19感染9例,疑似感染6例,无确诊感染病例。围手术期成功率100%,无相关医护人员感染及患者交叉感染,取得满意治疗效果。本文基于该中心临床实践经验,总结相关经验及管理策略,与世卫组织临时指南和国家卫健委方案进行对比,希望能与之互为补充,为COVID-19疫情下心血管外科医师临床工作提供参考。

  • 标签: COVID-19 心血管外科 急诊手术 管理策略
  • 简介:【摘 要】 2019年起始于我国的新型冠状病毒感染( COVID-19)已经成为全球关注的重大公共卫生事件。新型冠状病毒传播途径多样,人群普遍易感,使疫情防控难度增大。因此,切断传染源,阻断传播途径,才能最大限度控制疫情的播散。医院是病人聚集的流动性场所,是疫情防控的重要环节;而护理人员在临床工作中密切接触各类病人,是感染的高危人群,也是疫情防控的中坚力量。本文通过分析与护理工作相关的 COVID-19传播风险,进而提出相应的防控措施,为 2019-nCoV的医院防控提供参考。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 眼科护理 防控措施
  • 简介:【摘要】 目的 探讨152例疑似和确诊新型冠状病毒肺炎COVID-19住院患者的心理干预。方法:在隔离治疗期间通过访谈了解患者心理反应,予以相应的心理支持与人文关怀、提供依赖型护理、紧密护理及舒适、安全的住院环境。结果:患者提高了对隔离及治疗的认知水平,住院期间心理压力降低,积极配合隔离治疗。结论:本研究显示通过及时对患者实施心理支持,使患者感受到医护人员对他们的关心、照顾,真正满足了患者的生理和心理需求,降低了患者对突发传染病的恐惧、紧张,坚定了康复信心。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 患者 隔离期间 心理支持
  • 简介:摘要目的多层螺旋CT观察新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者肾上腺的大小、密度及其动态变化。方法回顾性分析67例COVID-19患者(简称新冠组)和70例正常对照组的肾上腺CT平扫图像。新冠组根据临床分型分为普通型、重型两组。测量对照组(单时相)和新冠组(多时相)的肾上腺厚度和CT值,并计算肾上腺/竖脊肌CT密度比值。结果双侧肾上腺的体部、内外侧支厚度在新冠组入院、出院时与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),新冠组大于对照组;肾上腺/竖脊肌CT值比差异均无统计学意义。右侧肾上腺内侧支最大厚度作为诊断标准所得的ROC曲线下面积最大(0.881)。新冠组患者双侧肾上腺体部、内外侧支厚度和肾上腺/竖脊肌CT值比在不同时期组间比较差异均无统计学意义。结论COVID-19患者双侧肾上腺轻微肿胀,体部、内外侧支厚度略大于正常肾上腺,密度无异常,在病程中无明显动态变化。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 计算机断层扫描 肾上腺
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  • 简介:AbstractFollowing the emergence of COVID-19 outbreak, numbers of studies have been conducted to curtail the global spread of the virus by identifying epidemiological changes of the disease through developing statistical models, estimation of the basic reproduction number, displaying the daily reports of confirmed and deaths cases, which are closely related to the present study. Reliable and comprehensive estimation method of the epidemiological data is required to understand the actual situation of fatalities caused by the epidemic. Case fatality rate (CFR) is one of the cardinal epidemiological parameters that adequately explains epidemiology of the outbreak of a disease. In the present study, we employed two statistical regression models such as the linear and polynomial models in order to estimate the CFR, based on the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria (44 days since first reported COVID-19 death). The estimate of the CFR was determined based on cumulative number of confirmed cases and deaths reported from 23 March to 30 April, 2020. The results from the linear model estimated that the CFR was 3.11% (95% CI: 2.59% - 3.80%) with R2 value of 90% and p-value of < 0.0001. The findings from the polynomial model suggest that the CFR associated with the Nigerian outbreak is 3.0% and may range from 2.23% to 3.42% with R2 value of 93% and p-value of <0.0001. Therefore, the polynomial regression model with the higher R2 value fits the dataset well and provides better estimate of CFR for the reported COVID-19 cases in Nigeria.

  • 标签: Coronavirus COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Case fatality rate (CFR) Epidemiology Regression analysis
  • 简介:摘要目的回顾性分析新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者合并细菌及真菌感染的临床特点和耐药情况。方法收集同济医院2020年2月10日至3月31日血液、尿液、痰液和纤支镜冲洗液培养阳性的COVID-19患者的临床资料,采用WHONET5.6分析统计药敏数据。结果共收集病原菌培养阳性COVID-19患者95例,非危重型患者23例,危重型72例,临床症状主要为发热、咳嗽咳痰、乏力、呼吸困难等,危重型男性患者占63.89%,女性患者占36.11%,危重型患者以男性居多,患者合并多种细菌和真菌感染以危重型为主,占23.61%,非危重型和危重型患者的死亡率分别为13.04%和61.11%,危重型患者的死亡率明显高于非危重型患者。病原菌共179株,大肠埃希菌在非危重型患者中检出率较危重型高,占37.50%,鲍曼不动杆菌和肺炎克雷伯菌在危重型患者中检出率较非危重型都高,各占29.87%,革兰阳性菌及真菌在非危重型和重型患者中的差异无统计学意义,但危重型患者血液真菌培养中提示近平滑念珠菌占比较高,为36.40%,临床不容忽视。药敏分析结果显示未发现大肠埃希菌对碳青霉烯类药物的耐药株,肺炎克雷伯菌对碳青霉烯类药物的耐药率为60.87%,鲍曼不动杆菌对3种抗菌药物的耐药率均为100%,耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌占71.43%,未发现万古霉素耐药的革兰阳性球菌。结论COVID-19患者危重型以男性患者居多,其容易合并多种细菌和真菌感染,且死亡率比非危重型患者高。危重型患者常合并感染细菌为鲍曼不动杆菌和肺炎克雷伯菌等医院获得性菌株,其耐药性较高。

  • 标签: COVID-19 细菌和真菌感染 药物耐药性
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  • 简介:AbstractTo monitor the presence of enteric pathogens in imported seafood, a total of 140 seafood samples imported from eight overseas countries were collected from Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Wuhan seafood markets from June to November 2019. Additionally, 116 viral, environmental swab samples were also collected from the Wuhan and Guangzhou seafood markets. Five typical enteric bacterial pathogens (Aeromonas spp., Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Vibrio spp., and Listeria monocytogenes) and four viruses (Rotavirus, Norovirus, Astrovirus, and Sapovirus) were detected positive. Results showed that eight Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates appeared in seafood imported to Dalian, Wuhan, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. In contrast, Vibrio fluvialis and Aeromonas were isolated in another two samples. Norovirus was detected in one oyster sample imported from France and environmental surface in Guangzhou. The remaining pathogens were negative in all the samples being tested. With 120 V. parahaemolyticus isolates from the above countries, the genomic analysis revealed that sequence type ST1152 isolates imported from Canada were clustered with two V. parahaemolyticus isolates from Canada. This study presented the first microbiological analysis of the Wuhan seafood market before the outbreak of COVID-19, which demonstrated that supervision should be strengthened to prevent enteric pathogens via imported seafood.

  • 标签: Vibrio parahaemolyticus Norovirus Wuhan seafood market Imported seafood
  • 简介:AbstractVaccination is crucial in controlling the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that triggered the pandemic, but herd immunity can only work with high vaccination coverage in the population. This study aims to measure the COVID-19 knowledge level and determine the factors influencing COVID-19 vaccination intention among university students in Malaysia. A cross-sectional online survey was carried out with 1,274 Malaysian university students in July 2021. Univariate and multivariate analyses were employed to examine the relationships between the study variables. Results showed that the majority of university students had an acceptable level of knowledge of COVID-19. The knowledge, risk perception of COVID-19, social norms, and perceived benefit of COVID-19 vaccination were positively associated with vaccination intention. However, perceived trust in information sources of COVID-19 vaccination and the government's response to COVID-19 did not affect the university students’ desire to receive the vaccination. These findings are essential for health policymakers and healthcare providers to implement evidence-based interventions to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake among university students.

  • 标签: Behavioral intention COVID-19 Influencing factor SARS-CoV-2 University student Vaccination
  • 简介:AbstractSince the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, major innovative-oriented countries have adopted various science and technology innovation (STI) policies to address global public health challenges. Using data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development STI Database, this study analyzed international STI policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings revealed that the pandemic has dramatically stimulated the application of STI policies, and there are commonalities and differences in the STI policies of different countries. Meanwhile, COVID-19 has disrupted planning for allocating resources for STIs, leading to duplication and inefficiency. Based on the findings, this study recommends increasing research investment to address the long-term challenges of major infectious diseases, strengthening support for enterprises, promoting data sharing and openness, enhancing the internationalization of scientific research, strengthening scientific consultation and communication, and devoting more policy attention to vulnerable groups.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Organizational innovation Policy making Health policy
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Data on the immunogenicity and safety of heterologous immunization schedules are inconsistent. This study aimed to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of homologous and heterologous immunization schedules.Methods:Multiple databases with relevant studies were searched with an end date of October 31, 2021, and a website including a series of Coronavirus disease 2019 studies was examined for studies before March 31, 2022. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared different heterologous and homologous regimens among adults that reported immunogenicity and safety outcomes were reviewed. Primary outcomes included neutralizing antibodies against the original strain and serious adverse events (SAEs). A network meta-analysis (NMA) was conducted using a random-effects model.Results:In all, 11 RCTs were included in the systematic review, and nine were ultimately included in the NMA. Among participants who received two doses of CoronaVac, another dose of mRNA or a non-replicating viral vector vaccine resulted in a significantly higher level of neutralizing antibody than a third CoronaVac 600 sino unit (SU); a dose of BNT162b2 induced the highest geometric mean ratio (GMR) of 15.24, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 9.53-24.39. Following one dose of BNT162b2 vaccination, a dose of mRNA-1273 generated a significantly higher level of neutralizing antibody than BNT162b2 alone (GMR = 1.32; 95% CI: 1.06-1.64), NVX-CoV2373 (GMR = 1.60; 95% CI: 1.16-2.21), or ChAdOx1 (GMR = 1.80; 95% CI: 1.25-2.59). Following one dose of ChAdOx1, a dose of mRNA-1273 was also more effective for improving antibody levels than ChAdOx1 (GMR = 11.09; 95% CI: 8.36-14.71) or NVX-CoV2373 (GMR= 2.87; 95% CI: 1.08-3.91). No significant difference in the risk for SAEs was found in any comparisons.Conclusions:Relative to vaccination with two doses of CoronaVac, a dose of BNT162b2 as a booster substantially enhances immunogenicity reactions and has a relatively acceptable risk for SAEs relative to other vaccines. For primary vaccination, schedules including mRNA vaccines induce a greater immune response. However, the comparatively higher risk for local and systemic adverse events introduced by mRNA vaccines should be noted.Registration:PROSPERO; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/; No. CRD42021278149.

  • 标签: COVID-19 2019-nCoV vaccine mRNA-1273 BNT162 vaccine Vaccination Immunization schedule Antibodies Neutralizing Heterologous Immunogenicity Network meta-analysis
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Grayscale image attributes of computed tomography (CT) of pulmonary scans contain valuable information relating to patients with respiratory ailments. These attributes are used to evaluate the severity of lung conditions of patients confirmed to be with and without COVID-19.Method:Five hundred thirteen CT images relating to 57 patients (49 with COVID-19; 8 free of COVID-19) were collected at Namazi Medical Centre (Shiraz, Iran) in 2020 and 2021. Five visual scores (VS: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) are clinically assigned to these images with the score increasing with the severity of COVID-19-related lung conditions. Eleven deep learning and machine learning techniques (DL/ML) are used to distinguish the VS class based on 12 grayscale image attributes.Results:The convolutional neural network achieves 96.49% VS accuracy (18 errors from 513 images) successfully distinguishing VS Classes 0 and 1, outperforming clinicians’ visual inspections. An algorithmic score (AS), involving just five grayscale image attributes, is developed independently of clinicians’ assessments (99.81% AS accuracy; 1 error from 513 images).Conclusion:Grayscale CT image attributes can be successfully used to distinguish the severity of COVID-19 lung damage. The AS technique developed provides a suitable basis for an automated system using ML/DL methods and 12 image attributes.

  • 标签: computed tomography analysis confusion-matrix analysis COVID-19 lung feature recognition grayscale image attributes visual versus algorithmic classification