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6 个结果
  • 简介:most of Jane Austen’s novels reflect the process of the change of the attitude towards the marriage. As we all know,for it is just thanks to the deep love that makes these two people from different class status successfully marry. This reflects that Jane Austen’s creating thoughts begins to change from the rationalism to the romanticism. Her last novel Persuasion also displays such a change. Therefore,Jane Austen shows us her early attitude towards the marriage that to marry according to sense will end in failure while with ration will succeed. Such a theme reflects that at first Jane Austen inherits the traditional enlightening thoughts. However

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  • 简介:Jane Austen,Jane Austen,she satirizes the society in comedy. So it might be an error to say that Jane Austen is incapable of sentiment

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  • 简介:Ifeelthatthisawardwasnotmadetomeasaman,buttomywork—alifesworkintheagonyandsweatofthehumanspirit,notforgloryandleastofallforprofit,buttocreateoutofthematerialsofthehumanspiritsomethingwhichdidnotexistbefore,sothisawardisonlymineintrust.Itwillnotbedifficulttofredadedi-cationforthemoneypartofitcommensuratewiththepurposeandsignificanceofitsorigin.ButIwouldliketodothesamewiththeac-claimtoo,byusingthismomentasa...

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  • 简介:隐居的奥地利小说家、剧作家ElfriedeJelinek以她对性暴力和性虐待的揭露而闻名于德语世界中,这也为她赢得了瑞典学院颁发的2004年度诺贝尔文学奖。很多人猜测获得今年奖项的将是一名女性,但Jelinek女士并不在大家谈论的可能得主中。

  • 标签: 时文阅读 大学英语 双语阅读 名人轶事 对照读物