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22 个结果
  • 简介:一.can1.情态动词can表示主语本身经常的,一般的能力,指由体力、知识、技能等所产生的能力。例如:Youcancertainlycook,evenifyoucan’tdoanythingelse.你当然会做饭,即使你别的事一样也不会。这里也可以用beableto,如:“Youarecertainlyabletocook,….”但不如can用得经常.又如:Canyouride(on)abicycle?你会骑自行车吗?Marycanspeakfivelanguages.玛丽能说五国语言。

  • 标签: 情态动词 speak ANYTHING 间接引语 BE able
  • 简介:Dickinson’s ,the ,to 

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  • 简介:was one of the foremost authors in American literature. Emily Dickinson ’s poems,Death and eternity are the major themes in most of Emily Dickinson’s poems.,death and eternity. Death is a must-be-crossed bridge. She did not fear it

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  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,allowing the reader momentarily to glimpse a universe in which the seemingly distinct and discontinuous stages of existence are holistically implicated and purposed. NOTES [1.] Others who have written on Emily Dickinson's responses to death include Ruth Miller (The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Middletown

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  • 简介:and ,the ,eternity. 

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  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,an interpretation which allows the reader to evaluate "Death as either kind or malevolent" (130) and "Eternity" (131) as a "pleasant" place or realm of "nothingness" (132). [4. In The Rhetoric of American Romance (Baltimore摘要,a house seems as "A Swelling of the Ground" (18). Figuratively the poem may symbolize the three stages of life摘要

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Dickinson’s ,’s ,poets 

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  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,allowing the reader momentarily to glimpse a universe in which the seemingly distinct and discontinuous stages of existence are holistically implicated and purposed. NOTES [1.] Others who have written on Emily Dickinson's responses to death include Ruth Miller (The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Middletown

  • 标签:
  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,the known and the unknown.[1] By viewing this relationship holistically and hierarchically ordering the stages of life to include death and eternity,Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination

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  • 简介:"The sensuous world is nothing but a chain of appearances connected according to universal laws,an interpretation which allows the reader to evaluate "Death as either kind or malevolent" (130) and "Eternity" (131) as a "pleasant" place or realm of "nothingness" (132). [4.] In The Rhetoric of American Romance (Baltimore,who represents the notion of the boundary of human experience as a belt of mediation

  • 标签:
  • 简介:' by Emily Dickinson. The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination,an interpretation which allows the reader to evaluate "Death as either kind or malevolent" (130) and "Eternity" (131) as a "pleasant" place or realm of "nothingness" (132). [4. In The Rhetoric of American Romance (Baltimore摘要,a house seems as "A Swelling of the Ground" (18). Figuratively the poem may symbolize the three stages of life摘要

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  • 简介:在美国情景喜剧Friends(常译为《老友记》或《六人行》)里有这样一个故事场景(第二季第17集):Joey和Chandler是多年的同屋好友,两人可谓是臭味相投,相处很融洽。后来Joey搬走了,Chandler感到很失落。于是他很快又找来一个新的roommate,Eddie。不过,很遗憾,两人却很不合拍。因此,Chandler常常很想念Joey。同样,一个人住的Joey也并不开心。

  • 标签: 《老友记》 用法 遗憾 失落 虚拟 场景
  • 简介:本文从几个方面探讨了情态动词can和could的用法,它们既可以表示能力,包括体力和脑力方面的能力,又可表示可能性(理论上的可能性和事实上的可能性)还可以表示允许等意思。它们又可以和某些感官动词搭配,表示一种感觉。在一些否定句、疑问句及感叹句中,它们可以表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度。另外,还可以表示不同的语气。(could比can语气委婉)。总之,看起来简单,其实很容易混淆。

  • 标签: 情态动词 can COULD 用法 被动语态 英语
  • 简介:Acidsulfatesoils(ASS)containconsiderableamountsofreducedsulfurcompounds(mainlypyrite)whichproducesulfuricacidupontheiroxidation.ASS-derivedenvironmentaldegradationwidelyoccursinthecoastallowlandsaroundtheworld,especiallyinthetropicalandsubtropicalareas.ThepresenceofASSiuntheSouthChinahasbeenrecognizedbuttheirdistributionmaybelargelyunderestimatedbecausethesoilsurveydataconcerningASSarebasedonunreliablemethodsandtechniques.ASSintheSouthChinahavebeentraditionallyusedforricecultivationandthispracticehasbeenprovedsustainableifappropriateimprovementmeasuresareadopted.Recently,therapideconomicgrowthintheregionhasresultedinintensifiedcoastaldevelopmentwhichfrequentlyinvolvesactivitiesthatmaydisturbASS,Constructionofroads,foundationsandaquaculturepondsmaycausetheexposureofASStoairandbringaboutsevereenvironmentalacidificvation.Thereiscurrentlyinsufficientawarenessoftheproblemsamongtheresearchers,policy-makersandlandmanagersintheSouthChina.MoreattentionmustbepaidtothepossibleASS-dervivedenvironmentaldegradationinordertoensureasustainabledevelopmentofthecoastallowlandsintheSouthChinaregion.

  • 标签: 中国 南海沿岸 河口生态系统 酸性土 硫酸盐土 环境威胁
  • 简介:Acanthamoebaarefree-livingprotozoaorganismsthatliveabroadinnature.PathogenicAcanthamoebacancauseafatalgranulomatousamoebicencephalitisandkeratitis.SomespeciesofAcanthamoebacaninducesometumorcellsapoptosisinvitro.Prom1996wehaveprovedthatAcanthamoebaLstrain(A.lugdunensis-A.quina),firstlygotbyusfromkeratitispatientsinChina,couldinducetumorcells'apoptosis,includingPC12,B16cellsetal.InthisresearchweprovedthatboththebodyandthelysisofAcanthamoebacouldinducemousemelanomaB16cellsapoptosis.Buttheapoptosismechanismwaspoorlyunderstood.

  • 标签: 噬菌体展示技术 棘骨虫 微配体 膜蛋白 筛选 肿瘤细胞凋亡