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  • 简介:Washington apparentlycalculated that enlisting Beijing in the North Korean nuclear debate would causeBeijing to move Pyongyang in the direction the U.S.wanted.Instead,the North Koreans demanded that the U.S.use itsinfluence with Japan to deliver on Japanese economic aid and diplomatic ties.Butthe North Korean representative did not respond to U.S.insistence that North Koreadismantle its nuclear weapons program "completely,with China and Russia supporting the DPRK and the U.S.backed by Japan andSouth Korea.In those talks

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  • 简介:U.S.Says Pakistan Gave Technology to North Korea,at www.washtimes.com/national/20020920-30728294.htm.In June 2001,at www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54126-2003Aug27.html.

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  • 简介:asserting that the U.S.has a"deep interest in the security of Taiwan."She foresaw a Bush Administration thatwould press China to renounce the use of force in resolving the conflicted relationshipbetween Taipei and Beijing.,In a January 2000article in Foreign Affairs,but itmust be conducted with a clear understanding that China sees the U.S.commitmentto Asian democracy both as a threat to the legitimacy of the Beijing regime andas a hegemonic threat.

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  • 简介:"China Daily,"U.S.Policy on China and North Korea,China Times (Taipei)

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  • 简介:China appeared to be supportive of U.S.efforts to get Iraq toaccede to reconstituted United Nations inspections for weapons of mass destruction.In late August 2002,a U.S.-China "expert group"met in Washington on September 25,a region that it saw as being within its own sphere of influence.Heralding a splitin the Chinese leadership on the nature of China's anti-terrorism cooperation withthe U.S.

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  • 简介:Purpose:Toexaminetheassociationsamongpreschoolersfundamentalmotorskills,screen-time,physicalactivity(PA),andsedentarybehavior(SB).Methods:Childrenages3-4yearswereenrolledinaprospectiveobservationaltrialofPA.TrainedassessorsconductedtheTestofGrossMotorDevelopment-3rdedition(TGMD-3),andtheMovementAssessmentBatteryforChildren-2ndedition,andparent-reportedchildscreen-timeandsociodemographicinformation.Childrenworeanaccelerometerfor7daystoexamineSBandtotalPA(TPA).TPAwasfurthercharacterizedasmoderateto-vigorousPA(MVPA)orvigorousPA(VPA).Mixedlinearmodelswerecalculated,controllingforage(forTGMD-3),sex,householdincome,andaccelerometerweartime(foraccelerometrymodels),withchildcarecenterasarandomeffect.Theprimaryanalysisreportedonthecross-sectionalbaselinedataof126childrenwithcompletefundamentalmotorskillandscreen-timedata;asubanalysisincluded88childrenwithcompleteaccelerometrydata.Results:Childrenwere3.4±0.5yearsofage(54%girls;46%white,42%AfricanAmerican,12%other).Atotalof48%livedinhouseholdsatorbelowthefederalpovertylevel.Childrenengagedin5.1±3.6h/dayofscreen-time.Children’sscreen-timewasinverselyrelatedtotheMovementAssessmentBatteryforChildren-2ndedition,manualdexterityskillspercentile(β(SE)=-1.7(0.8),p=0.049).Intheaccelerometrysubsample,childrenengagedin5.9±0.9h/dayofTPAofwhich1.7±0.6h/daywasMVPA.BoysengagedinmoreMVPAandVPAandlessSBcomparedwithgirls(allp<0.05).AhigherTGMD-3,totalscore(b(SE)=0.4(0.2),p=0.017)andlocomotorscore(β(SE)=0.7(0.3),p=0.018)wereassociatedwithmoreVPAbutnotwithTPAorMVPA.Screen-timeandtelevisioninthebedroomwerenotrelatedtoSB,TPA,MVPA,orVPA.Conclusion:Children’smotorskillswerepositivelyrelatedtoVPAbutinverselyrelatedtoscreen-time.Furtherinquiryintotheimplicationsofhighexposuretoscreen-timeinyoungchildr

  • 标签: FUNDAMENTAL motor SKILLS Physical activity PRESCHOOL
  • 简介:  69.See "China Enacts First National Regulation on Uninhabited Islands,  96.The China White Paper (Stanford,  72.The term "effectively responded"is a Chinese euphemismindicating thatthe Chinese did

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  • 简介:  There may not be a way to bridge the gap between China's demands that Americanmilitary and non-commercial government vessels first gain Chinese authorizationto conduct maritime surveillance in waters within 200nm of Chinese landfall underArticles 246and 248of the UNCLOS and the U.S.demands for "freedom of access"on the high seas.75But given the Chinese government's extensive territorial claimsin the South China sea,Chinese forces have harassed these U.S.craft.In late1994,Beijing's Zhongguo Qingnian Bao(China Youth News)reportedthat China's Maritime Patrol Service had "effectively responded"72against incursionsinto Chinese "territorial seas"by American and Japanese ships and aircraft andspecifically charged the USNS Bowditch and USNS Sumner with engaging in unauthorizedmilitary mapping activities.

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  • 简介:  The Department of Defense assesses that China's military has improved in a numberof important areas that will pose a major threat to Taiwan.This includes a reviseddoctrine of preemption and surprise,  China has also improved its military training and joint operations.China'smilitary expansion and treatment of the U.S.as an adversary in its military exercisessuggest that the country still poses a challenge to America's interests in the Pacificand is a significant threat to the security of Taiwan,a democracy that the U.S.has carefully nurtured over 50years.America would be loath to allow a communistdictatorship to take Taiwan by force.89

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  • 简介:resultingin further U.S.sanctions against Chinese firms on July 9for "knowingly and materially"contributing to the proliferation of destabilizing numbers and types of cruise missilesin Iran.Nor was Chinese proliferation to Iran limited to missiles.On both January16and July 9,  The CIA's January 2002report also documented that Chinese firms had "providedsignificant assistance"to Pakistan's ballistic missile programs,  China also has a long history of aiding North Korea's missile program.Intelligencehas recently revealed that China sold specialty steel and missile-related accelerometers

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  • 简介: 【摘要】译林版小学《英语》中,教材各个单元的均增设了Ticking time自我评价板块,通过多元评价,引导学生了解自己对所学主要内容的掌握情况,反思和调控自己的学习过程,体验进步与成功,认识自我,明确方向。

  • 标签: 小学英语 译林版 Ticking time 评价 优点 方法
  • 简介:【摘 要】“Story Time”版块是人教版小学英语课本中的内容之一,它贯穿于教学单元中,它根据每个单元的教学内容而制作的卡通故事,内容新颖,情节生动,诙谐幽默,而学生们对故事教学又兴趣浓厚,因此,教学内容与生动的故事相结合,课本的内容变得生动而又富有情节,极大的吸引了学生的兴趣,并让学生在此过程中丰富了所学内容,加深了对外国文化的认识,开阔了英语学习的视野,整体语言的掌控能力提升。

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  • 简介:摘要  对PEP小学英语教材而言,Story time在其中作为拓展板块,承担了语篇教学的目的,对学生来说,不仅可以让学生的语言应用能力得到培养,而且也能提升学生的英语思维能力。Story time它的内容是关于各个单元主题紧密结合的卡通故事,内容形象生动,富有哲理性,幽默感,与学生的实际生活相符合、可以让学生的学习兴趣得到激发以及对学生的文化意识得到培养。

  • 标签:   小学英语  故事教学  步骤