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63 个结果
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:在日常生活中你遇到过不顺心的事情吗?你是怎样解决的呢?现在一起来看看John和Jenny的对话,他们遇到什么烦心事了呢?你能给他们提什么建议?’

  • 标签: SHOULD COULD 日常生活 对话
  • 简介:一.can1.情态动词can表示主语本身经常的,一般的能力,指由体力、知识、技能等所产生的能力。例如:Youcancertainlycook,evenifyoucan’tdoanythingelse.你当然会做饭,即使你别的事一样也不会。这里也可以用beableto,如:“Youarecertainlyabletocook,….”但不如can用得经常.又如:Canyouride(on)abicycle?你会骑自行车吗?Marycanspeakfivelanguages.玛丽能说五国语言。

  • 标签: 情态动词 speak ANYTHING 间接引语 BE able
  • 简介:Dickinson’s ,the ,to 

  • 标签:
  • 简介:was one of the foremost authors in American literature. Emily Dickinson ’s poems,Death and eternity are the major themes in most of Emily Dickinson’s poems.,death and eternity. Death is a must-be-crossed bridge. She did not fear it

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  • 简介:IfIcouldteachyou,teacher,I’dteachyouhowmuchmoreyouhaveaccomplishedthanyouthinkyouhave.I’dshowyoutheseedsyouplantedyearsagothatarenowcomingintobloom.

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  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,allowing the reader momentarily to glimpse a universe in which the seemingly distinct and discontinuous stages of existence are holistically implicated and purposed. NOTES [1.] Others who have written on Emily Dickinson's responses to death include Ruth Miller (The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Middletown

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  • 简介:and ,the ,eternity. 

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  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,an interpretation which allows the reader to evaluate "Death as either kind or malevolent" (130) and "Eternity" (131) as a "pleasant" place or realm of "nothingness" (132). [4. In The Rhetoric of American Romance (Baltimore摘要,a house seems as "A Swelling of the Ground" (18). Figuratively the poem may symbolize the three stages of life摘要

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Dickinson’s ,’s ,poets 

  • 标签:
  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,allowing the reader momentarily to glimpse a universe in which the seemingly distinct and discontinuous stages of existence are holistically implicated and purposed. NOTES [1.] Others who have written on Emily Dickinson's responses to death include Ruth Miller (The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Middletown

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